Monday, July 22, 2024

Has God Endorsed A President?

Published Monday, July 22, 2024

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Democrat commentator and political strategist James Carville is one of many on the secular left who are expressing their disdain that because of a well-timed tilt of the head, the improbable miss of an assassin’s bullet is being heralded as a divine miracle. 

Even more irritating to the left is the implication that God has endorsed Donald J. Trump for President.

Those who acknowledge Christianity’s central role both in building the West and in providing the foundation for America’s first thirteen colonies readily affirm that God ordains the affairs of men and the nations they build.

For nearly four centuries, providence

was widely presumed in America.

The McGuffey Reader was written by two Presbyterian Calvinists who desired not only to teach academics but also the fundamentals of morality and the Christian foundations required to sustain a civil society.  It has sold more than 120 million copies and was used in public schools until the mid-twentieth century. 

For more than 120 years

From 1835 to 1960

The McGuffey Reader sold a million copies a year

The New England Primer, published in 1777, used the Bible to teach the alphabet in America’s schools for more than 200 years.  It also contained the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

Secularism had no place in America’s schools.

Find the Foundation’s article on both

The McGuffey and the New England Primer here.


Most American school children knew the 1775 story of

Providence and the bullet proof President

On July 7, 1755, twenty-three-year-old George Washington helped lead the Americans and the British in a war against the French and the Indians. It was called the French Indian War.

The battle was called the battle of Monongahela.  On that day, over 700 of the 1,300 British and Virginia Militia troops were killed.

Washington was the only officer to walk out of the battle of Monongahela unscathed.    Several horses had been shot out from under him.  He had four bullet holes in his coat, one in his hat, and bullet fragments in his hair.

In a letter to his family, Washington wrote:

By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.

Fifteen years later, in 1770, Washington and a friend returned to those woods.  There, they met the Indian Chief who led the battle.

The Chief had told his braves to single out and shoot all the officers, including Washington.  The Chief, who had fired seventeen shots at Washington, concluded that Washington was under divine protection and instructed his braves to cease shooting at him.

George Washington's 1770 meeting with Seneca chief Guyasuta

On that day, fifteen years later, the Indian Chief told Washington:

I have come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven and who can never die in battle.

The rest of the story here.

The providential nature of Washington’s experience in battle is analogous to that of King Ahab, husband of the famed Jezebel.  Ahab met with a providential frown rather than the smiling providence Washington experienced.

The Scripture tells us:

A certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel between the scale of the armor and the breastplate.  I Kings 22:34

The Biblical text has sold an estimated six billion copies, built Western Civilization, and was the most referenced text in the American founding.  That text has informed its readers all around the globe that God rules in the affairs of men and nations.

The Christian soul of America has since departed.

Dr. Herbert Schlossberg addressed the spiritual decline of America. He spoke of spooks who have come through the unguarded doors of academia.

An alien ideology dictated the metaphysics of a blind, random, and purposeless cosmic etymology. In other words, none of our lives have any purpose.

We are left with only hedonism.

To imagine realities we think

will make us happy.

This enables our schools to propose alternative realities to our children and to encourage them to allow their imaginations to lead them to new realities untethered to any fixed foundation.

The reaction of James Carville and many others of those who now occupy the secular left in America to the claims of divine intervention in the assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump shows that, as Joy Pullman wrote in her book False Flag, we have undergone a regime change.

Read last week's article about

America's False Flag here.

The difficulty America has of grasping the concept of “God and country” is because of the overt atheistic foundation of American education since the mid 20th century.

It is why Ryan Walters is so needed in Oklahoma and in the wider American landscape to return us to the realism of the West and America’s founding.

It is why you are so needed to sustain

the divine light to a lost nation.

Be sure to plan to be at the History Center on July 31 when former CEO of Blue Bell Creameries, Ricky Dickson, talks about his thirty years building that company to a national presence and the role of the Lord Jesus Christ in the process.

We will also have speakers report from the RNC in Minneapolis.




Watch Ryan Walters speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


also speaking . . .



Watch Nathan Dahm speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



JULY 31, 2024



August 8, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

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