Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tomorrow's Vote | CHARLIES PICKS | Tulsa Council's 5 Radical Propositions

Published Monday, August 24, 2020
Rick Warren
Oklahoma County Court Clerk
Largest Court in Oklahoma

More than 120,000 new court cases are filed annually in Oklahoma County. More than any other court in America, local, state, or federal.

Rick Warren oversees all those filings and the $60 million they generate annually. Mr. Warren reports to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, the State Treasurer, and a dozen other agencies who have a fiscal interest in these funds.

There is trouble brewing in Oklahoma County.

Requests for Black Lives Matter images to be painted outside the Oklahoma County jail have resulted in a furor. Among other things, Rick Warren will unveil details of the frenzied call for resignations.
Marxist symbol of the Revolution to overthrow
America debated in Oklahoma County
Bring someone!
on Film Row
701 NW Sheridan, OKC, OK 73102



$5 for entry

Catered by Jerry's Deli
Full lunch $10
Table of Contents

The Church in the Voting Booth
Removing the Rotted Shroud of Secular Mythology


Terry Neese
Charlie's Picks

Tulsa's 5 Evil Propositions

Enid Freedom Fighters




Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

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The Church in the Voting Booth
Removing the Rotted Shroud of Secular Mythology
America’s political landscape reflects the American church’s presence in the voting booth. City, county, state, and national government is a reflection of the voting habits of the American church.

When Donald Trump was campaigning in 2016, he met with a group of pastors and Christian leaders. He expressed his amazement that while Christians were by far the most powerful segment of American culture, the church was yet so disengaged.
Clearly, the church itself has deteriorated as a
result of its own lethargy and inattentiveness.
It has failed to keep a careful watch over all things for which it is responsible. Having aborted its role in academia and government, it has allowed the evil spirits of paganism to dominate our classrooms and the gates of our cities.

Secularism has etched its way into our seminaries, churches, and Christian organizations. The fruit is now seen in city hall, our legislative chambers, and on the American movie screen for our children to see.  

The rotted and tattered shroud composed of the mythologies inherent in secularism have enveloped what has passed for academia for more than 100 years.
That secularist shroud has rotted our seminaries and our pulpits. The fruit is a rotted culture. Watered down theology, passing only the widest tests of orthodoxy, has delivered the fundamentals of Christianity in the form of such ethereal haze that it is no longer capable of transforming anyone.

All this has developed because of a church which has slept through many important events, election day included. We’ve lost the perspective of the men of God who laid the foundations of American politics.
Dr. Ellis Sandoz is the former Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Louisiana State University. After discovering the key role played by the pulpits of the American Revolution, he said:

I began to realize that this material, showing the perspective of biblical faith concerning fundamental questions of human existence during our nation’s formative period, was extraordinarily abundant and extraordinarily little known.

He then published the two-volume set titled, Political Sermons of the American Founding Era. They are available for purchase here.
The voter guides which appear below are a product of the work of men and women dedicated to Biblical foundations.  They are a critical but forgotten component of a responsible church congregation seeking to promote godliness in all aspects of the life of the human race.
We must rebuild the structures of Western Civilization. New Zealand author, filmmaker, and speaker, Trevor Loudon, states that American political liberty is essential for the hope of freedom-seeking nations the world over.

Elections determine history. The struggles of 2020 represent the fruit of the American voting booth.
It was the man Americans voted President of the United States in 1933 (F.D.R.) that helped form the United Nations twelve years later. He enabled Soviet spy, Alger Hiss, and political insider, John Foster Dulles, to co-author the United Nations Charter.

In his book, From War and Peace, Dulles stated:

The United Nations represents not a final stage in the development of a world order, but only a primitive stage. Therefore, its primary task is to create the conditions which will make possible a more highly developed organization.

See the May 25 OCPAC newsletter for a more complete presentation.
It is found in Alex Newman's OCPAC article, The Deep State and the U.N. here.
From the United Nations came the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Harvard historian and confidant of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley wrote of the CFR:

The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of an international secret organization dedicated to the advancement of a one world government a one world economy.
It was been the American voter who made all this possible. The premises of secularism are alien to the world God has given us to tend. Only our lethargy has enabled the growth of secularism to continue.
Two months ago, international strategists conducted a virtual meeting to announce The Great Reset of the world's economy. It is a project closely tied to the U.N. and the C.F.R.
The Great Reset will be the focus of the Twin Summit coming in January of 2021 in Davos, Switzerland. It will draw from its global network of trained leaders located in 400 cities around the world.
The Great Reset is being led by the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab.

