Monday, July 15, 2024

Ryan Walter’s Assault on False Flag in America

Published Monday, July 15, 2024

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False Flag Over America

When Ryan Walters announced that Oklahoma was going to re-insert the Bible into the curriculum of our state’s secondary education program, he unveiled America’s hidden past. Recovering our once coveted Christian foundation is our only path to a future of progress.

The masking of the soul of America’s

former generations has disfigured

the development of the present.

That disfigurement was described by writer Joy Pullman as the False Flag now hoisted prominently across America.  The flag of mythical realities imagined by revolutionaries with no foundation.

False reality is symbolized by the LGBTQ flag which flies not only over the White House, but throughout the institutions of America.  It is a flag inviting our youth, in the absence of America’s Biblical foundations, to imagine themselves as something other than who and what God made them.  For many, this includes a descent into self-identifying with the animal kingdom.

Pullman calls it a regime change

based on a hatred of reality.  

The flag is, in fact, a symbol of a regime change dedicated to the removal of the very soul of the American founding.

The Walters announcement was stunning because it called us back to a national conscience only former generations knew.  Past generations for whom the Bible in the classroom was an assumed necessity.

When atheist Madeline Murray O’Hair mounted a challenge to these centuries-old assumptions, America was unprepared to respond.  As a result, on June 17, 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its opinion that Americans must remove the Bible from their schools.

The court’s March 6, 1857 Dred Scott ruling had

already demonstrated the court’s lack of

scholarship and its political nature.

For more than sixty years, America’s youth have been prevented from knowing about the foundation stones of human progress which propelled to great heights both Western Civilization and the American experiment.

Our children love their iPads but have no idea of the role the Bible played in making those iPads possible.

Our children no longer know (most of us don’t know either) that it was an amazing group of Biblically oriented minds who brought us the foundations of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.  These devout Christian men mapped the mathematical foundations of physics, chemistry, and biology which enable us to make the progress in technology we take for granted today.

Bible-believing scientists, like Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Boyle, Pascal, Kepler, and Euler opened the mind’s door to the world of mathematics, calculus, chemistry, physics, electricity, and astronomy.  They were all creationists.

Johannes Kepler wrote to Bavarian statesman & scholar, Herwart von Hohenburg, the following on March 26, 1598:

Astronomers, as priests of God to the book of nature, ought to keep in their minds not the glory of their own intellect, but the glory of God above everything else.

Leonhard Euler’s Introductio in analysin infinitorum, published in 1748, is one of the most influential mathematics textbooks in history.  Many of the notations we use today to express our mathematical concepts came from Euler.

By the end of his life, it was said that all the mathematicians of Europe were his students.

Euler fathered thirteen children and developed for them scientific games to teach them mathematics.  These he used also with his grandchildren.

In the evenings, he taught them the Bible.

His Biblical faith drew sharp criticisms from the atheists Voltaire and Denis Diderot.  

Russia’s Catherine the Great grew weary of the anti-Christian assaults launched by the atheist Diderot. She asked Euler to represent the crown in a debate to debunk Diderot's atheism.

In a gathering of the monarchy and court officials, the two debated.  The debate came to a close when Euler, knowing of the mathematical ignorance of Diderot, gave him a serious look and said:

Sir, (a+bn)/n=x.  Hence, God exists.  You reply!

Diderot sat in stunned silence, soon interrupted by the laughter which added to the atheist’s embarrassment.  Diderot went back to France.

These are things Pullman addresses in the book False Flag.  She notes the spiritual and intellectual deformation of the West.  It is a dual deformation which Pullman states has blinded society to its impending collapse.

Both Euler and Kepler would agree.

With the advent of atheism, she states, we have reversed course and are rapidly descending towards barbarism and chaos.

The subtitle of Pullman’s book, False Flag, is Why queer politics Mean the End of America.

In her introduction, she states:

Western society is being erased by the purposeful destabilization of the institution that creates society: the family.  The Pride flag celebrates regime change in the United States – and across the West. It is a symbol of unfettered license.

Ryan Walters is doing what we have been too cowardly to do for sixty years.  He has issued a wakeup call to Oklahoma and the nation.

Let us become a part of the restoration of America

through the rebuilding of our Christian foundations.




Watch Ryan Walters speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


also speaking . . .



Watch Nathan Dahm speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



JULY 31, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

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