Our rapid cultural decline is not a sign of the times. It is a sign of the lethargy of the people of God. The only solution is the descent of the fire of God upon the American pulpit. A burning fire unleashing bold preaching and a people of God with minds grounded in the Word of God.
It is all this that gave us American patriot and Oklahoma Senator Nathan Dahm. America’s greatness is not grounded in the Federalist papers of Hamilton, Madison, & Jay. Hayek and Smith do not hold the keys to our successes.
Historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed that our national greatness was imbedded in America’s pulpits. We have forgotten this. Today’s pulpit is far too often a follower of the secular culture rather than the King of all the world’s kings. Our narcissistic nature clings to Jesus the Savior, but the sedition in us recoils when confronted with Jesus the Lord. Jesus is both and we cannot cling to our Savior without also clinging to our Lord.
You and I have an earthly calling. We were given it by our King when, by his final words, he reminded us that, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28) The Greek word, ethne , is translated always asnations in our English Bibles.
These final words given us by Christ affirm his will for mankind from the day we were created. The moment Adam was created, he was told that imbedded within his being was the very image of God. God has this image in mind when he told Adam to be fruitful and multiply. It was this image Adam was to reflect when he obeyed his commission to exercise Godly dominion over the entire earth. (Genesis 1)
Then, after the flood of Noah judged more than 1,600 years of sin (Genesis 4-7), God established people groups ( goyim in the Hebrew and ethne in the Greek) called nations (Genesis 11). He then ordained a Godly seed (Genesis 12) to both bless and inherit the nations of the earth (Genesis 12-50) for the glory of Christ.
It is upon these foundations that the apostle Peter tells us we are a holy nation ordained to proclaim his glory and his excellencies. (I Peter 2) The apostle Paul tells us that we are, like Isaac and Jacob, Abraham’s offspring, heirs to the promises so that the blessings of Abraham might come to all nations. (Galatians 3) As the old hymnreminded us, we've a story to tell to the nations!
The Puritans had these passages in mind when they set the stage for our great nation. We engage in discipling nations when we encourage our political leaders to employ their Christian campaign rhetoric to their tenure in office. We disciple nations when we meet with our legislators. Our hope is to transform the educational foundations of Oklahoma and to begin a general cultural renewal.
Nathan Dahm will be speaking to us about our personal responsibility to influence the moral and political thoughts of our legislators. This is another way of saying he will be laying the groundwork for us to disciple the nations. All our political action is our obedience to Matthew 28 and Genesis 1.
This week, OCPAC will address your mission!
Come help us re-direct Oklahoma's future.