Monday, September 2, 2024

Edmond Schools Confiscate American Flags

Published Monday, September 2, 2024



800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


These legislators want to talk with you. You will see the voting public from their point of view.

What goes through the mind of a legislator when a constituent calls, emails, comes by the office, or asks for a meeting?


Is it true that one person making one visit is presumed to represent hundreds of voters in their district?


Ask them how we are to believe legislators who talk like a conservative, but when in action, legislate like leftists.

Why do they fail to stop the practice of DEI, drag queen shows, pornography, and other forms of leftist indoctrination in the classrooms of Oklahoma?


This year voters in mass signaled their frustration with Republicans who rule as leftists. It signals a regime change in both the House and the Senate.


Hear them also talk about this long-awaited sea-change which promises a much more conservative look for the 2025 legislative season, all set up by the spring primaries and the summer runoffs.

Come and find out how to best approach your

legislator so that they listen to your message.

From Senator Standridge:

Come learn more about the tsunami that rolled through Republican primaries this year. More importantly, learn how you can start holding "conservative" legislators accountable beginning this month!


Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



Feared by Tyrants the World Over

Feared by Edmond School Administration

Dukes of Hazzard star, John Schneider, is a friend of the conservative movement in America.

Oklahoma has his attention.

Last week, he posted a video praising Edmond’s flag-waving student, Caleb Horst. Caleb and his many friends are the pro-American heroes who have confronted the anti-American leftists who now occupy the administrative offices of Edmond schools.

Watch John Snyder’s video here.

Pride in America and a spirit of Patriotism is dead in the administrative offices of Edmond schools.

Earlier this year, the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan recalled New York’s Manuel of Patriotism, published in 1900.

She spoke of an 1898 New York State Legislative act which required everything that the Edmond school administration stands against.

It was in 1898 that the New York Legislature passed a law requiring all its public schools to display the American flag, to also instruct students in the state of New York the greatness of America’s past leaders, and to instruct them about the foundations upon which our national pride and patriotism are built.

They wrote the 506 page

Manual 0f Patriotism

Quoting from the introduction to New York’s 1900 Manual of Patriotism:

To awaken in the minds and hearts of the young a strong and abiding regard for the flag and intelligent appreciation of great men and the great deeds that have made it to be, to all American youth, the rallying cry of patriotism.  In other words, the Empire State seeks for its countless host of boys and girls the inculcation of a true spirit of Patriotism and a loving regard for tis greatest symbol, the Flag.

In light of the confiscation of flags from the hands of Edmond’s patriotic students, I quote from page thirty-one of the Manual of Patriotism:

It is well for each boy and girl to own a flag, small and inexpensive, or for each district to furnish a sufficient number . . . let them march while singing a patriotic verse or two.

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senator, James G. Blaine, was a contributor to New York's Manual of Patriotism. In it, he reminded children, that the United States of America is:

The only country with a known birthday. All the rest began they know not when, and grew into power, they knew not how. America wasn’t just some brute force that pushed up from the mud; we announced our birth with a Declaration that was “a revelation”: All men are created equal. 

The fifty stars of today’s American flag rest in a field of thirteen stripes. Each stripe represents one of the thirteen Christian states upon which our republic was founded.

It is the Christianity of the flag’s thirteen stripes that is a rub to twenty-first century public schools.  It began at the dawn of the twentieth century.

The antagonists to America's founding ideals were many. America's protagonists, its protectors of our flourishing cultural foundations, were soft spoken.

The William R. Kenan Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies at the University of Virginia is prominent author James Davison Hunter.  In his book The Death of Character, he maps our nations moral decline.

In his chapter titled The Progressive Turn in Moral Education, he comments on the role of John Dewey, one of the men at the forefront of the twentieth century's transformation of American education.  He writes:

For Dewey, faith in a divine and fixed authority, and ideas of the soul and its eternal destiny, were no longer possible as the foundations of Western civilization, of stable institutions, or of social progress.  It was therefore necessary to reject the supernaturalism, fixed dogma, and rigid institutionalism with which Christianity had been historically associated.

Augusto Del Noce, in his 1964 The Problem of Atheism, wrote:

Full atheism does not consist in the atheistic answer to the question of God but in the suppression of the question of God.  Full atheism, as the affirmation of humanity without any trace of God, will be made possible only by social revolution.

