Monday, January 25, 2021

STATE AUDITOR RESPONDS | Steve Anderson | Bringing Transparency to Oklahoma Government

Published Monday, January 25, 2021
Central Oklahoma Home Builders

OCPAC’s continuing series on how the general public can
have an essential part in bringing transparency and
accountability to government 

Steve Anderson is serving as subject matter expert in Bob Linn’s on-going efforts to investigate what really went on during the years that $30 million dollars were reported to have been misplaced in the Oklahoma State Department of Health. That was an issue about which the Oklahoma taxpayer was never allowed to see resolved. It just fizzled out.
What we do know is that State Department of Health has a history of financial skullduggery that makes the lack of accountability in this most recent scandal even more troubling. All of this in a government agency that has been quite aggressive in pushing mask mandates, lock downs and harassment of small business owners in Oklahoma regarding COVID-19 regulations.

In the face of its role in our private lives, Bob wants to know if the ethical issues still remain and just as importantly are individuals who participated in these scandals sitting in judgement on the allowed activities of the citizens of Oklahoma.
After Bob Linn submitted an Open Record Request on November 23, 2020, State Auditor and Inspector Cindy Byrd asked to meet. She told Bob that if he would reduce the request to a smaller portion of the original, she would get that information to him quickly. Last week, Bob received a portion of that information, but along with that information there was some very troubling emails from the Inspector's General Counsel.
First, thank you, Cindy Byrd, for providing the information we received from your office this week. While these do not answer many questions, they have brought to light new areas of concern including what at first blush may be an attempt to create an insurmountable financial barrier preventing the general public's assess to public records.  
Wednesday, you will learn some things EVERY citizen should know about how Oklahoma government works and how you as a citizen can be the force that finally brings true transparency to Oklahoma government as Steve unravels the 'how’s and whys' of bureaucratic obfuscation.

“You can rest assured that, as a fellow Oklahoma citizen
and taxpayer, I will stay the course of ensuring that transparency and accountability for this scandal finally occurs.”
~Bob Linn

Steve Anderson served in the administration of Governor Frank Keating, working under the man--Tom Daxon---who was central to exposing the history-making county commissioner scandal.

He was State Budget Director and State Comptroller in Kansas for Governor Sam Brownback where he was appointed to correct the largest case of state government financial fraud that brought a Securities and Exchange Commission indictment of Governor Sebelius and her administration.

Work he has done in the past have has been praised by Nobel Laureate, Milton Friedman, and he has been published on numerous state, federal and local government topics from accounting to financial practices.
Via Media Link

After Steve Anderson speaks, Dr. John Eidsmoe will join us on the big screen to discuss the Logan County Sheriff's Sanctuary Resolution and how that might play out as a resolution in the Oklahoma Legislature and in legislatures all across America.

Dr. Eidsmoe holds four advanced degrees, including two doctorates. One in law and one in theology. He is a constitutional attorney and retired Lt. Colonel. As a professor of constitutional law at Faulkner University, his students twice gave him the Outstanding Professor Award.
Come to be informed and encouraged
as we prayerfully see what God is doing.

We are in the most critical time in
the nation's history since 1776.

Central Oklahoma Home Builders
430 E. Brittan
Oklahoma City, OK

LUNCH SERVED at 11:30 A.M.

FREE to those 18-years old and under
FREE to college students 21-years old and under.

$5 entry for all others

Full lunch $10
Table of Contents

The Fatal Flaws of Secularism

David Benham of The Benham Brothers

Strategies for Dark Days

General McArthur's hope for America

New revelations
63 Days


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Prior Week Entries
of Continued Importance

Curtis Bowers | Trevor Loudon

Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality
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The Fatal Flaws of Secularism
Last Wednesday solidified the fruit of more than 100 years of government mandated secularism in its educational institutions.

The American Church has been happy to exchange its divine commission to educate its children in exchange for an option which affords a great deal of convenience.

If we are to salvage the Christian nation provided by our forefathers, we will have to make different decisions regarding the theological foundations of our children’s education. When America’s children are placed in classrooms where Christ and the Bible have been outlawed, the message they hear is clear. Christ is irrelevant to the real world.

Secularism is as evil in 2021 as it was when Satan proposed the concept to our first parents.

