Monday, May 13, 2024

Gone are the Boy Scouts of America

Published Monday, May 13, 2024



Sheriff Tommie Johnson III


Gone are the Boy

Scouts of America

May we save America.

A major announcement was made by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) this past week.  They are removing “Boy” from their name thus becoming stylish and inclusive as they now welcome a cornacopia of genders.

It was last Tuesday on May 7, 2024, that the president and chief executive officer of BSA, Roger A. Krone, announced that beginning on the day of the organization’s 115th birthday, February 8, 2025, the new name will be Scouting America.

In this day of gender fluidity, Krone said the new scouts will allow youth to become “the best version of themselves.”  To function as a leftist organization, the Scouts have, since 2015, recruited members of the LBGTQ community as scout leaders.  A gender fluid leader in today's scouting organization is uniquely qualified to help young boys (and now, girls) to explore the many possibilities the political left presents to children regarding their sexual identity.

Additional societal decay is in store for the BSA.  Because the organization’s ideological fiber is bleeding profusely, a number of the nation’s atheists are now suggesting the Scouts re-think the scout oaths which demand reverence to God.

Still in their website is the Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Clearly, with the ideological bedrock crumbling, the removal of the references to God will soon follow as the Freedom from Religion Foundation demands their place at the table of an organization which has been jettisoning its historic values.





In 2012, the BSA had more than 2.6 million members.

In 2013, the organization began to allow openly homosexual Scouts.

Two years later (2015), they allowed openly homosexual adult leaders.

In 2017, the Boy Scouts began to allow girls.

Today, membership is 1 million, a number which includes 176,000 girls.


Last year, they completed the final stages of bankruptcy proceedings.

BSA bankruptcy was the result of the sexual assault former scouts endured at scouting events. The sex-induced bankruptcy is more than $2.4 billion and will pay individual victims amounts ranging from $3,500 to $2.7 million.

This came ten years after they welcomed boys who openly practiced homosexuality, eight years after the BSA began to recruit openly homosexual leaders, and six years after they accepted girls.

Read more here from the BSA website.

Before I close, just one more discovery from one of our members last week:




Last week, a friend was in NYC and felt compelled to take a picture of the Hyundai mural which had been placed in front of the hotel.  Hyundai has made it a matter of corporate interest that LGBTQ is treated as a cultural mandate.

Hyundai produced a 60-second spot, Chosen Family, which celebrates the LGBTQ community and how families can be who you chose.  Of course, the LGBTQ community maintains a lifestyle that is unable to re-reproduce, so "have" a family, they must confiscate one or more family members of heterosexual unions.

Last week’s Boy Scout announcement came on the heels of the more stunning March 31 announcement from the White House proclaiming Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. Perhaps one of the most codifying events in America as if a formal announcement that we have officially joined the ranks of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Before closing, I feel compelled

to provide a brief review

of my April 1st article

The work of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, and surrealist Andre Breton all wrote books describe in detail the bizarre sexual eroticism which now dominates the American landscape.

From Reich’s

Sexual Revolution

No societal restraints on the time,

place, or nature of the expression

of sexual passion

Society must establish sexual delight

as the core element of life.

The Sexual Revolution requires

the dissolution of the family

The concept of an indissoluble

marriage is repressive

Homosexuality is normal


These are concepts echoed by the greatest theoretician of Surrealism, Andre Breton, who described the surrealist goal to be the end of Christianity. He advocated this idea:

To bring forever to ruin the abominable

Christian notion of sin and the notion of

original fall … then to establish a

morality based on the exaltation of pleasure.

Quoting from Augusto Del Noce’s The Crisis of Modernity:

Surrealists were almost the only ones

to realize a fundamental truth:

the decisive battle against Christianity

could be fought only at the level of

the sexual revolution.




Joseph Daniel Unwin (1895–1936) was an English ethnologist and social anthropologist at Oxford University and Cambridge University.

He published 700 pages of tedious research in his book Sex and Culture (1934). The research documents a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe.

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous, it becomes increasingly liberal concerning sexual morality. It thus loses its cohesion, impetus, and purpose, which he claims is irrevocable.

Unwin speaks of the impact of monogamy on societies when he says: 

Any human society is free to choose either to display great productivity or to enjoy sexual promiscuity; the evidence is that it cannot do both for more than one generation.

~Joseph Unwin

Anthropologist, Oxford, Cambridge.

Aldous Huxley was so impressed by Unwin's massive project that he referred to Sex and Culture as a work of the highest importance.

T.S. Eliot, Nobel Prize winner in literature, used his considerable literary skills to urge the church to understand their obligation to do more than save souls, but to glorify God by impacting the condition of the state.

In his book, The Idea of A Christian Society, he said this:

The only alternative to a progressive and insidious adaptation to totalitarian worldliness is to aim at a Christian society. We have observed the lamentable results of the attempt to isolate the Church from the World.

End of the review of April 1st

William J. Federer just published Silence Equals Consent.  He quotes the Dutch Reformed Pastor, Abraham Kuyper, who was also prime minister of the Netherlands from 1901 to 1905.  He wrote:

The calling of the Christian absolutely does not lie in the sphere of the church alone.  Christians also have a calling in the midst of the life of the world. The child of God must remain involved because God himself remains involved.

Earlier his year, Eric Metaxas finished a film based on his book, Letter to the American Church.  If you don't click on any other link in this article, you must click on the Metaxas film promo to Letter to the American Church.

Watch it here

Schedule the film in your church here

One of the most profound comments comes from mathematics Ph.D., prolific writer, lecturer, and former atheist, Dr. James Lindsay.  When Charlie Kirk asked him to explain how Christianity is “kryptonite” to Marxist collectivism, the only weapon which can defeat communism, Dr. Lindsay said:

When you said “kryptonite,” there is nothing on Earth that is more repellant to the envy-driven, hate-driven motivations of collectivist ideology.  Individualism is rooted in Christianity.  There is no redemption in Marxism.  Your identity is fixed by your group identity.  Only Christianity counters this ideology.  If the church does not stand on its feet and take a stand, America will be unable to stop the Marxist march.

Earlier, I noted the words of Abraham Kuyper.  He closed his comments to the students and faculty of Princeton in 1898 saying:

The times are too serious for irony or jest.

Let every Christian put this question to himself: Do I know of a better solution of this fundamental world-problem enabling me better to defend my Christian faith, in this hour of sharpest conflict, against renewed paganism collecting its forces and gaining day by day?  The fundamental contrast has always been and remains until the end of time to be Christianity against paganism.

Idols or the living God.

Half measures cannot guarantee the desired result.  Superficiality will not brace us for the conflict.

Unless God send forth His Spirit, there will be no turn, and fearfully rapid will be the descent of the waters.

Let us stand strong in battle as we await the

divine breath of life upon the nations of the world.

The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

Get in touch with our sister movement, Oklahoma Values Coalition and help us inform our churches of the conditions of Oklahoma's moral, spiritual, and economic condition.

Contact Gloria Bannister at:

Plan to be with us on May 29 for Sheriff Tommie Johnson.

Plan to be with us again on June 12 for Dr. Cal Beisner.

Send this newsletter to others here.




Watch Andrew DeBerry speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



MAY 29, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

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Gifts are tax-deductible.

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

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The Century Club

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P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

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