Monday, July 1, 2024

RYAN WALTERS TO SPEAK: Bible Required in Oklahoma School Curriculum

Published Monday, July 1, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Ryan Waters will headline our luncheon this Wednesday with details of his Bibles in the classroom program and the feedback from across the nation this past week.

More in Bob Linn's article below.

Bring a friend!


The award-winning vocal sounds will sing some patriotic music as we head into the Independence Day holiday.

In addition, a number of Senators who serve to extend the fruit of that day we commemorate will talk about their pathways to victory.

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Rediscovering True North

Fireworks erupted prematurely this year when Ryan Walters set the Oklahoma's academic clock to true north.

He announced last Thursday that the Bible would be a required element of Oklahoma’s curriculum.






To understand who America is requires a knowledge of American history.  It is a history drenched in Biblical thought.  Telling the story of America while omitting its Biblical foundations is to tell a secularist’s fantasy.

America was birthed only because of the Bible’s influence upon those who came to our shores in the 17th century.  

By the 18th century, men began to form the concepts which would define a budding federation of thirteen Christian colonies.  The Bible was omnipresent on America’s eastern shores as its leaders were crafting its founding documents.

Indiana University (I.U.) Ph.D., Donald S. Lutz, and I.U. Professor Charles Hyneman, authored the extraordinary study: American Political Writing during the Founding Era 1760 and 1805.

Their research revealed that 34 percent of all citations were to the Bible.  By comparison, all other references were miniscule.  For example, less than three percent were of John Locke.

Those who signed the Declaration of Independence signed a document written with the grand presupposition that our Creator rules the cosmos and enriches all mankind with divine and unassailable rights.

It was for the purpose of creating a nation grounded in this theonomic imagery that their document noted four times the inextricable relationship between divine sovereignty and the nation they were birthing.

Theonomy is the rule of God and His divine ordinances in the cosmos and in the affairs of mankind as opposed to the linking of institutions (church, state, academia, social norms) to the autonomous thoughts of man instead.

It was for that idea they each pledged their considerable wealth, their esteemed reputations, and their very lives.

Of the 56 Who signed:

Many lost their earthly wealth

Many lost their lives.

None lost their reputation.

The man who led our young nation in its war for independence and the struggle to found a nation imbued with the vision of a God-centered ideology was George Washington.  Later, the first U.S. President to serve under the new post-war constitution, said:

It is impossible to rightly govern

the world without the Bible.

Every U.S. President has taken his oath

of office with his hand upon the Bible.

Why the shock and awe with last week’s announcement?

Oklahoma Senator Dusty Deevers pointed out that by having stepped aside from the Christian heritage of Western Civilization and the Bible-drenched foundation of the American Colonies, we have erected a wall of separation between truth and the state’s educational curriculum.


Separating Truth from Education

Thursday’s announcement was a shock to many because the cultural shapers of leftist ideology have so intimidated the American public that we have more than acquiesced to the idea of ideological neutrality and the metaphysics of naturalism.

We have allowed the incoherent and chaotic metaphysical foundations of secularism to deftly capture our cultural realms.

The philosophically vacuous shroud of naturalism has engulfed academia. Truth in the realms of history, literature, music, and science has for generations been erased.

Americans have bent the knee to the idea that schools should teach that the cosmos sprouted from nothing for no reason with no guidance, even though the vast majority of Americans do not believe that.

Most Americans never have believed that.

The ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence

have been hidden from our school children.


As the culturally disconnected heirs of the gift of freedom, we have allowed our Biblical and Christian history to be erased from the pages of American school curriculums at all levels.  As if we are training robots to function in the work place, but not developing thinking human beings to know they stand before a Creator who endows not only rights for all men, but purpose for all mankind as well.

Darwin enabled the preachers of secularism to move a nation from its Christian mindset to the metaphysics of naturalism.  Darwin’s theory is a tattered, shredded piece of naturalistic mythology.

See the confessions of the world’s top naturalistic ideologues confessing the poverty of their atheism in a book written by one of their own: The Altenberg 16: An Expose of the Evolution Industry by Suzan Mazur.

Find it here.  

The men who laid the foundation for mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., were mostly devout Christians.  Bible reading Christians birthed the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries.


The Road of Science and the Ways to God by Stanley L. Jaki here.

Starlight Time & the New Physics by Dr. John here.

Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel here.

All were functioning under the idea of a divine Creator.  Einstein, who did his work standing upon their shoulders knew his investigation into the world of physics was an investigation into the creative work of God.

That America’s school children are not taught the story of mankind and his development is an atrocity.

All this is why Senator Deevers said of the place of the Bible in the Oklahoma classroom:

Including it in public school curriculum is not a scandal: excluding it is. It is difficult, if not impossible, to provide students a proper understanding of Western civilization, world history, and U.S. history without significant emphasis on the Bible.

Find Senator Dusty Deever's press release here.

Christopher Hill, author of The English Bible and the Seventeenth Century Revolution, reminds us that scripture was “accepted as the ultimate authority on economics and politics no less than on religion and morals.”

