Monday, March 18, 2019

THIS WEEK. At OCPAC: Ryan Walters

OCPAC Weekly Insights

1. At OCPAC: Ryan Walters

Ryan Walters teaches history and government for McAlester High School. He was a 2015 Oklahoma State Teacher of the year finalist.

His writing on the U.S. judiciary has appeared in The Federalist, The American Thinker, and The Daily Caller.

Last month, The American Thinker published his article It's Time to End Abortion in Oklahoma.

He will address this and other moral issues of the day and the politics supporting them. In doing so, he will expose the myth of judicial supremacy.
Join us from NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
Bring Your Own Lunch: See Below!
$2 donation to church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
2. A Court Gone Rogue by Bob Linn
3. Bring Your Lunch
4. Last week: An Amazing Story of Redemption!
5. PATTERNS of EVIDENCE a must see .
6. Dr. Everett Piper: Not A Daycare available here .
Ryan Walters
OCPAC this Wednesday, March 20th, at OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH: Ryan Walters NOON to 1 PM
2. A Court Gone Rogue by Bob Linn
Ryan Walter’s passion to understand the role of the judicial branch leads to the exuberance of his presentations. Once defined by the constitution, “The Court” is now a self-determined cartel mandating legislative authority over federal, state, and local governments.
Having mandated abortion and sodomy, it has been a force not for constitutional scholarship, but for leftist social engineering. As you and I slept, our constitutional republic was being usurped.
The core may be traced to Eden’s apple and the age-old sin of Adam. America has jettisoned the Biblical foundations of her founders in exchange for the various imaginations of men who no longer reverence their Creator. 
The 1859 publication of Darwin’s Origin of the Species began an unholy cultural tide which unraveled our national fabric on many fronts. We were introduced to a racist view of anthropology, theological skepticism, and moral relativism. We were released from the Law of God, the cornerstone of American jurisprudence. The Court no longer saw the words of the constitution as immutable (except by legislative amendment), but as evolving by judicial decree.
The impact of Charles Darwin’s ideas caught the attention of many in the field of legal jurisprudence. Yale professor Dr. Fred V. Cahill was one who saw the impact with great clarity.
Dr. Fred V. Cahill
Yale Professor, Political Science
In 1952, Yale political science professor, Dr. Fred V. Cahill, stated that Darwin’s theory “ was an event of transcending importance to the development of American jurisprudence … This involved a shift from the rationalistic, deductive pattern of the pre-Darwinian period, to the empirical, evolutionary approach that is followed today.”
~John Whitehead
The Second American Revolution: Founding Fathers (1982)
Supra note 10 at 46.
With the loosening of ties to our nation's Constitution came a focus in the legal community on case law. In the 1870s, the Dean of Harvard Law School, Christopher Langdell, introduced Darwinian thought to Harvard’s legal education. He jettisoned traditional Blackstonian law for what is now called “case law” ( judicial court decisions ). Rather than studying the legislative law ( the Constitution, for example ), our future lawyers and judges focused on “case law” (judicial opinions rendered in the courts ).
Dr. Christopher Langdell
Dean Harvard Law School
Langdell’s new direction was revolutionary. Harvard students were taught that law was ever-changing. It evolved through the written opinions of appellate judges. This was completely the opposite of Blackstonian law which held that judges’ opinions were not law. With Langdell ( and just about everyone since ), judicial opinion was indeed considered new law!

It was in 1918 that President Woodrow Wilson, a Princeton man, followed the Harvard direction in his perspective on the role of the judiciary as a challenger to the role of the U.S. Constitution.
President Woodrow Wilson
Wilson stated of the U.S. Constitution, “It is modified by its environment, necessitated by its tasks…Living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and in practice … “evolution” is the scientific word to interpret the constitution according to the Darwinian principle.”
~Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom, P 47-48
Let me pause here and express my thanks and indebtedness for this content to judge William D. Graves, an Oklahoma treasure. 

All this material and much more can be found in his newly released book:

Prudent Jurisprudence: Essays on Constitutional Liberties & Law 

Buy it today at Amazon . We hope to have Judge Graves speak at OCPAC soon and sign your copies!
How do we get back on track? We must reclaim our pulpits for Christ! As long as pastors refuse to bear the mantle of Biblical prophets and cultural leader, we will continue in decline. Reclaiming the culture means the transformation of our educational institutions, our entertainment, and our news media. Like the citizens of the 16 thand 17 th centuries, we need preachers to light the way.
We must so recover our Biblical foundations that we see government and education as our founders did. Biblical thinkers like Supreme Court Judge Joseph Story serve as examples to show us the way. Joseph Story served on the Court from 1812 to 1845. His service was so distinguished and filled with accomplishment that his life was center stage in the Stephen Spielberg film, Amistad.
Justice Joseph Story
U.S. Supreme Court
In his essay on natural law, he wrote that “the whole duty of man” is to ascertain and obey the will of God!
~James McClellan
Joseph Story and the American Constitution, P 313

Come hear Ryan Walter’s share his passion for understanding the path the American courts have taken and his vision for a restoration of justice and liberty based on the Law of God!
Join us at OCPAC. (Bring Your Own Lunch.) We ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
NOON to 1 PM
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
Our $10 lunch arrangement was not working well. We are open to ideas.

You are most welcome to bring your own lunch. Maybe some brain food!

Tea and water is provided.
Robin Khoury spoke softly but clearly about the transformative role Little Light Christian School has played in the tragic lives of the students who have been blessed by her staff.

For these young victims of unravelled families and incarcerated parents, Robin's school has been a source of life and light.

If you missed the meeting, you will find thevideo a real pleasure!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, is the only remaining showing of this incredible film. I was overwhelmed by the film's research and its presentation of evidence. You'll see archaeological discoveries which fit the Word of God like a glove with some surprising indicators as to who developed the alphabet. Find a theater near you here .

  The mission of OCPAC is to promote and support public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.
  This consumer archive includes the more recent weekly and special newsletters from the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee.

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