Monday, August 3, 2020

Defund the Thunder? | NBA's War on America | Unite Norman Igniting America

Published Monday, August 3, 2020
Filmmaker Curtis Bowers
on Film Row
Tearing Down Statues to
Make Totalitarian America

Having destroyed over 100 statues of American Patriots, the deception of Howard Zinn is producing the evil fruit it intended. Zinn's destruction of American history preceded the destruction of these statues. The goal is a Marxist America.

Award-winning filmmaker, Curtis Bowers, exposed the twisted history shaping of Howard Zinn here. Come to Oklahoma City's film row this Wednesday to meet him personally and hear his analysis of the future which lies before this generation of Americans.

Bring someone!
on Film Row
701 NW Sheridan, OKC, OK 73102


NOON to 1 PM

$4 for entry

From Joey's Pizzeria
2 slices $5 Includes Drinks
Table of Contents

Maximilien Robespierre
The Secularist Reign of Terror Continues


The Obsequious Christian

David Holland

Positioned to Ignite A Nation

The NBA is at War with America's Patriots

From Last Week:
Elmo and Louie Join Marxist BLM Protests


Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

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Maximilien Robespierre
The Secularist Reign of Terror Continues
The violent riots being promoted by Black Lives Matter (BLM) accommodates the comparison to Robespierre’s Jacobin Reign of Terror.  Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Founder and President of the Institute for Cultural Leadership, calls the BLM movement “little Jacobins.”

That is important, because the political progeny of Robespierre's Jacobins has produced a procession of political villains. Will BLM bring us the evil of Robespierre’s full-blown reign of terror?

Mark Twain once said, “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” We do well to remind ourselves of the seeds of more than two centuries of inhumanity to mankind.
French Historian Marcel Gauchet reminds us that as Robespierre and the Jacobins took control of the French Revolution, the guillotine was the means to establish his reign of Reign of Terror.
The early lineage of Robespierre’s Reign of Terror features Russian dictator, Vladimir Lenin. Polish scholar Leszek Kolakowski notes in his “Main Currents of Marxism” that Russia's Lenin created the “basis for a one-man tyranny,” In 1921, Lenin exclaimed at the Third Congress of the Communist International “We do not promise freedom.” 
Budapest journalist, Victor Sebestyen, described Lenin as the godfather of “post-truth politics.” Sebestyen explains he elements of post-truth politics:

Offer the electorate simple solutions to complex problems.
 Lie shamelessly. 
Designate scapegoats to explain all misery. 
Winning is everything, the ends justify the means.
In Russia, Lenin laid the ground for rule by terror. He censored the press and abolished the legal system in favor of “revolutionary justice.”  Lenin boasted of his power over the Russian people: “To us, all is permitted. Let there be blood … the very cruelest revolutionary terror.”

Lenin laid the groundwork in Russia for an even more ruthless dictator who would continue the reign of terror in Russia.
British historian and scholar, Robert Service, authored the highly acclaimed A History of Modern Russia. He wrote of the ruthless political path of Russian tyranny Lenin developed for his successor. He explains, “The forced-labor camps, the one-party state, the prohibition of free and popular elections, the ban on internal party dissent ... not one of them had to be invented by Stalin … Not for nothing did Stalin call himself Lenin’s disciple.”
Author Josef Joffe is a scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University with an interest in Russian political history.

No one has articulated the cruel nature of secularism and its impact on the Russian people more clearly than Joffe did when he said, “Lenin’s most brilliant invention was a secular religion: Communism. If you believe in me, you will gain salvation — not in the Great Beyond, but in the Here and Now. And if you don’t believe, the revolutionary faith pronounced, we will kill you. With this brand-new choice — paradise on earth or speedy demise — the 'obstinate little man [Lenin]' made a revolution that shook the world and inspired tyrants round the globe.”

His heir, Stalin, was evil incarnate, sending millions to the gulag or murdering them outright. 
Mikhail Gorbachev was the last to rule Russia as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He resigned in 1991 (on Christmas Day!) and declared his office extinct. The Soviet empire begun by Lenin was dead after 74 years. 

Communism, Soviet Russia’s ersatz religion, has ended up as a gory failure. Its reign of terror is responsible for tens of millions of dead from Moscow to Mao’s China. Secularism is an ersatz religion. An inferior substitute for Christianity. Something Josef Joffe has just made so clear to us.
Black Lives Matter is the resurrection of Robespierre’s Jacobins and their Reign of Terror. It is a secular movement bent on revolution.  

The willingness to participate in the death and destruction performed under the Marxist label, Black Lives Matter, is an indication they are capable of instituting the revolutionary tribunals which marked the secular French revolution. As well as Lenin's reign of Terror in Russia which followed. And, the terror of Stalin after that.
Regrettably, the secular paradise Marxism advertises would become, instead, a Robespierrian hell on earth. As were the reigns of Lenin, Stalin, and others.
This is why Italian philosopher and former President of the Italian Senate, Marcello Pera, said, “The apostacy of Christianity is exposing the entire West to the risk of grave cultural and political crisis, and perhaps even to a collapse of civilization”
~Marcello Pera, Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians, P 62

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, agrees. He said, “The European crisis has not come by chance but by the carelessness and neglect of their responsibilities by leaders who have questioned precisely those Christian roots.” 
Our future lies in the foundations only Christianity provides.
European Intellectual History scholar, Dr. Herbert Schlossberg, spoke of the camouflage of secular mythology our educational institutions have used to envelope its academic disciplines. Secular intellectuals have swept religion out the door. Schlossberg insists only Biblical presuppositions provide a foundation for rationality.