There are new books in this week's book section at the bottom of the newsletter. Books by the Benham brothers and also the book Charlie recommended last week, Live Not by Lies.
I'll see you this Wednesday!
To Every American from

“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude better than
the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

~ Samuel Adams was a Founding Father of the United States
May we fulfill our calling as God's vice-regents of the earth.
May we be faithful during our time of occupation.
~Genesis 1

David Benham
Of the Benham Brothers
A view of America through the eyes of Christ
by Bob Linn
David Benham joined us last week and gave us a great deal of inspiration and placed our nation's change of administration earlier that day in a Christian perspective. He spoke of the difficult days when HGTV offered he and his brother, Jason, millions of dollars but asked them to stay silent about their Christian message.
He spoke of the “fake salt” of conservatism which has replaced the Biblical saltiness of a people who are first and foremost committed to Christ and Scripture. A people for whom conservatism is an outgrowth of their Christianity, not a replacement for it.

When David spoke of the parallels of the 21st century church with the life of Lot as divulged in Genesis chapter 19, a bright light was cast on the complicity of the church in the secular education of our children as we have turned them over to government schools and classrooms who do not presuppose Christ as the foundation of all knowledge.

Earlier in the day, the new administration called for national unity. David pointed to Isaiah 57 which closes with the statement:

“’There is no peace,’ says my God, ‘for the wicked’”
~Isaiah 57:21

In light of Isaiah's words, David said: “We are now seeing a godless government … a political party bent on dismembering the unborn, bent on changing and altering God’s design in all things, God’s design for marriage, God’s design for human sexuality, and God’s ordained design for gender.”
Making his point quite graphic, David quoted from comments by Rachel Levine, newly appointed member of the incoming administration’s Department of Health. Levine once was considered to be a man, but now identifies as a woman.

David read to us Levine’s comments on COVID 19 safety: “Large gatherings are not safe during COVID 19, but if you attend a large gathering where you might end up having sex, below are tips to reduce your risk of spreading or getting COVID-19 through sex: Limit the number of partners, try to identify a consistent sex partner, wear a face covering, avoid kissing …”

In the context of such unashamed debauchery, we are clearly in an era of great darkness.

David told in detail the pressures placed on them as they had to choose between HGTV’s millions of dollars and the riches they possessed in Christ.
It is well worth hearing and it is well worth your children and grandchildren hearing. You might also want to read the book David discussed toward the end of his time with OCPAC, Living Among Lions.
Watch the meeting here.
David came into the meeting at the 37 minute mark

More on the Benham Brothers:

Order these well-received books written
by the Benham Brothers today!


by Bob Linn
This week, Curtis Bowers included quite a number of notes regarding the changes to come in the new administration. He spoke of the things we can do to best be effective as we move forward.

I would encourage all our readers to spend the $5 per month to be able to log into his Agenda Weekly program. You will support a fantastic ministry and receive Godly council. Find it here.

Two items from this week’s Agenda Weekly provide some indication as to the immediate threats to the Christian community that are on the horizon.
First, regarding a topic OCPAC addressed last year, Curtis brought us up to date on this year’s meeting of the World Economic Forum, an effort to dissolve the nations to make way for a one world government.
This year, it is a virtual meeting which began yesterday and will go through this coming Thursday. Their Marxist agenda includes topics which sound very Christian to the one unfamiliar with those who run the organization and their tactics.

The seven topics are “How to save the Planet,” “Fairer Economies,” “Tech for Good,” “Society & Future of Work,” “Better Business,” “Healthy Futures,” and “Beyond Geopolitics.” Learn more here.
The Founder and Executive Chairman is Klaus Schwab. He is, among many other things, an honorary professor at the China Foreign Affairs University and co-author of COVID 19: The Great Reset.

Curtis highlighted the equally foreboding comments made by John Brennan, former director of the CIA under Obama with an admitted history of ties to the Communist Party.
He stated that under Biden, the intelligence agencies “are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about” the pro-Trump “insurgency” that harbors “religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.” See it on Twitter here.

There is much to be encouraged about in Agenda Weekly as well. You will do well so subscribe.
A Review of
American Minute
Douglas MacArthur

Truth for America
by Bob Linn
America’s Christian foundations has bred Christian leaders in many realms, including the military. One of America’s foremost Christian military leaders was 5-star General, Douglas MacArthur.
Last week, Dr. Bill Federer wrote extensively about this man’s career and highlighted two elements which resonate with the American condition in 2021.

