Monday, June 1, 2020

OCPAC Opening with Bill Federer | Globalism of Soros and Koch | Ralph Bullard Services

Published Monday, June 1 2020
Globalism and COVID 19

OCPAC resumes its weekly mid-week meetings this week. Flying to Oklahoma from the east coast is best-selling author and nationally known speaker, Bill Federer.

He has appeared on major television networks including ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, FOX, O'Reilly, and Hannity & Colmes. More than 100 news outlets (television, radio and print) have referenced his work.

We Meet at Randall University
3701 S. I-25 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160


NOON to 1 PM

$3 for entry and drinks

From Catering Creations OKC
Hot Turkey Sandwiches $6
Pot Roast $7
Chili Dogs $3
Pies and Torts $4
Table of Contents

Not an American Value

Elect A New Crop of Conservatives

Two Faces of Globalism
Koch v Soros

Special Guest
Governor Stitt's Conflicts with the
Oklahoma Legislature

Today (Monday, June 1) 7 PM

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

Not an American Value
Our place in world history is not the product of chaos and chance. More than 100 years of government education in America has laid the mythical foundation that chance and chaos are the fundamental building blocks of life and the history of mankind which ensues. As a result, civilization is now crumbling before our eyes simply through a seasonal flu virus (COVID 19).

I often refer to Marcello Pera, the Italian philosopher and former president of the Italian Senate. Twelve years ago, he wrote Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians.
Pera's book deals with the Christian roots of free societies. Among the many intellectual leaders he quotes is German philosopher, Jurgen Habermas.

Pera notes that, "Habermas recognized explicitly that for unification of Europe, Christianity was not merely a 'precurser' or a 'catalyst', but also a fountainhead that continues to nurture us."

~Marcello Pera, Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians, P 95, 96

He also notes in his introduction that the hero of American conservatism and Nobel Prize-winning economist, Friedrich von Hayek, believed (along with other intellectual leaders who he names) that Christianity had shaped the West and only a return to Christianity could save it.

~Marcello Pera, Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians, P 4, 5

He also notes the inspiration for his book's title came from an earlier Italian philosopher, Benedetto Croce, who he says "wrote a powerful and influential essay in which he explained 'why we cannot help calling ourselves Christians.'" (1949a)
Dr. Emil Brunner in his Christianity and Civilisation pointed out that the birthrights of manhood are founded only in the concepts of the early chapters of Genesis.

~Emil Brunner in his Christianity and Civilisation P 110-111

Indeed, the most important words in the history of mankind are the ones addressed to our first parent (Adam). Words preserved for 6,000 years in the opening pages of Genesis. These foundational pages of the Bible shaped America. They were the primary text in the first American schools.
Had God not spoken, Adam would have never known who he was, how he got here, why he was here, and what was the nature of the world he was in. Neither would we. Because this is now banned from the American government schools, the culture as a whole no longer knows those answers either.

Only a return to the Word of God will restore American culture.
Thought not founded on the Word of God leads to the despondency and to the dark perspective of Shakespeare’s Macbeth:
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Macbeth, Act V, Scene v.
Most Christians embrace a bit of Macbeth due to the time they have spent in government schools and the lack of rigorous Christian education at home and through the church.  

This Wednesday, Bill Federer will bring a much different perspective.
We must understand that God in His providence has placed us on this earth at this time in history. It was not only Queen Esther who was given a life “for such a time as this.”  

Each one of us, as servants of the King of Kings were shaped in our mother’s womb and given to the church and the world for such a time as this.

COVID 19 has been a test run not just for the globalists. It is the trumpet of God to call His Church to attention.  

Never has there been a more profound moment in history when the apparent future of mankind hangs on the balance of either a one-world governmental authority or the re-establishment of the foundations of Christendom and the trumpet of freedom and prosperity.

The Creator set in motion the wheels of human history. It is for us to think our thoughts in a way that is patterned after His. Only then will we understand the role we have to play at this moment in history’s precession.


For the past two weeks, Charlie Meadows and Bob Linn have traveled from one end of the state to the other. The candidates they met were described by both as "some of the finest candidates we have seen in a while."

We will announce these next week. Time is short. We ask you to again provide OCPAC with your best gift to help get these very conservative candidates elected.

Send your check to enable us to elect a new group of fabulous candidates on June 30.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

Dr. Jeff Barke of Newport Beach, California.

Needless Containment
Government Incentives to Hike COVID Reports
Mask Wearing

This is political not medical.
Watch the 20 minute video here.
Koch v Soros
Two Varieties of Globalists
A discussion of globalism can evoke a variety of different definitions and concepts. The topic even evokes an occasional emotional response.
Discussions may delve into spectacular intrigue as they explore conspiracy theories and concealed societies that seek to control the world. The stuff James Bond was trained to defuse.
The truth is quite complicated. So complicated, it has led many to ponder these theories because there is no easy answer and no one group that is responsible for the many practices that qualify as globalism.

The less transparent any subject is, the more likely that people will suspect clandestine and nefarious conspiracies. Last week, we exposed the men and organizations who have publicly stated their power-hungry globalist political objectives.

