Monday, September 16, 2024

Bank refuses to open customer transactions to feds

Published Monday, September 16, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK




Early this year, Fox news analyst, Brooke Singman, revealed that on Wednesday, January 17, the House Judiciary Committee unveiled their findings that federal investigators asked banks to search their customer’s transactions to find terms like:



Bass Pro Shops

Dick’s Sporting Goods

Transportation charges to destinations . . .

. . . with no apparent purpose

Media subscriptions

Religious books



According to the New York Post’s Victor Nava, the feds made the request through the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen). This was made known through the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Feds asked banks to search customer data

Using Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) to make the search, the feds caught the attention of the U.S. Congress. U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jim Jordan (Ohio), stated that:


According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators that include ‘transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets, for travel areas with no apparent purpose,’ or ‘the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views.’

In other words, FinCEN used large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression.

Come this Wednesday to hear how a recently formed bank, Old Glory Bank, headed by such luminaries as Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and John Rich, has opened its doors to allow American citizens to engage in their private business affairs without concern that the FBI or other federal agencies are going to target them because of their spending habits.

The fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

CEO, Mike Ring will be flying into Oklahoma City to speak to us regarding how Old Glory Bank plans to assure its depositors will have their fourth amendment rights secured.

Come to the Oklahoma History Center this Wednesday to meet and hear Old Glory CEO, Mike Ring. Learn how people from all across America have found new security in banking!

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!



Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



Feared by Tyrants the World Over

When I think of the kind of a person who would want to so control me and everyone else through monitoring the kinds of things I spend money on, I think of a profound little phrase that Thomas Jefferson employed when regretfully declining, for reasons of health, to attend the 50th anniversary of America’s independence from tyranny.


Jefferson, reflecting on the risk a small band of men took in signing the profound instrument which was, in his words, pregnant with the fate of the world as well as having an imminent bearing on the fate of each of the men who applied their signature. He knew the risk he and 55 other men had taken fifty years earlier had proved a monumental advance in throwing off the bonds of tyranny and injustice.

In Jefferson’s words:


I should, indeed, with peculiar delight, have met and exchanged there congratulations personally with the small band, the remnant of that host of worthies, who joined with us on that day, in the bold and doubtful election we were to make for our country, between submission or the sword.


He closes his letter by expressing his hope that the success of the very risky governmental experiment fifty years prior would now be a signal heard around the world for men to burst the chains of tyranny with all eyes open to the rights of man and the spreading of light so that all may see the sense in which there is equality among mankind.

Thus, he closes his opening paragraph with that single phrase I find so intriguing:

. . . that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them.

The letter would be his last.

He would die on the same day of the

50-year celebration he would be missing.

July 4, 1826.

I first came across this little phrase about saddles, boots, and spurs when reading Angelo Codevilla’s book, The Character of Nations. He spoke of the fact that in Third World countries the richest are also the most powerful and located at the top of the government’s hierarchy. Power is for the personal benefit of those who hold it.


The mentality of America’s twenty-first

century federal government. 

It is brazen audacity to think it is OK for government to ask banks to disclose the purchasing habits of customers. And further, to rank citizens based on their affirmation of the ideological distinctives of the political party in power.


One of my favorite lines from Codevilla's book comes as he is discussing the welfare of a nation’s citizens as it relates to the degree of the government's tyranny. He asks:


Do officials live in fear of overstepping

their bounds, or do they swagger?

A year after Joe Biden took possession of the White House, Wall Street Journal writer, Scott Zipperle, wrote an article about Biden’s proposal to allow the IRS to monitor all bank accounts. Biden was swaggering!

Scott Zipperle noted the 2013 scandal of delaying applications for tax-exempt status for conservative applicants. He wrote further that this, together with the 2016 scandal of audits based on religious, political, and educational views, meant Biden's 2021 effort to gain access to private bank records would be a disaster for liberty.

The American government at all levels is regressing toward the 1917 constitution of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Lenin abolished all private property, made all the inventory of farming and industry the property of government, transferred all banks to government ownership, and disarmed the upper classes.

It was not the strength

of the Bolsheviks that forged

their communist victory in Russia.


Dmitri Myerezhkovski wrote in his brilliant book on the Communist Revolution, Tsarstvo Antikhrista:

Not on account of their own strength are the Bolsheviks powerful but only thanks to your weakness. They know what they want, but you do not know what you want.

If America is to fend off the assault upon its foundation it will require a new level of maturity on the part of its pastors and leaders. We will have to elevate our thought life from the mere animal instincts of survival and pleasure.


We will have to re-discover the more lucid and learned perspectives of those who, like Thomas Jefferson, risked everything to shape a portion of this world based on the tenants of Christendom. They all knew that it was Christendom that had so propelled Western science, music, government, and culture. The Puritans, followed by the Founders in 1776, took it further than anyone had yet imagined.

Americans must see secularism for

the empty and powerless idea it is.

Copernicus moved science forward with his heliocentric imagery of the galaxy. Because of him, the world jettisoned the inexplicable and confusing geocentric model which had reigned for centuries.

Man could think more clearly when

he understood that mankind's

abode was not the center

of the galaxy!


We must jettison the now reigning secularity of anthropocentrism and the cultural destruction it brings with it. We must restore the Christian theocentric concept of life on earth.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said in his June 8, 1978 Harvard address:

There is a disaster which is already with us. I am referring to the calamity of an autonomous, irreligious humanistic consciousness.

Five years later, on May 10th, 1983, he received the Templeton Prize. His Templeton Lecture began:

More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that is why all this has happened.

And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: “Men have forgotten God.”


Article 124 in Lenin’s 1918 Soviet constitution stated:

In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church.


In contrast, our first president, George Washington, said that we must, as a nation, gather in prayer and declare together. On January 1, 1785, he wrote:

Sincere and hearty thanks to the Great Ruler of Nations for the manifold and signal mercies which distinguish our lot as a nation.


If we want a government that fears the people rather than one which swaggers into America’s banks and demands to know who bought guns and Bibles, we must, as Dmitri Myerezhkovski suggested, awaken from our slumber.


If America is to rediscover its way, only a return to its foundations will turn the tide. This means teaching America's children the ideals which formed the basis of our amazing history.

Otherwise, Washington will house the tyrants who will control more than our bank accounts.

Our public schools teach the

Christian ideals which gave

us our political liberties.







The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!


Legislative Panel

The Panel was divided into two groups. Father Stephen Hamilton moderated the legislators and took questions from the floor.


From left to right:

Senator Standridge, Senator Bullard, Representative Hader,

former Representative Key, and Father Stephen Hamilton

Watch the panel here.

Watch the entire meeting here.

From left to right:

Senator Dahm, Representative Conley, former Representative Reynolds,

Senator Hamilton's wife, and Father Stephen Hamilton

Watch the panel here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


First and Third Wednesday!

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.

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