Monday, February 11, 2019


OCPAC Weekly Insights

1. At OCPAC: Dan Fisher

Legislation is pending to move forward with legislation to make it illegal in Oklahoma to offer counseling to those seeking help with struggles regarding sexual identity.

Those who struggle with their sexual identity have generally been sexually molested as young children.

This legislation is part of a complex national strategy which formally began 30 years ago. An aggressive propaganda campaign followed. It employed the strategy proposed in the book known as the Gay Manifesto. More information (and links) on this toward the end of this email.

The impact of this strategy has been so effective that nationally (and in Oklahoma), the Southern Baptist Church and the historically conservative PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) have been infiltrated. Your church and your school (both Christian and "public") are being targeted. Your pastor is being targeted.

Dan will fill in this picture for us on Wednesday.
Join us from NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
Lunch $10 . Drinks and tip included.
Not eating: $2 donation to church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
2. Open Your Eyes! by Bob Linn
3. You Have Earthly Responsibilities
4. Warning Signs: A Missing Church!
5. Pro Life Rally to support Senate Bill
6. Make the Party Great Again! David McClain
7. Pastor Paul Blair had a good week!
8. Bob Linn retained as OCPAC president
9. Dr. Everett Piper: Not A Daycare available here .
1. OCPAC this Wednesday, February 13th, at OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH: Dan Fisher: SOCIETY AT THE EDGE
2.  Open Your Eyes! by Bob Linn
American culture has suffered intellectual crippling. Its pulpits have abandoned their prophetic role. Instead of calling a generation to stand on the Word of God we have sought to make friends with secular thought. We have elected Republicans who brashly speak of their Christian patriotism but in office are the dupes of the pagan ideologies that fuel our political & educational swamps.

Gone are our Christian foundations. We have come to presume our Bibles have no place in the public square of political debate. Parents give no place for Scripture in the academic elements of our children's educational development. God's Word is even being eviscerated from our pulpits! We've relegated our Bibles to the drawers of our bedside nightstand.

If this sounds a bit over-stated, you need to hear Dan Fisher this Wednesday. God is indeed moving in a powerful way in the midst of His people both in the United States and internationally. However, there is much house cleaning before us. American's pulpits, classrooms, boardrooms, and legislative chambers, have become callous to our Christian calling. We have passively accepted monstrous social platforms. Platforms history has proven to be horror stories in the making.

God's people can no longer afford to live in pools of shallow thought and a casual approach to life. It is imperative that we become defined by serious contemplation of the Word of God and its implications to our lives and the culture our lives produce. Only in the wake of Biblical thought will modern entertainment, politics, and education be exposed for its ungodliness and intellectual shallowness.

Oklahoma's Republican legislators are right now entertaining legislation to make it illegal to help someone who wants to be helped out of LGBTQ passions. Generally, these are people who have been sexually abused as children.

This is the political party which appointed 5 of the 6 members of the O.U. Board of Regents. The board which allowed former O.U. President, David Boren, to teach our children that sodomy is a normal lifestyle and should be celebrated. (See last week's email for more details.)

Never have our past Republican Governors or our Republican legislators considered legislation to protect your children from being indoctrinated by LGBTQ ideology. Yet, our Republican legislature isconsidering a bill which would make it impossible to get help to be set free from the influence of the LGBTQ movement.

Dan Fisher is calling for us to wake up and heed God's call to our earthly responsibilities. Hope to see you this Wednesday!
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
NOON to 1 PM
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
3. You Have Earthly Responsibilities
Dr. Gregory K. Beale
Ph.D., Cambridge
J. Gresham Machen Chair of New Testament
Westminster Theological Seminary
You Life Should Impact Culture
Dr. G.K. Beale is a leading New Testament scholar and co-author of the award-winning Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament . One of my favorite volumes is his Biblical Theology text. Here, he makes clear our calling to manage earthly affairs as God's vice-regents:

"In the divine command of Genesis 1:28, humanity is commissioned, as God's image, to imitate God's own activity ... Adam was to be God's vice-regent, ruling in his stead on the outpost of earth ... the task of the church is to fill the earth with God's glorious presence. This is the church's common, unified mission"
~Dr. G. K. Beale
The Biblical Theology of the New Testament, P 384, P 648
Dr P. Andrew Sandlin
Founder and President
Center for Christian Leadership
Christianity is Not A Private Devotional Hobby
I recommend you read Dr. Sandlin's Christian Culture. It is designed to pack a punch in less than 100 pages. Amazon sells it for $10!