He said of The Great Reset:

Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. All aspects of our societies and economies must be revamped, from education to social contracts and working conditions. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.
Prince Charles, and António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations, are two of the primary proponents of The Great Reset.
Also on board are CEOs and presidents of major international corporations, such as Microsoft and BP. The radical "environmental" group, Greenpeace, is also involved.
The Great Reset plan is clear: world socialism.
Massive new government programs and far-reaching policies comparable to those offered by American socialists such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) in their Green New Deal plan.

The June meeting of The Great Reset planners emphasized the importance of the opportunity created by the coronavirus. They pointed out that is represents a rare opportunity to enact their radical transformation of capitalism.
Prince Charles stated:

We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis — its unprecedented shock-waves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change. It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again.

And, they will continue to employ their thread-bare climate change propaganda in their strategy for massive government intervention.
More than 1,300 science-challenged activists have already been trained by the Climate Reality Project.

The Climate Reality Project is the highly influential, well-funded climate activist organization run by former Vice President Al Gore, who serves on the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees.

On February 3, 2020, OCPAC published notes on the academic transcripts of Al Gores' science classes. He was essentially an "F" student. See Bob Linn's February 3, 2020 article in the OCPAC Newsletter here.

We have work to do. The good news is that citizens are awakening to what has been going on in America.

Tomorrow, all across Oklahoma, voters will help shape Oklahoma’s 2021 legislative body.

Local races are also critical. OCPAC is asking Tulsa voters to defeat five propositions designed to give the Mayor and City Council enormous authority and erase “gender pronouns” in city documents. See below.
In the forward to Dr. Paul Kengor’s The Devil and Karl Marx, author & political commentator, Michael Knowles, pointed out what most of us miss regarding the essence of socialism.

He said this:

In the past few years, admitted socialists have won elected office throughout the country, from local to national level. The problem with socialism isn’t its inefficiency; it’s the evil. Karl Marx hated religion because he opposed God.
It is time for the American pulpit to recognize
politics for what it is: A battle between God and Satan.

It is a war declared by God Himself in Genesis 3:15. Our pulpits and our churches must engage in that war.

Fulfilling our calling as God's vice-regents of the earth.
Being faithful during during our time of occupation.
~Genesis 1

Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.

November lies ahead.

100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!

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District 5 Hopeful to
Challenge Kendra Horn
Terry Neese Speaks of her preparation for CD5
Last week, the 2013 recipient of the Journal Record's Oklahoma's Most Admired CEO award made her case for becoming the Washington Representative for CD5.

As founder and President of the Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women (IEEW), she certainly has international leadership experience.

Many registered Democrats should be uncomfortable with the extent to which the current Representative for CD5 (Kendra Horn) fits the Marxist scheme.  
Kendra Horn is not just a little bit left. She is all in with the extreme Marxist goals to create a revolution in America through alliances with her fellow travelers who want to see Christianity and its values destroyed. Horn is working to destroy the values which made America great.

21st-century Marxists are working to completely replace a once godly nation with a secular, godless society. If they were able to be successful, they will have produced the earthly Hell envisioned by Marx, Lenin, and the string of the 20th century’s failed, but ruthless fellow-travelers.

Not all those who have joined themselves to the political left understand all this. Yet, they all have given themselves to the cause and its eventual conclusion.
For those who want to listen again
to last week's presentation:

Find it here.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, August 25th) is primary runoff election day for 2020.

The following picks are simply my opinions based on extensive research. Helping me with these were Don Spencer of Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2A), Liza Greve of Oklahomans for Health & Parental Rights (OKHPR), and, to a lesser degree, the iVoter Guide

Readers may have information I am unaware of and have a different opinion. That is fine.
My problem with Bice is that she has proven not to be a conservative. Her six-year average score is 56 on The Oklahoma Constitution Newspaper's Conservative Index. Find it here.

While she has voted properly on some OK2A bills, Don Spencer has indicated she has been unfriendly and uncooperative with OK2A. I believe Bice has a slightly better chance to beat Horn in November.

I am concerned about the vicious personal attacks by both sides. I fear these will cause some voters not to support the eventual winner. This must not happen. 

Right now, Horn is irrelevant in Washington. Her presence there serves only to allow Nancy Pelosi to continue as the wicked witch of Washington, D. C. A witch who brews up a new lie each day to oppose anything good. 

If I could vote in HD5, it would be for Neese. My reason is simple. She most likely will not hold that seat for very long, assuming she found a way to beat Horn

Should Bice win, she might become a lifer like Cole and Lucas. She could hold office for decades moving Washington D. C. politics further to the left.