There are men, however, who are indeed globalists, but do not impress me as quite so power hungry as others. For many reasons, I still consider their globalist ideals faulty.

I have had the good fortune to know men who one might say are part of the globalist community and their motives are as diverse as their goals.
Take, for example, Charles Koch. He is a man I hold in high personal regard even though I disagree completely with the views that lead him to be a globalist.  

Charles Koch was my first employer upon graduation from college. Many think of him as an uber billionaire who controls a private entity with a footprint worldwide. I know him as one of the finest men I have had the experience to encounter. The way he treated me as a lowly staffer, his influence on my development and support through the early years of my career will be a debt that I can never repay.  

Mr. Koch sees the world through a libertarian filter. Completely free trade is the libertarian view of how he thinks the world should operate.

In essence, the pure libertarian view of capitalism is a global flow of products. Products from those who can produce them the most efficiently. It is these producers delivering high quality goods at the lowest price to the end consumer.

The flaw, of course, in this is that men and their governments are often not saints. They do not often see freedom, equality, and the advancement of mankind as one of their goals.
China did more than steal our technology and tariff our goods. They subsidized key industries in order to bankrupt their competitors. American competitors on American shores!
Added to all of this, they pushed the envelope worldwide with their military. Libertarians argue that all of these aberrations are well and good.
At the other end of the political spectrum for the globalist cause is another uber billionaire, George Soros.  

His political views differ from Charles Koch. There is also a huge difference in the way each made their money.
Koch Industries, the mainstay of Charles Koch’s fortune, is an actual producer of goods and services.  

George Soros created his fortune as one of the world’s greatest speculators. For instance, he ‘shorted’ the British pound in 1992 and made an estimated $ 1 billion in less than 24 hours.
His views on politics can be easily translated by the causes he funds. His Open Society Foundations has been aggressively financing open border causes and a range of philanthropic endeavors that are decidedly liberal.

I would make the case that Soros’ approach is the ultimate form of insider trading. His disruption of governments across the world create currency and stock exchange markets that react to the chaos that Soros’ funding helps spawn.  All this foments the very instability that he speculates on for profit.
The Hungarian government found his activities so onerous that they targeted his foundation’s activities.  

They forced the movement of his European headquarters to Berlin. Several countries have banned the Open Society’s operations.
His financing of liberal politicians from Hillary Clinton to his foray into influencing American criminal justice by funding extreme liberals in key District Attorney Elections across the country is well documented. 

Both Charles Koch and George Soros are unquestionably globalists even though their philosophies are as different as the way they made their fortunes.

However, they share in the idea of profiting off of globalism and thus are both responsible for the evil that comes with it.
Part 2
The Key Flaw in Globalism will simplify the problem with globalism into a singular concept that a former National Security Council General Counsel under Ronald Reagan expounded on that made me an opponent of it for life.
~ by Steve Anderson
Edited by Bob Linn
with the

Jason Murphey
12-Year Legislative Veteran
Jason Murphey was asked to comment on the historic conflicts between Oklahoma's Republican Governor and its Republican Legislature. Jason Murphey is more than a 12-year veteran of the Oklahoma Legislature. He had a 12-year average on the Conservative Index of 100.
I was recently asked to explain the schism between the Legislature and Governor Stitt. The 2020 Legislative session saw a first in the modern history of Oklahoma. The Legislature forced upon the state a general appropriations bill without the approval of the Governor.

The specter of a super-majority of the Legislature passing a state budget against the wishes of a governor from their own political party has understandably likely caught the attention of the casual observers who are not normally attune to the day-to-day, inner-capitol disputes that are mostly confined to the political class of the capitol.
In the face of unprecedented circumstances, the Legislature has doubled down on its inexplicable spending.  They irresponsibly passed multiple ill-advised spending bills.
These included the expensive Obamacare Medicaid expansion, the reversal of the state's 15-year-old retirement-system-stabilization plan, and the green lighting of more than 150 million dollars of new debt for any number of liberal, higher-education, endowed chair programs.
Stitt is a business-world outsider who still thinks not like a politician, but like a businessman. This is good. He is an Oklahoman who is not a bought-and-paid-for politician. Because of his outsider status, he didn't see this coming.

He naively believed strength of policy would be what mattered. In actuality, the inside-the-capitol system rarely rewards the moral rightness of a policy proposal. Rather, it subjects “rightness” to the whim of politics.

So, perhaps Stitt can be excused for not going around leadership and building a coalition of like-minded legislators who could potentially give him an override-proof veto. However, it was a big mistake to have instead mostly worked (negotiated) with legislative leaders!

As the events of the past few days have revealed, this has left him, and by proxy the taxpayers he represents, in a precarious position. Fiscally irresponsible legislative leaders now have the strength to push through almost whatever they want. The objection of the fiscally conservative governor will mean nothing.
Stitt doesn't appear to have been affected by special interests. As an outsider and independently wealthy businessman, he never went through the special interest co-option gauntlet that causes the careers of many elected officials to lose their moral compass.  
The bought-and-paid-for Legislator will bounce about from policy to policy with an eye first and foremost on the impact legislation will have on their special interest financiers and supporters.