Dr. Sandlin states, "Christ, the transformer of culture, urges Christians to labor by the power of the Holy Spirit, gradually to change a sinful, rebellious culture into a righteous, submissive one ..."
~ Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
Christian Culture P36,37
4. WARNING SIGNS: A Missing Church!
Dr. Herbert Schlossberg
CIA Senior Analyst
"Philosophical Idols Lead to Our Destruction"
On the role of the Church in America's moral, intellectual, cultural, and political decline, Dr Schlossberg states:

"The master of the American church is likely to be whatever cultural or intellectual fad has gained the ascendancy. That is a recipe for intellectual and spiritual sterility. By accepting the dead end path of the reigning assumption, the church absorbs whatever conclusions 'enlightened' people consider current. The church has become a tool of the political and social establishment and its uncritical transmission of establishment values ensures its irrelevance."
~ Herbert Schlossberg
Idols for Destruction, P236, 237
Charles W. Colson
Special Counsel to U.S. President
Noted Author
Chuck Colson spoke to the two prominent church postures which have led to our being unengaged in politics and education. These are best explained by the poor theological foundations of the American church.
Here is what he said in 1993:

"Some, confronted with the pervasive anti-Christian bias among cultural elites, are tempted to retreat to the sanctuary of their churches and fellowship groups. Others, in an attempt to appear relevant to the culture they seek to win, have donned the characteristics of their opponents, and are now indistinguishable from them"
~ Charles W. Colson
Washington D.C.
April 22, 1993

I hope this does not describe your church! If it does, order some copies of Dr. Sandlin's Christian Culture here! Or, for the serious student or the academic, purchase Dr. Beale's volume here.
M.Div. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Pastor, Clearnote Church, Bloomington, Indiana
Most of us remember Dr. D. James Kennedy and his powerful Biblical sermons. He began the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) as a way to separate from the liberal Presbyterian Church USA (PC USA) and return to its historic foundations. However, the PCA church has been the target of the LGBTQ+ movement and has forfeited it's Biblical convictions. Pastor Bayly bemoans the fall of this once-great denomination:

The majority of men and women in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) no longer oppose homosexuality or same-sex marriage. The respected Pew Research Center documents this in its Lily-funded Religious Landscape Survey ... here are their  findings  on the men and women of the PCA."
~ Tim Bayly

If you follow the link, you'll find the results on this issue well past the midway point. A stunning 54% believe abortion should be legal; 49% believe homosexuality should be accepted; 40% favor same-sex marriage. Shocking!

This is not the stuff revivals are made of. This is the stuff of ungodly cultural transformation. It is the stuff that leads to the judgement of God.
Southern Baptist Convention
Regrettably, the Southern Baptist Convention has surrendered to the same pressures. Many of their leaders have gone soft on Biblical issues and this is reflected in the state of the Southern Baptist Church. The Pew Research team found these results:

30% believe abortion should be legal; 30% believe homosexuality should be accepted; 22% favor same-sex marriage.

Most of us recall a time when these numbers would have been at zero!
Judge Robert H. Bork
U.S. Judge and Yale Law Professor
On the rapid downfall of American culture, professor Bork notes:

"Social, moral, and legal constraints that were effective quite recently are now breached regularly and with impunity ... The United States government funds obscene displays of homoerotic photographs that not long ago would have attracted the attention of the police rather than taxpayer dollars."
~ Robert Bork, Preface to Schlossberg's
Idols for Destruction
Steve Gallager
Outspoken Christian advocate who has appeared on:
The Ophra Winfrey Show, 48 Hours with Dan Rather,
Focus on the Family, The 700 Club
The February 1988 "War Conference" to lay out a strategy to homosexualize America yielded a best-selling book entitled,  After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s .

“The campaign we outline in this book,” they write, “though complex, depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising.” Their book became known as the  Gay Manifesto .

For the complete story, see it here .
Join us for lunch at OCPAC. This week's meal is $10 including drinks, tax, and tip. We ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
TOMORROW (Tuesday) 10 A.M.
State Capitol 4th Floor Rotunda
Show the Oklahoma Legislature your support Senator Joseph Silk's bill to protect the lives of our unborn babies by calling abortion murder! Support SB13! Come to the rally Tuesday 10 AM in the 4th floor rotunda at the State Capitol.
6. David McClain
David McClain spoke of the transformation of the Republican party in Tulsa under his tenure. He spoke of early meetings of 35 having grown to well over 300. And, political successes have followed.

He appears to offer hope for the future of the party. An excellent candidate for Oklahoma's state Republican party Chairman!

Thanks, David!
Had a great first week of treatment
Paul had a great first week of treatment. He is resting comfortably and making a few phone calls to stay abreast of church projects.

Dan Fisher continues to excel as pastor the merged congregations. See Fairview Baptist (Edmond).

The family appreciates your prayers for his full recovery.
Charlie Meadows presided over the elections. All bylaw changes were passed unanimously and Bob Linn was retailed as president, also unanimously.

Bob has appointed Brian Imes as vice-president, Joseph Palmer as secretary and general member of the executive committee, and Susan Goodman was retained as treasurer.

Charlie remains on the executive committee as president emeritus and founder.
9. Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth , to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here .

The Piper video is up!

  The mission of OCPAC is to promote and support public servants who oppose expansive government while promoting liberty, free markets, and Judeo-Christian standards.
  This consumer archive includes the more recent weekly and special newsletters from the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee.

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