Regardless of the winner, I will support them in November.
Jackson was a solid conservative for many years before it became popular to be a Republican in Southeastern Oklahoma. He is well respected in his community.

His opponent has, in my opinion, the most effective, but ruthless, consultant in the state. His opponent's consultant is a person capable of crafting campaign pieces full of lies and half truths and somehow still sleep at night. This consultant is also capable of supplying large sums of finances for his candidates which come with some level of strings attached.
I endorsed Larry Boggs during the primary based on his 83 conservative Index score in 2019.

However, his score of 56 for 2020 shows his 2019 score to be an anomaly as his lifetime average score is only a 62. I like Senator Boggs. However, he has simply cast too many liberal votes over the past 8 years.

Warren Hamilton attended an OCPAC meeting where we gave him about 3 minutes to speak. He was impressive.

Should he win, we will interview him for the general election. November will be tough because of the nasty primary. The winner will face a viable Democrat running for the McAlester seat once held by Gene Stipe.
Ron is a horrible senator and a real lackey for the government schools which are now turning our children into little socialists. If elected, he can only serve 4 more years because of term limits. 

His opponent is an even worse choice. Shane Jett was a horrible state representative. Jett is a past recipient of OCPAC's RINO-of-the-year award.

Regrettably, Jett is the odds-on favorite. If elected, he can serve 6 years (ugh). Another problem with Jett is his many years as a Tribal employee. He has just filed a lawsuit against one of the Chief's claiming an unlawful firing, by the way.

We don't need additional lawmakers with ties to the Tribes until we see the extent of damage done by the Supreme Court's decision allowing reservations in Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, the citizens of Pott and East Oklahoma county chose big money candidates like Jett and Sharp rather than the quality candidate, Brandon Baumgarten. We hope to see Brandon again in future election cycles.
Cheryl is, without question, the better of the candidates. She is not likely to win, but you would do well to vote for her.

Mr. Creekpaum is the well-financed Tulsa attorney.

He is hostile to gun rights and is not likely to be friendly to parents who believe children are not to be owned or controlled by government.

In other words, will be a lackey for the education union and will support the continuation of our failed government schools.

Cheryl would be a fantastic Senator!
Four years ago I warned that Paul Scott would not be a conservative, but would instead be a lackey of the government schools.

Because Mr. Scott protested, John Michener gave him a chance to come to OCPAC and make his case. (John Michener was at the time serving as President of OCPAC.)

Paul Scott is a very likable fellow. However, voting for likable fellows is one of our problems. We vote for people who we like rather than how those people will govern

I was correct, by the way. Senator Scott's lifetime conservative index score is a paltry 49. 

Of the 40 Republican Senators, only these 3 have scored lower:
John Montgomery of Lawton (48)
Chris Kidd of Addington (48) 
Tom Dugger of Stillwater (44).
Tom is the most liberal Republican Senator in Oklahoma.

With that said, I believe Paul Scott's opponent would even be worse.

Just have not been able to find out much info on these candidates.
iVoter Guide has her as the more conservative.

I have not interviewed either of these candidates.

However, I have two other sources who agree with iVoter Guide. 

I am suspect of Margie's opponent, Clay Iiams. He has the consultant I mentioned earlier. I believe him to be the most effective, yet the most corrupting influence in the state. 

With that in mind, I'd like to talk a bit about her opponent's consultant. It is important, because he also handles another race we will be discussing.
Side note:
My opinion of the consultant running the race for Clay Iiams 

I have observed this consultant over many years. For this reason, I believe that I have a good idea of how he operates. In my opinion, he wants to be known as a "king" maker. Therefore, he cares little about what a candidate stands for.

He is looking for what I would suggest are "politically attractive" candidates. Reasonably wealthy individuals. Or ,those able to raise enough money to pay his exorbitant fees and can win. It helps if the candidate is well known in the district and a member of several civic organizations.

I believe this consultant likes his candidate to spend most of his or her money during the primary or primary runoff elections so he can start introducing his candidates to unknown and unexpected contributors. The consultant hopes to build a certain loyalty toward him.

I believe this consultant desires the House Speaker and Senate President Pro Tempore to be elected by lawmakers he helped to elect, thus making him a powerful King maker. Maybe a few times each year, he might lean on the little Kings he helped to get elected to support important legislation some of the donors that provided money for his candidates want passed.

Winning is all important as it builds his reputation as the winning consultant, the king maker and sure to bring him much business in the future. Many long time activists know what I am speaking about.

If my opinions are correct, I have just lifted the covers so anyone can understand the ugly underbelly of the Republican political system. I look forward to the day a sufficient number of voters demand solid conservatives with Christian values rather than falling for that which is slick, moderate or even liberal.
I have interviewed both of the candidates in this district which covers East Edmond to Luther and the Choctaw area.