Stitt likely doesn't need the special interest money to be re-elected and as such, unlike many legislators, he's much less likely to worry about the negative impacts of good fiscal policy on the special interests who depend on big government and its spending.
Stitt, for various reasons, got upside down with certain powerful legislative leaders. Those leaders can carefully channel their version of events back to the average members and induce “legislative tribalism.” This is an unhealthy manipulation tactic that causes legislators to lose their individualism and band together as a team against those they view as opposition. They run together as a pack, so to speak, despite the rightness or wrongness of a matter. 

It's a very big disservice to the members because it leads them to cast very bad votes. They vote for irresponsible spending bills and veto overrides to maintain their membership in the legislative group. All this in spite of forthcoming outrage from voters in the member’s districts. Months later, the specifics of the bad bills are realized. The tribalistic emotion has passed. Members may no longer even realize why they were emotionally worked up.

In the House of Representatives, this is made possible largely because of the concentration of power in the Speaker's office. That power has become increasingly concentrated in the last six years. House leaders abandoned efforts to diffuse the power of the Speaker's office and, rather, to grant more power to the members. Instead, they have allowed power to be re-concentrated into the hands of a single legislative leader—the Speaker. Because of this immense power, members are not likely to publicly challenge the Speaker. This power makes them easy targets of a tribalistic manipulation.
Stitt has a long-term business outlook. The Legislature has a short-term political outlook. Like political hacks, they continually kick the can down the road on a session-by-session basis.  Their hope is for an economic turnaround that will bail them out of their financially untenable position.
If that turnaround doesn't occur, the budget deficit crashes. The
less-than-imaginative legislators turn to the only remaining policy they know. They bail themselves out of trouble through tax and fee increases. That's exactly what happened from 2014 through 2018. It is set to happen again.
The victory of left-leaning politicians in the last two Republican primary and runoff election cycles has had a dramatic effect on the culture of the Legislature. Many new members of the Legislature have very different values than does the business-minded Governor. The Governor has a background in the private sector. These new legislators are public-sector centric and have a public-sector mindset. They see spending more taxpayer money as the answer to Oklahoma's problems.

These new left-leaning politicians ran for office based on their desire to represent government entities. Not the taxpayer. They have been effective at co-opting their naive colleagues. These “naïve colleagues” would, in a normal environment, represent the values of their constituents. However, with the influx of government-first Legislators, they have caved. The peer pressure of their recently-elected leftist, big-spender peers has over taken them.
The business-minded Stitt schooled the legislators during the 2019 session. In 2020, legislators passed the biggest general appropriations bill in state history. It was an $8,000,000,000.00 (eight billion) behemoth and far exceeded its predecessors. 

Stitt insisted that some of this money should be saved in case of a downturn. He insisted on this in spite of the desire of the big spenders to spend it all. 
The 2020 collapse of the energy sector and subsequent revenue shortfalls dramatically proved Stitt's wisdom. The Legislature neither congratulated Stitt nor gave him more input in the budget talks. The 2020 legislators bypassed the much wiser Governor and passed the budget without him. It's an action that Stitt has predicted will either require draconian spending cuts or tax hikes. I wouldn't bet against his prediction.

I expect the Legislature will try to pass tax increases (with a veto-proof majority) during the next legislative session.

Their success or failure will hinge on the outcome of this year's elections.
Those who want to know their legislator's stance on this matter can simply look up his or her vote on the 10 veto override votes. Those legislators who cast 10 votes to override all of the Governor's vetoes are clearly locking in against the Governor, his business mindset, the lessons of very recent history and fiscal common sense. These individuals are prime suspects to support next year's probable tax increases.

As to Stitt, he's likely no longer the naive outsider who believed he would turn Oklahoma around through the strength of his will. He knows history will likely prove him right on his dire predictions for next year. However, he doesn't want to be the governor of a state that's in fiscal disarray. He's staked his entire identity on transforming Oklahoma.  Not the guy on the sideline watching the state descend into yet another round of mediocrity-inducing tax hikes saying, “I told you so”.

Thus, this experience will test Stitt's attractive brand of outsider optimism. Will this brush with saboteurs in the Legislature change him and his brand?

Stitt must adapt. His success at turning the state around will come despite the sabotaging actions of a political, special-interest, co-opted legislature. His ability to keep them from continuing to harm the state will depend on building a veto-proof majority of truly Republican, actual-small-government, grassroots legislators. This is a daunting task that will be possible only if the June 30th primary electorate blesses the state with a dramatic shift in the makeup of the current Legislature.

I hope this article has been helpful in explaining the nuances of the dispute. It's been over two years since I have written one of these columns, and I have enjoyed once again writing to you of my observations. While I have enjoyed the break from all things political, these and other events of the past few weeks have encouraged me to again weigh in.

Thank you for reading them, and please don't hesitate to send your thoughts, feedback and suggestions for future articles to

Jason Murphey is the future author of:
Rules for Longshots: Everything an underfunded challenger
needs to know to defeat an entrenched politician at the ballot box.

You can read his writings at

Find my webpage here.
and the legacy he left Oklahoma
Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


Books Recommended Last Week

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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