He knew that only a Christian foundation was capable of building the kind of nation anyone would want to live in.

He also saw with clarity the intrusion of a subversive element in American education, government, and media.

An element which has now gained ascendency and is bend on destroying Christianity.

General Douglas MacArthur addressed Massachusetts State Legislature in Boston, July 25, 1951: 
Key Portions of General MacArthur's Speech:

It is not of any external threat that I concern myself but rather of insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions. Foremost of these forces is the scourge of imperialistic Communism. 

It has infiltrated into positions of public trust and responsibility -- into the press, the radio, and the school. 

It seeks through the civil power, the media, and education to pervert the truth, impair respect for moral values, suppress human freedom and representative government, and in the end destroy our faith in our religious teachings.

This evil force, with neither spiritual base nor moral standard, applies internal pressure against all things we hold descent -- the type of pressure which has caused many Christian nations abroad to fall and their own cherished freedoms to languish in the shackles of complete suppression.

McArthur, a devout Christian, knew that the cultural backbone of nations would be filled with either the atrocities of secularism or the blessings of Christianity.

In line with his Christian character, he
sought to evangelize Japan after WWII.

A former prisoner of the Japanese, Jake DeShazer, wrote an evangelistic tract detailing his time in a Japanese prison camp and his Christian compassion for his captors. One of his converts was Mitsuo Fuchida, a Japanese pilot who participated in the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Fuchida wrote his own life story in his biography titled, From Pearl Harbor to Calvary (1953). Here are some portions from that book:

With the end of the war, my military career was over, since all Japanese forces were disbanded. Though I was never accused, Gen. Douglas MacArthur summoned me to testify.

As I got off the train one day in Tokyo's Shibuya Station, I saw an American distributing literature. He handed me a pamphlet entitled I Was a Prisoner of Japan.

What I read was the fascinating episode which eventually changed my life.
I became a new person. My complete view on life was changed by the intervention of the Christ I had always hated and ignored before. I have traveled across Japan and the Orient introducing others to the One Who changed my life. 

He includes this message which all nations must heed:

I believe with all my heart that those who will direct Japan - and all other nations - in the decades to come must not ignore the message of Jesus Christ.
~Mitsuo Fuchida

To MacArthur's credit, no other military occupation in history matched the peace and reconciliation he achieved in the aftermath of WWII. 

As recorded in The Faith of MacArthur: Binding Up the Wounds of a Broken Nation, by Joseff J. B. Smith, MacArthur stated: 

If the historian of the future should deem my service worthy of some slight reference, it would be my hope that he mention me not as a commander engaged in campaigns and battles, even though victorious to American arms, but rather as that one whose sacred duty it became, once the guns were silenced, to carry to the land of our vanquished foe the solace and hope and faith of Christian morals … An occupation not conceived in a spirit of vengeance or mastery of victor over vanquished, but committed to the Christian purpose of helping a defeated, bewildered and despairing people.

MacArthur concluded his address to the Massachusetts State Legislature in Boston, July 25, 1951: 

We must unite in the high purpose that the liberties etched upon the design of our life by our forefathers be unimpaired and that we maintain the moral courage and spiritual leadership to preserve inviolate that mighty bulwark of all freedom, our Christian faith. 

MacArthur warned in a speech to the Salvation Army, December 12, 1951, stating: 

History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.

Connect with William J. Federer here.
63 Days
Since Filing
by Bob Linn
Sixty-three days ago (Monday, November 23), I filed an Oklahoma Open Records Request in the Oklahoma State Auditor's office requesting that specific public information from the State Auditor's office be made available to me for my review.
Last week, a bit more than 50 days later, I received a partial response for which I want to thank Ms. Byrd. With that partial fulfillment, I was told that I will be charged attorney's fees from here on in if I want to look further into the public records.

The State Auditor's attorney, Mick Dodson, wrote to me that, " ... our office now has a policy to charge for the direct cost of preparing records when requests cause excessive disruption of the office's essential functions ... the charges will be based on the hourly billing rates of the employees preparing the records."

This was quite a surprise, and I will be investigating whether the Auditor has a statutory foundation for the threat. This new policy suggests to me that the auditor's previous posturing of being a fully transparent agency may not, in fact, be accurate. At least, the agency may have lost an interest in being fully cooperative and transparent by making its public records available to me without a price tag attached.

