Monday, September 30, 2024

Ryan Walters Speaks at OCPAC Foundation

Published Monday, September 30, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK



Ronald Reagan would no doubt be proud of the outspoken conservatism of his oldest son, Michael Reagan.


Because Ryan Walters is our speaker this week, I wanted to draw your attention to an article Reagan published two weeks ago in Newsmax.

Reagan said that while conservative politicians sound great on the campaign trail, they melt when the real work stands before them. But not, Reagan said, Ryan Walters!


Reagan said:


There is a difference between grappling with straw men during the campaign and fighting entrenched interests once the politician is in office. These glad-handers simply aren’t up to it. Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters is different.


Walters reward for fighting the left’s control of culture? Republicans . . . trying to get Walters impeached.

Last week, Oklahoma’s “Republican” Attorney General organized a Grand Jury to investigate Ryan Walters.

Come to hear Ryan Walters discuss what is going on behind the scenes by those who appear to be bothered by his immense popularity among Oklahoma’s parents and general citizenry.

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!



Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



Feared by Tyrants the World Over

Just two weeks ago, Ronald Reagan’s oldest son, Michael, published an article in Newsmax stating boldly and clearly that timid combover conservatives will destroy our future.

Clarity was something his father always sought.

Michael Reagan was clear when he said that the timid conservatives enjoy burning up strawmen on the campaign trail, but don’t have the strength to actually go to battle against entrenched bureaucracies and political power hitters.

I took note of the article because its focus was the one notable exception in the current political arena: Oklahoma's Ryan Walters.

Reagan is obviously well acquainted with what has become a far-left bureaucracy inhabiting all our public schools. He notes that leftist dominate in both red and blue states.

One of his points was that not too long ago, directing schools to teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments in every school would not have been controversial.  

Reagan noted that in 2007, Time Magazine’s cover spoke in favor of Bibles in all public schools.

That 2007 Time Magazine article made the point that knowledge of the Bible is a prerequisite for understanding literature, history, and politics.  I might add, it is a prerequisite for understanding philosophy and science as well.

The Time’s 2007 article closed with this:

But in the end, what is required in teaching about the Bible in our public schools is patriotism: a belief that we live in a nation that understands the wisdom of its constitution clearly enough to allow the most important book in its history to remain vibrantly accessible for everyone.

This article is well worth reading!

Find it here.


For an idea of the overarching cultural environment of early America, read this little piece from Benjamin Wadsworth, the President of Harvard from 1725 to 1737:

Tis absolutely necessary for your children to be truly Religious.  They’re Children of wrath by Nature; they can’t escape Hell, without true Faith and Repentance . . . how much greater is your barbarity and wickedness, if you take no care to prevent the everlasting ruin of their Soul.

Supreme Court Justice, Joseph Story explained the court's support of Bibles and Christianity in the public schools when, in 1844, he wrote for the unanimous opinion of the necessity of Bible teaching in schools:

Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note or comment, be read and taught as divine revelation in the college . . . Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?

For more on Benjamin Rush, see the

August 26, 2024 Newsletter here.

In 1647, the state of Massachusetts wrote into law the requirement of Bible reading in all schools.  They argued that this was to prevent the atrocities which had occurred in Europe.  The law said the Scriptures should be taught in schools so that . . .

It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of Scriptures . . .to the end that learning may not be buried in the grave of our forefathers, in church and commonwealth, the Lord assisting our endeavors.

See the almost universal use of Christian materials in Americas classrooms in the July 22, 2024 Newsletter on the McGuffey Reader and the New England Primer here.

For Horace Mann and Christianity in the classroom, see the May 20, 2024 newsletter here.

America is turned upside down in the early moments of the twentieth century. John Dewey promoted a radicalized agenda turning the ideological focus of American education on its head.

John Dewey could easily be called the instigator of a leftist revolution in America because of his removal of revealed religion as the foundation of truth and of educational practice.

The progressive American revolution of the 20th century was to remove from education all elements of the supernatural.  In other words, the foundations of Western Civilization and the American concept of government and society.

To quote Dr. James D. Hunter, professor at the University of Virginia:

For Dewey, faith is a divine and fixed authority, and ideas of the soul and its eternal destiny, were no longer possible as the foundation of Western civilization, of stable institutions, or of social progress.  It was therefore necessary to reject the supernaturalism, fixed dogma, and rigid institutionalism with which Christianity had been historically associated.

As I prepare to close, I wanted to direct our thoughts to Neil Postman’s 1985 book that forty years ago pondered the devastating impact of wrong-headed cultural leadership and the resulting twisting of life on this planet.


Postman’s book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, is a look at the future feared by both George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Paraphrasing Postman’s Foreword:

Orwell feared those who would ban books.  Huxley feared there would be no reason to ban books, for no one wanted to read one.  Orwell feared the truth would be concealed from us.  Huxley feared truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.  Orwell feared we’d become a captive culture.  Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with that which would entertain.

He begins to close the book by speaking about shriveled cultures.  He writes:

There are two ways by which the spirit of a culture may be shriveled.  In the first – the Orwellian-culture becomes a prison.  In the second – the Huxleyan – culture becomes a burlesque.

In his entertaining but profoundly deep The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, Michael Walsh, he lets the reader know the point of his book is to illuminate the war between good and evil.  He states:

This is a book about redemptive truth versus Mephistophelean bands of illusion and the Devil’s jokes.  It concerns itself with the interrelation of culture, religion, sex, and politics.

He then points out one of the most egregious things we are doing to our children as we have removed the irreplaceable concepts of divine transcendence from our public schools.  He writes:

We are not egalitarian members of an ant farm, shuttling from cradle to grave, indistinguishable from one another and easily replaceable.

What Ryan Walters is doing for the future of Oklahoma is assuring coming generations will know that the Biblical foundations of our nation and of its people.  He is insuring those rising to leadership will understand we are not replaceable ants shuttling from cradle to grave.

He looks to a culture who will envision a live for themselves and their progeny filled with meaning and purpose, not entertainment and survival.

Come Wednesday to hear Ryan in person!


In appreciation for Michael Reagan:

Michael Reagan's early years

in Hollywood, California





The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!




Mike Ring gave an amazing presentation regarding the state of banking in America and the role Old Glory Bank is playing.

Watch Mike's presentation here.

Watch the entire meeting here.






I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.

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