In his 2014 book, The Crisis of Modernity, Del Noce followed up on that thought when he said:

In a recent book, I tried to show that

suicide is the philosophical

destiny of the revolution.

Certainly, when Russia’s people enabled the Bolshevik revolution to succeed, it was akin to national suicide.  Between Lenin and Stalin, millions were tortured, imprisoned, and executed.

National suicide is the destination of national atheism in all atheistic nations the world over.  It is the destiny of a nation whose public schools have rejected their foundations in the transcendent (Christianity) and replaced it with the presupposition of atheism.

If we hope to reverse America’s path to national suicide, we must regain control of our schools and restore the Christian foundations of the nation.

The foundation of the nation can be

restored only through re-establishing

the Christian foundation of our schools.


For more:

See our May 1 2023 article here.

See our August 21, 2023 article here.



This week, you will hear a number of Oklahoma’s legislators respond to queries about how you may best approach them to provide them with perspective regarding Oklahoma’s legislative requirements.  They will also comment on how Oklahoma's “conservative Christian Republican” legislature rules as if they are moderate leftists.

Join us at the Oklahoma History Center this Wednesday.


Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, will be the press conference on the Oklahoma Capitol steps to announce the formation of the Freedom Caucus in Oklahoma.

See below


One week from today is the opportunity for those who own property in Edmond or who live in Edmond to meet with the Edmond School Board.

See below


I hope to see you this Wednesday at the Oklahoma History Center!



In his book, The Possessed (AKA The Devils/The Demons), Dostoevsky describes the society which has suffered the ravages of a godless revolution.

Scholar and writer, Henri De Lubac writes of Dostoevsky’s portrayal:

The first phase of this work is destructive: destructive of the old society (that is what the story of the “possessed” brings before our eyes) and especially destruction of everything that owes its origin to faith in God.

Not only is heaven emptied but man is secularized; henceforth nothing about him must recall a transcendent origin and a sacred destiny.

The Russian scholastic, Paul Evdokimov completed his Ph.D. thesis on Dostoevsky.  Evdokimov stated that Dostoevsky’s novel “The Possessed”, also published as “Demons,” was meant to suggest that “social systems which have no Christian basis (the only one cable of transforming man) inevitably become systems of violence and slavery.”

In Dostoevsky’s Journal of an Author, the writer explains what would happen if God were to be eviscerated from society’s foundation. He says:

The result would be such darkness, such chaos, something so clumsy, blind and inhuman that the whole structure would collapse under the curses of mankind before the building have even been completed.

What Dostoevsky’s “The Possessed” describes is the twentieth century trajectory of America itself.  Once a beacon of both Christ and freedom, it is now an ideological wasteland whose clarion voices are stifled by a new secular ruling class.

Times change.  God does not.  The eschatological trajectories of Heaven run through the church.  We need only awaken to our God and to His divine calling on our lives.

This Wednesday, we will hear from a man who stood at death’s door twice and lived to know that God is the God of the resurrection.  It is a hint of what God can do in a society who has lost its way.

I look forward to seeing you Wednesday.

God bless.



The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!

The Oklahoma State Freedom Caucus

is launching in Oklahoma next week!




1 PM

With the help of the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI), the State Freedom Caucus Foundation launched 2 years ago to educate state lawmakers and the public about the need for open, accountable and limited governments, the Constitution and the rule of law. The founding principles of America-- faith, family, freedom and patriotism are core to the mission.

You’re invited to join the Oklahoma Freedom Caucus,

Tuesday September 3rd


On the steps of the Oklahoma Capitol


1:00 PM Luncheon

Register now for a luncheon with Special Guest

U.S. Representative Josh Brecheen!

This luncheon fundraiser is in support of the State Freedom Caucus Foundation. We are asking for a minimum $50/person donation to attend. However, we'd love for you to consider donating more to kick the Oklahoma Freedom Caucus off with a bang!





The last two weeks have seen the enforcement of anti-American political policy in the Edmond School District.

They are confiscating student's American flags!!!

See last week's newsletter on the topic here.


Let them know!


Dukes of Hazzard's

John Schneider

comments . . .

Watch John Schneider's video on Edmond's

patriotic pro-American students here.


Bryan Cantrell

Watch Bryan's presentation here.

Watch the entire meeting here.

also . . .



Artificial Intelligence & November Election

Watch Wade's presentation here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


First and Third Wednesday!

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.

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