Both Margaret and her opponent, Preston Stinson, are a little green on the issues but both seemed open to learning, especially Margaret. 

Margaret was just a little more liberty minded and has had some very strong conservative and Christian influences throughout her life. 

I believe Margaret is a natural to be a very good lawmaker. I am not as optimistic about the the legislative potential for Mr. Stinson. He hired the same problematic consultant I just spoke about when discussing Clay Iiams. 

Of course, Mr. Stinson has far more campaign money than Margaret.

Margaret's best hope might come as a result of the third and fourth finishers who are endorsing her.
I Believe the incumbent sheriff is at best poor in handling money or at worst, corrupt.

Therefore, we had Mr. Johnson come to OCPAC this past Wednesday to speak and field a few questions. I believe he passionately wants to do a good job as the Oklahoma County Sheriff.

Though he has been in law enforcement for several years, he will need to surround himself with wise counsel, as he is only 31. In personal conversation before the meeting I found him teachable in a very good way.
Mr. Pearson has far and away been the finest Commissioner we have had in the over the 30-plus years I have lived in Logan County. 

Has he been perfect? Absolutely not. However, he has a servant's heart and does his best to help his constituents. I have been asked several times to run for this position but refuse because the resources are simply not available to satisfy the needs much less the wants of the people and believe me people can be quite irrational in their demands. 

I did attend a meeting recently sponsored by his opponent. I was open to a change if the young man had plausible new ideas. Unfortunately, he did not! 

Since that meeting I have also discovered Mike's opponent has been the defendant in 4 different lawsuits in recent years. Not a good sign.

~ Charlie Meadows
August 25, 2020

OCPAC urges our Tulsa readership to become familiar with the information below regarding propositions for the city and the legislative races in your districts.
In the midst of stiff competition with "First Friday Enid", Melissa Crabtree and Doug Pethoud managed to get more than 150 folks to join them in Meno, Oklahoma for an extended session with filmmaker Curtis Bowers.

Needless to say, we added a truckload of new subscribers to the OCPAC newsletter. We anticipate this group will grow rapidly and have an impact on Oklahoma's cultural and political landscapes.

The meeting actually took place the week before last just before Curtis left for another speaking engagement in Idaho. The meeting was Friday, August 7, 2020.
Curtis was exceptional as usual as he unraveled Satan's war against Christ as it has manifested in history. It continues to manifest and is as clear as ever in the midst of COVID, Black Lives Matter, and much more in 2020.

Watch the evening's meeting here.
Go straight to Curtis Bowers at the 34 minute mark.


Find the award-winning Agenda movie here.

Obtain more information about the Enid Freedom Fighters.
Email us here.
The Mayor and 2 City Council Members
20,500 Sign Petition
Thanks to the many OCPAC members who knocked doors and got petitions signed.

Special thanks to our very amazing OCPAC member who wrote a check for $2,500 to make sure we had the funds to hire the professional signature takers needed to put us over the hump.

Unite Norman is now the launching pad for a nationwide movement led by freedom-loving Conservatives. It represents the ground floor of a nation-wide movement.  

In the wake of our success, conservative leaders in other cities will initiate the fight to take back cities now in chaos thanks to far-left city mayors.

Already, cities are contacting Unite Norman to seek our assistance in unseating Mayors in Alaska, Washington State, and Missouri.

Coming soon ... the movement to clean up OKC's municipal government
How Conservative is Your Legislator?
For more than 40 years, Ron McWhirter and Steve Byas of the Oklahoma Constitution have developed and published the Conservative Index. It has served to apply the fixed Biblical standards which built Western Civilization to the Oklahoma Legislature.

They have, in recent years, teamed up with OCPAC to assist in evaluating the many bills of the session to select a group of ten which most represents a posture of either conservative or leftist.

Your legislator's votes are marked as a "C" if their vote on the bill was representative of a conservative vote. An "L" indicated the vote was representative of a member of the political left. A "Z" indicated that the legislator did not vote on that bill.

Legislators are awarded 10 points for each "C" and no points for each "L". We grant 3 points for a "Z".
Oklahoma's Top Conservative Legislators

Find more information and a list of Oklahoma's top conservative Legislators at The Oklahoma Constitution website here.
Conservative Index is also found on the OCPAC website here.


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Order this well-received book written
by OCPAC's Political Analyst today!

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


Books Recommended Last Week

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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"OCPAC is about religion and politics,  the only two things that matter." -John Michener, President. The mission of O...