The taxpayer reading this might also like to know that I was told I could pick this up any business day between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Last Friday, I stopped by at 9:11 A.M. and found no one in the office. I came back at 10:30 A.M. and found the office was still unoccupied. I was called sometime around 11:30 A.M. to let me know the office was now open if I cared to come back again.

I wonder how many of Oklahoma's citizens have walked away with unfulfilled requests because they did not want to combat intimidation, financial threats, or truncated office hours.

Come this Wednesday to hear more on my search for truth from this state agency as Steve Anderson unveils what we do know. Steve is the subject matter expert advising me in my struggle to have these public records made available.

Lack of transparency in government
is a grave concern to all taxpayers.

I will keep you updated.
Last year, Unite Norman began the process of removing the divisive, totalitarian, anti-police leftists from city government.

We are now beginning the process of filling those vacancies with candidates endorsed by Unite Norman.

For those who helped knock doors or contributed financially, this is a good follow-up to complete the process of establishing mature leadership for the city.

Please help us elect Unite Norman's Kelly Lynn

If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew.

Not already a member?
Join the fight!
Sign up here!

Renew your membership here.
Tune into OAN
OAN has been a favorite of the President and is one news source that is not sold out to leftist ideology.

One America News Network is owned by Herring Networks, Inc. Herring Networks, Inc. is a family owned and operated, independent media company focused on providing high quality national television programming to consumers via its national cable networks.

The for-profit company was established in 2004 and has its primary production operations in California and Washington, DC.

You can find One America News Network
on the national providers:

AT&T U-verse – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD)
CenturyLink PRISM – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD)
DirecTV – 347
GCI – 64 (SD) and 703 (HD)
Verizon FiOS – 116 (SD) and 616 (HD)

Find OAN on Oklahoma network:

Cherokee Telephone on Ch. 244 (SD) and 306 (HD)

Find OAN here.
Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.


100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!
of Continued Importance

By Bob Linn
Pastor Cary Gordon narrates this soon-to-be-released film exposing the Marxist infiltration into America's churches, seminaries, and Christian missionary movements.

Those involved in the film include Trevor Loudon and Curtis Bowers.
This film exposes shocking developments throughout the entire breadth of 21st century Christendom. Protestants, Catholics, and the Orthodox church have been infiltrated. Our beloved evangelistic organizations have seen wolves in sheep's clothing rise to the very top.

The head of the Russian Orthodox church is a KGB agent. The Pope is a Marxist. The evangelical church has been deeply penetrated. That penetration goes to the very top of institutions we thought were rock solid. This includes the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Southern Baptist Church, the former Campus Crusade for Christ (now, CRU), and many others.

The evidence is iron clad. I was on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and worked with founder and President, Dr. Bill Bright. Sadly, I have been made aware that Marxist concepts have become pervasive at their national conferences over the past few years. It is both clear and stunning. Marxist language is now a part of their programs on campuses throughout the nation.

I've also spent many years in the Southern Baptist Church. In addition, my wife and I founded a PCA church in our living room many years ago. In spite of my close relationship with all these institutions, the evidence of their fall from Godliness is overwhelming.

In the near future, I plan to focus on the developments within the organization I once knew as Campus Crusade for Christ.

It is important to expose these enemies who have crept into Christendom. These have entered our Christian institutions in an effort to destroy the Church. The "gospel" they promote will bear no fruit. Marxist ideology mixed with Bible verses will produce neither salvation nor the health, peace, and prosperity of civilizations.

Marxist concepts like social justice, critical race theory and the myths inherent in the concept of "white privilege" are ungodly, contrary to all of the Scriptures, and represent evil and destructive weapons designed to destroy the church, the family, and societies. They are drenched in narcissism and hatred.

These ideas, now permeating most of our seminaries and academic institutions (beginning in elementary school), will soon destroy the nation if we do not expose them for the evil they represent.

$50,000 is needed to complete the film.
Consider the opportunity prayerfully.


Watch the Trailer here.


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

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Order these well-received books written
by the Benham Brothers today!


Live Not by Lies
Rod Dreher
This is the book Charlie recommends.

Buy it from Christian Books here.
Buy it from Amazon here.

Other Books Recommended

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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