Monday, June 3, 2024

Censuring Ryan Walters

Published Monday, June 3, 2024






Censuring Ryan Walters

I feel the significance of legislation sent to the Governor’s desk last week compels me to comment.

Thursday, May 30th was the last day

of the legislature’s 2024 regular session.

Now on Governor Stitt’s desk is legislation designed to redefine the office of State Superintendent of Public Education as well as the State Department of Education.

If the Governor signs the bill, the historic authority of both in the state's educational platform will be significantly diminished.



Thirty-five of the House Republicans voted against the legislation (SB 1122) and a number have publicly stated it was, as Representative J.J. Humphries put it, censorship and a personal vendetta by legislative leadership against Ryan Walters.

Before the House dismissed, Republican legislators who voted "no" sent a hand delivered letter to Governor Stitt asking that he veto SB 1122.

Sections fifteen and sixteen of SB 1122 limits the office of State Superintendent of Public Education (Ryan Walters) and the State Department of Education (SDE) in unique ways found in no other state agency.

SB 1122 was brought to the floor by the four-year chairman of the Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Education, Mark McBride.

The focus of questions, discussion, and debate centered on the two controversial sections: fifteen and sixteen.  Each are composed of a single sentence and remove much of the historic role played by Oklahoma’s school superintendent and the Oklahoma Department of Education.


of Superintendent & Department of Education


The State Department of Education shall not decline, refuse participation in, or choose not to apply for any federal grant funding that had been received by the Department prior to fiscal year 2023 (hereafter FY-23) without joint approval from the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate and the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

Section fifteen removes authority regarding federal education grants from the state superintendent and the State Department of Education and transfers that authority to the Speaker and the Pro Tempore.


No funds appropriated to the State Department of Education in Enrolled Senate Bill No. 1125 of the 2nd Session of the 59th Oklahoma Legislature or under the control of the State Department of Education shall be encumbered or expended for the purpose of securing media interviews, public relations, or other public promotional purposes unless expressly required to participate in a federal grant program.

Section sixteen removes the ability of the State Superintendent and the State Department of Education to engage in public communication.

Listen to the full debate here.

It begins at the 12:18:35 mark.


Ryan Walters has drastically reduced

SDE spending on communications.

Representative Chad Caldwell (Enid) told me in a phone call yesterday that Joy Hofmeister spent close to $800,000 on public relations and communication in her last year in office.

Salaries alone for those who are employed by the House of Representatives to conduct the public relations work for the house and to publicly promote the work of individual representatives who wish to use the house information arm to inform the public of their bills is well over $400,000.

Ryan Walters and the State Department of Education spends less than $200,000 per year by contracting much of the work to outside firms rather than employ the many well-paid staff who worked for Joy Hofmeister.

Representative Caldwell was one of the House Republicans who spoke strongly against SB 1122. He highlighted the hypocrisy inherent in section sixteen.

A few minutes of his debate on

the House floor may be seen here.


On March 28, 2022, the Oklahoman published an article detailing the spending of Oklahoma’s state agencies on communications and public relations.  The article was updated on March 29, 2023.

The article discussed at length the amount of money spent by Oklahoma’s state agencies on public relations and disseminating information.

Agencies like:

Statewide Virtual Charter School Board

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

Tourism and Recreation Department

Oklahoma Department of Health

Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell’s office

Department of Public Safety

The State Election Board

The article stated that:

Since 2019, state agencies have spent more than $99 million on public relations and marketing work from outside companies, according to state financial records.


Ryan Walters has become one of Oklahoma's most effective communicators while slashing his agency's budget to a fraction of his predecessor.

I would argue he has done more with his $200,000 than other agencies have done with budgets much larger.

Governor Kevin Stitt said last Friday:

If there’s a rule that’s good for one agency, maybe let’s have an across the board for all state agencies.

Mark McBride is terming out of the legislature. He has used his term in office to advocate for the positions of the National Education Association (NEA) and their local affiliate, the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) in the state legislature. In return, the NEA/OEA made Mark McBride their top priority in terms of campaign donations.

The NEA/OEA connection to Mark McBride is

sufficient reason for him to advocate for

sections fifteen & sixteen of SB 1122.

Four years ago, Speaker Charles McCall (Atoka) appointed McBride to be Chairman of education’s Appropriations & Budget subcommittee.


While defending the bill, McBride repeatedly noted that Speaker Charles McCall asked for section fifteen and sixteen at the beginning of the 2024 session. I presume to apply the pressure of the power inherent in the leadership position.

I have been told that the Governor's office has an interest in hearing from Oklahomans from across the state as he contemplates whether to sign this legislation into law, to veto it, or to line-item veto sections fifteen and sixteen.

Governor Stitt desires to hear from you as he contemplates whether to line-item veto section sixteen, or just veto the entire bill. He would like to hear your thoughts.

As a public service, I am providing the Governor's phone and email for those who want to provide input:

The Governor's Phone


The Governor's email



Mihajlo Mihajlov was born to Russian parents and eventually immigrated to the United States where he acquired citizenship, lectured, collaborated with Radio Free Europe, served on the advisory board of the non-profit educational organization Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, and was a prolific writer.

In his 1976 book, Underground Notes, he states:

I believe that the deepest division can be observed between people who believe in power and people who believe in freedom.  The difference is greater than any national characteristics.

Ryan Walters has advocated for educational liberty and the return of parental authority over state authority in education.  This has placed him in the crosshairs of the NEA and their Oklahoma affiliate, the OEA.

Further, Ryan Walters has advocated for the removal of all pornographic materials and practices in our schools.  This, too, is contrary to the stated policies of the NEA and their local state-wide affiliates, including the OEA.

Mihajlo Mihajlov speaks of the fact that only the religious rebirth of a people will save them from the rise to power of totalitarian and authoritarian leaders.  

It is what Russians have realized.  By their own admission, Lenin and everything else “happened” to them because they forgot God.

It must be our work and our prayer to ask God to give us this land of ours filled with a Godly devotion and the respect for the autonomy of the family unit apart from governmental interference that accompanies a Godly society.




Watch Sheriff Johnson speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.




Shane Jett is the legislator to whom Shawnee parents have come in order to get vital changes needed in Shawnee schools. Families have confided in Senator Jett regarding the horrific details of sexual molestation by former athletic director, Ron Arthur.

Last February, Ron Arthur was handcuffed and taken to prison where he will spend the next five years of his life for his crimes against young boys.

Hear Shane's story here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



June 12, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

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Gifts are tax-deductible.

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The Century Club

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Norman, OK 73070

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Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

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