Monday, August 12, 2024

God in Science: Restoring Education

Published Monday, August 12, 2024


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The Mark of God in the Cosmos

The futile search for a Godless origin of

life is the core of today’s classroom.

Those who are pressing for a secular society continue to badger the work of Ryan Walters as he seeks to return the Oklahoma classroom to America’s founding principles . . . and to the core values of the scientific revolution and the ideals of Western Civilization.

Christianity’s ideological antagonist, atheism, now represents the paradigm of choice in academia.

This, even though the 20th Century’s international icon of science,

Albert Einstein, said, “I’m absolutely not an atheist!”

Einstein stated:

I'm absolutely not an atheist ... We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written.

The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.

We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws.

I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene. No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life.

The Christianity articulated by those to

whom we owe modern science is no

longer provided to our children

who attend public schools.


What Einstein saw as an oversight in the scientific community of his day continues in the Oklahoma classroom: masking the non-material elements of science as if there were only the natural.

Ignoring the central role of the non-material elements in science indicates a devotion to secularity and the roots of secularism in paganism, atheism, and the denial of the Christianity upon which science was built.

Even Einstein saw that life was a combination of the natural with the supernatural (non-material). So co-joined are the two that the secularist fails to see that there are two elements at play, not one.

Oklahoma children suffer from the ignorance.

To quote Einstein:

We have the habit of combining certain concepts and conceptual relations so definitely with certain sense experiences that we do not become conscious of the gulf—logically unbridgeable—which separates the world of sensory experiences from the world of concepts and propositions.

Linguists, giving due credit to Einstein for this observation, refer to the “logically unbridgeable” separation of these two realms as the “Einstein gulf.”

Einstein infers that the mistake of naturalism is its exclusion of the supernatural (the realm of the non-material).



The genetic language of DNA directs fast-moving complex operations maintaining the life of all living beings.

Most of our cells contain millions of the ATP Synthase, a rotary machine found in all organisms from bacteria to humans.  This microscopic factory contains 90,000 atoms with a rotor spinning at about 9000 RPM.  Some of our cells have as many as a million of these rotary machines.  All driven by the non-material language of DNA.

Watch a two minute demonstration

of this process in action here.


In 2008, the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Altenberg, Austria, hosted sixteen leading evolutionist biologists and philosophers.  They were known as the Altenberg 16.

The invitation to the Altenberg Conference:

We are writing to invite you to what we hope will be a major event to be hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Altenberg, Austria . . .

The challenge seems clear to us: how do we make sense, conceptually, of the astounding advances in biology since the 1940s . . .

Not only we have witnessed the molecular revolution, from the discovery of the structure of DNA to the genomic era, we are grappling with the increasing feeling … that we just don’t have the theoretical and analytical tools necessary to make sense of the bewildering diversity and complexity of living organisms.

The next year, Suzan Mazur, an ideological insider to the community of the secular wing of the science community, published The Altenberg 16: An Expose of the Evolution Industry.

She relates these comments by two of those who attended: 

Basically, I don’t think anybody knows how evolution works.

~Jerry Fodor, Ph.D., Rutgers

Eastman Professor, Lyn Margulis, is the Distinguished Professor of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.  She is the 1999 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Science through her writing on evolution.

In an interview with writer Mazur, Dr. Margulis pronounced neo-Darwinism dead.  She quoted noted evolutionary biologist of the University of California, National Medal of Science award-winner Dr. Francisco Ayala that advances in molecular genetics, ecology, and biochemistry had led him to agree that neo-Darwinism is now dead.

The secularist's challenge is to figure out how a paradigm that is crumbling under the weight of discoveries made through our access to technology can be salvaged. What the secularist wants to salvage is, as was noted in last week's newsletter, the idea that there is no God to whom we owe allegiance.

Americans have abrogated their responsibility to the nation as its caretakers. Allowing what Dr. Herbert Schlossberg referred to as the spooks of a flawed secular academia to rule has been our national sin.

A return to God means a return to God in the classrooms of our public schools. No one knows it better than those who have escaped Communism in search of opportunity in the realm of Christian political freedom. Only to find we are losing our way.



Yeonmi Park defected from Communist North Korea and made it to America.  North Korean’s godless posture is why she writes in the preface of her book: I was born in darkness.

Now in America, she sees we are headed the way of the brutal atheism and Communism of North Korean darkness.  To an America whose classrooms have forgotten their Christian history, she warns in her book, While Time Remains:

When a people become untethered from history, when they become unshackled from reality, when they lose the ability to understand cause and effect, they become ripe for exploitation form those who hold real power.

Xi Van Fleet in her book, Mao’s America warns us also that today’s immigrants see our trend toward the godless and soulless state of China.  She writes:

The sad part is that new arrivals are finding a twenty-first-century America that I many ways has lost its way in terms of its faith-based spirituality and Christian conviction.

It is why she is so adamant to say

that only a robust Christianity

will eviscerate Communism.

The Christianity articulated by those to whom we owe modern science is no longer provided to our children who attend public schools.

Oklahoma’s classrooms must rediscover the Christian foundations which propelled the scientific revolution led by so many devout Christians. Our children must not only appreciate the science of Newton, Euler, Kepler, and Galileo, but they must understand the theological (Christian) foundations of their thought.

At risk is the complete loss of the

soul of a once vibrant, unified,

and Christian nation.


One more thing

for extra credit

I meant to talk about the Fibonacci Sequence, the Golden Ration and Phi. I was told it was a bit uninteresting. However, it is the theme of the images at the beginning of this newsletter. (The unfurling fern and the sea shell are the Fibonacci Sequence.)

Whether or not we understand the mathematics, we need to appreciate its roll in sculpting the earths beauty. And we need to appreciate that its central role in material things indicates that the materialist (naturalist, atheist) has no argument. Especially if he wants to use language to make his point.

So, let me at least show the mathematical representation and point out again the theme of this article. Without God in our science classes, we are engaging in educational malpractice and diminishing the minds of our future leaders.

Fibonacci and DNA was originally meant to be today's theme. Mathematics, beauty, and God's creation. We must teach our children about the transcendent without which the imminent ceases to exist. In other words, the God without whom there is no nature.

From DNA to Fibonacci . . .

Language at all levels rules nature because

the Word of God created the cosmos and all

creatures great and small who dwell therein.




Watch Alex Gray speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


Singing for us . . .


Watch Aria perform here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



August 21, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

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