Monday, July 31, 2023

Both Ryan Walters and Trevor Loudon at OCPAC

Published Monday, July 31, 2023




Trevor Loudon's trademark is the depth of his research now on display in his most recent book, House Un-Americans and its more than 800 footnotes.

His research includes documents from the US Congressional records, the National Archives, the Communist Party USA, and the General Assembly of the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.

In his recent book, more than twenty of the many organizations with foreign ties at work to effectively steer American political policy are summarized up front as a foundation for the detailed political careers which follow.

This Wednesday, he comes to Oklahoma's History Center with encouragement that together, we will overcome these political challenges and secure the freedom which is our inherited blessing.

Come Wednesday and get your signed copy!

This Wednesday is a


Oklahoma families do not want schools that feature pornographic materials, sexual groomers in the place of teachers, and anti-American hate speech.

Ryan Walters is Oklahoma's chosen advocate for parental choice. He is a rare political leader who understands that only the parent has the moral right to select the educational institution to which their tax monies are diverted.

Education is for the family not the government.

Good families build good governments

Ryan is our advocate for the restoration of moral and academic sanity in all Oklahoma's classrooms.

This week, he agreed to make a change in his schedule in order to be with us at the Oklahoma History Center this Wednesday.

Among other news, he will update us on the future of districts whose accreditation is in doubt.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

to the Oklahoma History Center.

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

The future of a nation depends upon its shepherds to guard, protect, and guide the people of God that we may perform our roles well in both family and state.

Please bring your friends, family,

church leaders, and your pastors!


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.




Doors open 11:00 AM

$5 entry fee

Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.

Optional Lunch 11:00 AM

Meeting NOON to 1:15 PM

Optional Lunch: $10

Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



The Separation of Myth and History




The Separation of Myth and History

Last week’s State Department of Education (SDE) meeting represented what civic affairs can be when Christians are educated and activated. Advocates of the policies represented by Oklahoma’s Ryan Walters and the SDE board held a clear majority at last Thursday’s meeting. The state-wide call for all those who want to see Ryan Walters impeached yielded, by comparison, little response in terms of numbers.

The restoration of Oklahoma’s education

is only just getting started.

Educated and activated Christian patriots

filled the SDE meeting space and

dominated the microphone.

One of the common chants we have been hearing at the SDE board meetings and press conferences is:

“Separation of church and state.”

We also hear accusations that we are:

“Christian Nationalists.”

I have absolutely no idea what is meant by the term.

Kevin Stitt was called a Christian Nationalist by an organization called Stop Christian NationalismLiterary Hub stated that White Christian Nationalism was behind Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.

A few months ago, the Heritage Foundation indicated that the poorly defined term seemed to apply to anyone who voted for Donald Trump, wants voter ID, separate locker rooms for boys and girls, or who does not want men to participate in women’s sports.

The political left has employed the moniker Christian Nationalism to castigate just about anybody who is not on the political left.

For those reasons, it is, to me, a matter of grave concern to read that Oklahoma’s newly elected Attorney General, Gentner Drummond, recently joined the rhetoric of the leftist political class in its public disparagement of “Christian Nationalism.”

Politico published its interview with Drummond on July 17, 2023 titled:

“The Republican who sees

‘Christian Nationalism’ seeping

into public schools.”

Without defining what he means by “Christian Nationalism,” Drummond states that it represents a “short-sighted movement … that is giving oxygen to this attempt to eviscerate the Establishment Clause.”

Specifically, Drummond is currently fighting against the right of a family to choose to use its taxpayer educational funds to send their children to St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School.

His war on the moral and legal right of every taxpayer to determine what institution his child’s tax dollar is spent is chilling. For Gentner Drummond, every taxpayer dollar must fund education void of all religion. The same policy Lenin favored.

The lead statement of law in Lenin’s 1918 Decree was the Separation of Church and State. It was followed by a ban on teaching Christianity in both public and private schools and the confiscation of all churches and their property.

Drummond infers that Christianity and Bible reading in the classroom is at odds with America’s cultural past. He states, “We need to be careful of the establishment of laws, and rules of law, that will take what we’ve considered sacred these last 250 years and do away with it.”

For our articles indicating that Christianity and Bible-reading were, in fact, originally considered requirements in American schools, see our recent articles:

Only the Bible in the Classroom will Save Our Republic

July 10, 2023

The Cure for Ideological Illiteracy

July 17, 2023

Cultural Deconstruction & Censorship

The Political Twins

July 24, 2023

“Separation of church and state” would have been a bizarre concept from the nation’s birth to its growth into adulthood.

As a prelude to 20th century America, US President Grover Cleveland quite clearly connected Christianity with America’s government. He saw the Christian connections both to the nation’s economic condition, and to our national security when, on October 25, 1887, he delivered his Presidential address to the nation:

The goodness and the mercy of God, which have followed the American people during all the days of the past year, claim their grateful recognition and humble acknowledgment ... by His omnipotent power He has protected us from war and pestilence and from every national calamity; by His gracious favor the earth has yielded a generous return ... by His loving kindness the hearts of our people have been replenished ... and by His unerring guidance we have been directed in the way of national prosperity.

These are not the comments Vladimir Lenin would have delivered to the Russian people in 1918. Nor does it appear they are the comments Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Gentner Drummond would make in 2023.

As you and I seek to be informed and responsible citizens of the state of Oklahoma, it is important that we have a clear picture of the ideological leanings of those who seek to fill Oklahoma’s political offices. Offices Mr. Drummond referred to as places of “political power” in his Politico interview.

We need instead devout Christian patriots who think of political office as positions of servanthood, responsibility, and duty to his state, to his nation, and to his God. 

This Wednesday, both Trevor Loudon and Ryan Walters will discuss the many issues in the Oklahoma classroom and the nation as a whole as it relates to the very public war on Christianity in American society.

Our nation’s recovery depends on the

restoration of the Oklahoma classroom.

A few thousand of you read this newsletter each week. I would challenge you to connect with us through our meetings, or by email and get involved in bolstering the Christian cultural foundations of Oklahoma that we may cast a light on our nation, the last bastion of freedom in the world.

Christianity is the very foundation of human thought.

It is the foundation of free and prosperous societies.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


This Wednesday's luncheon!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting

Oklahoma History Center

800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr., OKC, OK 73105

God bless!



See the National Archives here




August 24, 2023


9:30 am

State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters, and the State Department of Education, invite you to attend their June 22nd public meeting.

Your comments and presence are sought as the foundation of the future of Oklahoma's children is being established. The SDE offices are on the northeast lawn of the Oklahoma State Capitol.


State Department of Education

Oliver Hodge Education Building

2500 N. Lincoln Blvd, OKC, OK

Thursday, August 24, 2023

8:30 a.m. Gather for fellowship and prayer.

9:00 a.m. Sign in for option to speak.

9:30 a.m. SDE meeting begins.

OCPAC FOUNDATION is a 501 (c) (3).

Gifts are tax-deductible.

Bring your checkbook this Wednesday!

Make your tax-deductible donation

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"OCPAC is about religion and politics,  the only two things that matter." -John Michener, President. The mission of O...