The literature on America’s religious destiny is abundant.  But it is sequestered in America’s libraries, hidden from the spotlight of the classroom.  

Titles like . . .

The Bible in America: Essays in Cultural History (Oxford University Press)

God’s New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny (University of North Carolina Press)

Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America’s Millennial Role (University of Chicago Press) Providence and the Invention of the United States (Cambridge University Press)

Many Are Chosen: Divine Election and Western Nationalism (Harvard)

. . . provide the idea that church and state in America are of one cloth.

Last week, one of our foundation board members sent me an article written five years ago which directly relates to the new trajectory of the Oklahoma classroom.

It is from Gateways to Better Education (GTBE).

The article is brief and fantastic. Find it here.


Regarding Independence Day

Soldiers fight for good not naturalism (no meaning). We don’t give our lives to protect random universes with no direction or purpose.

Yale Professor, Harry S. Stout notes that contemporary historians have omitted from their writing all descriptions of the symbiotic relationship between Christianity and war throughout American history.

Find more in James P. Byrd's

Sacred Scripture, Sacred War here.

Naturalism provides no such motivation to either die for a cause or to live for a cosmos with no cause for which to identify and live for.

It is why recruitment into the

American Armed Services is waning.

See my May 27, 2024 article on the topic here.

In his book, Sacred Scripture, Sacred War, James P. Byrd wrote about the importance of Christian Chaplains then General George Washington (later America’s first President).  Byrd states:

Washington wanted chaplains to accompany him.  Patriotism, Washington knew, required commitment to virtuous discipline and sacrificial loyalty, and he needed preachers who could command patriotic fervor from the Bible to the battlefield.

It is the war for independence that Washington led to victory that we celebrate this week.

We now fight a war for the Oklahoma

classroom and the minds of our youth.

Come Wednesday to hear Ryan

Walters speak about the issues!



I spoke to Ryan Walters last Friday about his leadership in the battle for the restoration of integrity in the study of history, literature, and science.  There is no doubt that those who have captured the minds of our youth for more than one hundred years will resist.

I reminded Ryan that at the heading of every lawsuit which comes his way will be a reference to the grand event in Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus Christ, now 2024 years ago!

Even his adversaries cannot escape the history of Western Civilization and the story of America. All this history began in a manger in Bethlehem two thousand twenty-four years ago.

It was the inauguration of the great reset which was finished in Jerusalem thirty-three years later.  The atonement which restored the authority of the people of God to complete the divine promises to Abraham to disciple the nations of the world than, as Solomon said:

All the people of the earth may know your name and fear you.

~I Kings 8:43

Only that divine reset brings us freedom.  Only his devotion to Christ inspired Washington to lead American troops to victory over the shackles of a dishonest and oppressive British King.

Only a devotion to the truth of our past will light the pathway of our future generations to the hope of a bright tomorrow.

From the United States Army Field Band:

The Battle Hymn of the Republic



We are working to remove this antagonism

from our education in Oklahoma.

The Chairman of the OCPAC Foundation, Fr. Stephen Hamilton, wrote these sentiments to Governor Stitt on June 6, 2024.  Fr. Hamilton is the chairman of the Oklahoma Advisory Committee on Founding Principles.

He writes:

In March 2023, the Oklahoma Advisory Committee on Founding Principles (OACPF) formed itself to offer advice to the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) on the general topic of promoting the founding principles and culture of this great nation in our schools.

It is entirely uncontroversial to acknowledge that the founding principles of the United States of America have established and enshrined a land of hope and freedom based upon Judeo-Christian values. It is a historical observation. It is also not controversial to promote fidelity to that founding. What’s more, to encourage knowledge about this founding and gratitude for it need not be seen as anything other than historical fact, rather than a zealous religious campaign seeking converts. It is good, healthy, and productive to promote gratitude for the founding principles that guide our country still. Enshrined in those founding principles is the relationship of faith leading to virtue leading to freedom, all of which together helps create a citizenry capable of self-governance.

The Declaration of Foundational Values is a profound and necessary step. It acknowledges that education is not just about academic proficiency but about shaping individuals who pursue truth, goodness, and beauty—universal virtues rooted in our Creator's design. By emphasizing that these virtues are objective and attainable, Superintendent Walters is championing a vision of education that forms the mind and touches the soul. This approach aligns perfectly with the ethos of our founding documents, which invoke divine guidance and recognize the inherent dignity of people.



Join us Wednesday to hear Ryan Walters

The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!


Mark McClusky


Mark McCloskey inspired the audience as few others have with the amazing story of the intrusion of armed Communist Rioters, aka Black Lives Matter (BLM), to the front of their home.

It is the story of a second threat stopped only because of the action of President Donald Trump. It is a must watch. Hear the eye-witness story of a Saint Louis City which protects the guilty and prosecutes the innocent.

Watch Mark McClosky here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



Ryan Walters

JULY 31, 2024

Ricky Dickson



Watch Ricky's comments at our last meeting regarding his coming presentation.

Find it here.



Led by Outspoken Christian

Head Coach Joe Mazzulla

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


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