Monday, March 4, 2019

THIS WEEK At OCPAC: Stephen Black

OCPAC Weekly Insights

1. At OCPAC: Stephen Black

Stephen Black is an Oklahoma treasure. His leadership as founder of First Stone has transformed the lives of hundreds who would otherwise suffer under the Demonic bondage of the LGBTQ lifestyle.

His recent conference, God's Voice was a needed and successful response to theRevoice conference held last year in St. Louis.
Join us from NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
Bring Your Own Lunch: See Below!
$2 donation to church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
2. Inseparability of the Pulpit and Politics by Bob Linn
3. Bring Your Lunch
4. Dr. Everett Piper: Not A Daycare available here .
Stephen Black
God's Voice Conference
2.  Inseparability of Pulpit and Politics by Bob Linn
Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin titled this month’s Christian Culture, Make Christianity Great Again . A more appropriate sentiment could not be expressed in lieu of the rapid decline of the American church. Our capacity to see political sanity restored is dependent wholly on the integrity of our pulpits and our pews.

The concepts of conservatism and free enterprise have no power to restore and sustain themselves. Only a foundation based in a culture whose devotion and faith is in God and His Word will restore our political sanity.

The Puritans understood this. So did noted Dutch historian and politician, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer.  He understood that therejection of the Gospel of Christ leads to ungodliness in the political movements of the day. He writes of the seeds of unbelief which gave rise to the French Revolution and similar revolutions in other nations since. We find this in the Our Revolution movement Bernie Sanders is leading.
Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer
Van Prinsterer affirms that the solution begins not in the political arena, but in the ecclesiastical. When speaking of godless political movements, he states, “This pernicious school overturns the foundations of truth. The tree on which this deadly fruit grows is no tree of life. We must not nurse this poisonous plant, but root it out. In the field of politics, men reap what they have sown. 

Just as a change in the soil will not change the character of the seed, so this pernicious unbelief will bring travesty on any continent it is found. The denial of God is related to disorder, injustice, and slavery. The union of freedom with law and order are found only in submission to the highest Lawgiver and King.” 

~Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer 
Unbelief and Revolution   xxxiii
Van Prinsterer’s warning of allowing the seeds of unbelief to grow has become germane to Oklahoma Politics.

Socialist Bernie Sanders is involved in local Oklahoma politics!
His Our Revolution Oklahoma just successfully seated one of its candidates onto The Oklahoma City Counsel (ward 6).
Dr. Harry Van Dyke warns us, "We are living in a condition of permanent revolution... revolutions are here to stay and will grow much worse in scope and intensity unless men can be persuaded to return to Christianity, to practice its precepts and to obey the Gospel in its full implications for human life and civilized society.
Dr. Harry Van Dyke
Professor Emeritus History Redeemer University College
Dr. Van Dyke’s comments are actually a reflection of his study and translation of the works of van Prinsterer. At the close of van Prinsterer’s book, Unbelief and Revolution, he states:

 Only through faith in the Son of the living God can the Revolution [of the unbelieving French Revolution type as well as the Bernie Sanders type! ] be vanquished. We are called, through aptitude, study, and social position, to fulfill our obligation in the world of scholarship and politics and to do it with all our might. Faith overcomes the world. We must bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”
~Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer 
Unbelief and Revolution   P 221, P247, 248

Reflecting on van Prinsterer, Dr. Van Dyke notes that, “Barring such a revival, the future would belong to socialism and communism.”

Advocating for God honoring legislation is difficult when even our pastors have become embarrassed about the content of the Bible. 

This came into play this past week with SB13, the bill to re-state what the Oklahoma constitution says already. Abortion is murder. As most of you know already, the leadership of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) refused their support based on indefensible reasoning. It’s 550,000 members comprise an army more than large enough to dominate all Oklahoma’s elections. More than enough to fill our legislature with Godly patriots. More than is needed to effectively resist the unconstitutional law-making mantle our U.S. Supreme Court has donned.

This past year, two historically “rock solid” denominations have cratered to the LGBTQ movement and to elements of the social gospel: the Southern Baptist Church and the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Our beloved First Baptist Church of Moore refused to host the God’s Voice Conference. God’s Voice is a response to the LGBTQ Revoice Conference held earlier in St Louis with leadership from both the PCA and the Southern Baptist represented. It was held instead at Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond.

Politics follows the pulpit!
History bears this out.

In his book, Liberty and Freedom, David Hackett Fischer tells the story of a young scholar who, in 1843, was doing research on the genesis of the American Revolution. He was able to interview a 91-year-old veteran of the war, Captain Levi Preston. Captain Preston fought from the very beginning at the battle of Lexington April 19, 1775.

Dr. David Hackett Fischer
Professor of History at  Brandeis University
The young researcher questioned him as to his motivation to become an active participant in the fight for independence. Asking if the motivation was grounded in the political writings of men such as John Locke, he replied he was completely unfamiliar with them. He stated of those who had joined him in the fight, “We read only the Bible, the Catechism, Watt’s Psalms and Hymns and the Almanac … We had always been free and we meant to be free always. The Redcoats didn’t mean we should.”
~David Hackett Fischer
Liberty and Freedom pp. 1, 2, 739
Noted author and social critic, Os Guinness has also commented on this insight as to the genesis of patriotic action. He comments below:
Os Guinness
Author and Social Critic
“Always free, free always – the magnificent daring of that thought deserves thought. For one thing, it speaks volumes about the freedom that was the passion and the goal of the revolution. As historian David Hackett Fischer points out, it also shows clearly that Captain Preston’s sense of freedom, a freedom for which he would live and die, was not something that can be understood only by studying the great declarations, such as the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence, or great ideas and books, such as the writings of John Locke and Edmund Burke.”
~Or Guinness
A Free People’s Suicide
Sustainable Freedom and the American Future P. 42

In Alexander Hamilton’s words, “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or dusty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the Divinity itself.”

~Alexander Hamilton
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton pp.121-122
I’ve had the privilege to spend some time with Dr. Brian Mattson,Senior Scholar of Public Theology for the  Center for Cultural Leadership . Brian is fond of quoting Andrew Breitbard who said, “politics is downstream from culture.” Cultural commentator, Mark Steyn emphatically insists that that, “You can’t have a conservative government in a liberal culture.”
Brian notes in his recent book, “If you want to change culture but don’t want to say a word about the erosion of marriage and the institution of the family in this country; if you don’t want to touch the question of abortion and the sanctity of human life, all the while championing individual ethical autonomy, you are not really interested in changing the culture.”
~Brian Mattson
The Bible As A Bedtime Story   p144

The shape of culture begins in the pulpits of America, flows through our families and our educational institutions and erects our political structures. How is your pastor doing?

I recommend you discuss these issues with your pastor. His responses should provide you with the information you need to evaluate if you are being shepherded by a man of the Scriptures or one who wants to please the millennials on their terms.

This week, Stephen Black will review the impact of God’s Voice Conference just held at Fairview Baptist Church.
Join us at OCPAC. (Bring Your Own Lunch.) We ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
NOON to 1 PM
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
Our $10 lunch arrangement was not working well, so at this point, we are open to ideas.

You are most welcome to bring your own lunch. I still don't remember if my lunch pail was Roy Rogers or The Lone Ranger.

Tea and water will be provided.

  The mission of OCPAC is to promote and support public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.
  This consumer archive includes the more recent weekly and special newsletters from the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee.

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"OCPAC is about religion and politics,  the only two things that matter." -John Michener, President. The mission of O...