Movements built on secularism are wearisome to the masses.

Atheistic political leadership and its intolerance of opposition are defining elements of all Robespierre’s offspring, BLM included.

The secularists have given us irrationality and the burning, looting, and bloodshed now rampant in America’s cities.

The only light in America's future is contained in the Word of God. Emboldened and fiery pulpits combined with Godly patriots who live out their Christianity in all of life's spheres will project those rays of life and bring healing to our land.

Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.

November lies ahead.

100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!

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The Obsequious Christian
Turning the other cheek to cultural
evil is selling Christians into slavery

Editor’s note: I loved Dr. Sandlin’s use of the word obsequious. It aptly describes the church of 2020. (Obsequious means an excessive degree of servile compliance and obedience.)

It was not his original title. However, obsequious sums up the 21st century church and its undo subservient posture to an increasingly ungodly culture and its influence and its mandates. The 21st century church’s Biblical illiteracy has bred an ignorance of its divinely imbued ontological nature and subsequent calling as God’s earthly vice-regents. Hence, the corporate sin of the American church. I am much indebted to the intellectual leadership Dr. Sandlin provides the 21st-century church!
~Bob Linn
Since about the 1870s, conservative Protestants in the West have adopted a passive, pacifist, and obsequious approach toward culture. They view their Protestant predecessors, the promoters of Christendom (Western Civilization), as proud, pompous, overbearing.
Those who founded Western Civilization were convinced the church should be a strong cultural force, advancing the faith and the kingdom of God by every legitimate means necessary. 

The modern church thinks otherwise. Its vision is the small, embattled, persecuted minority waiting for the return of the Lord. For today’s Christian, it will not be the growth of a vibrant and mighty Holy-Spirit empowered church which transforms culture. It will be Christ who will set aside a timid, frail, and small church while He alone battles evil. The evil the Spirit could not battle through His church. Oh, how the Reformers and Puritans would have disagreed!
Over the last 150 years, Christianity has retreated successively before higher biblical criticism, Darwinism, secularism, Marxism, existentialism, modernism, progressivism, statism, and postmodernism. This secular religion has actively worked to supplant the Christian culture that marked the West for 1,500 years. 

Rather than refute, oppose, and vanquish these enemies, Christianity has retreated.

Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Cultural Marxism, have revealed the embarrassing timidity of today’s obsequious Christianity. 

Embarrassing, yes. The “modern” church judges fidelity to Christianity by the degree of its capitulation to evil and adoption of worldliness.
Opposing Evil
A Divine Calling
Werner J. Dannhauser observed:

Moral neutrality refuses to decide in favor of either good or evil, but that refusal inevitably favors evil. To ensure the triumph of evil over good, one need not prohibit the good; one need only remove the stigma from evil. A world in which the good can do good and the evil can do evil is not a good but an evil world. Good requires encouragement while evil only requires permissiveness.
It’s not God’s desire that evil grow unmolested in his earth. God calls righteous people to oppose and combat cultural unrighteousness. Opposing cultural evil is fidelity to the King.
Our forefathers knew that resistance to tyranny is
obedience to God. Moderns seem to believe that
submission to tyranny is obedience to God.
Detente with cultural evil is the surrender of
the holiness of God and, more broadly,
Christ’s Lordship in all things.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Russia's Gulag
Arguably the greatest Russian novelist of the 20th century was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn wrote the massive, 3-volume story of what happens when tyrants gain power. His magnum opus is titled, The Gulag Archipelago.

It is a detailed account of the Soviet security apparatus and its injustice, deception, cruelty, arbitrariness, dehumanization, torture, and murder.

In chapter one he included this heartbreaking, chilling footnote:
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:

What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?

Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs [Soviet secret police] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation….

We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."
Contemporary Christians have been enslaved by a tyrannical culture even more than by a tyrannical politics.

In their pious cowardice, they are mute and obsequious in the face of:

Ubiquitous Homosexualization
Gubernatorial Public Worship “Guidelines,”
Denominational “Wokeness”

They think that in surrendering to cultural and political tyranny, they are doing God a service. They don’t love freedom enough. They don’t love God’s truth enough. They lack the character to fight for any of it.

Your very association with the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC) is an encouragement.

Thank you for being cultural warriors!
In fairness to Dr. Sandlin, I have reduced his original article of nearly 3,000 words to less than 1,000 words. All of this with his gracious permission. We are hoping he will be in Oklahoma before the year ends and will be one of our last OCPAC speakers of 2020.
~Bob Linn

His original article can be found here.

Subscribe to the email list of the Center for Cultural Leadership here.
David Holland
Western Civilization is
Christian Civilization
For those who want to listen again to last week's
excellent presentation, find it here.
Calling for the Removal of
The Mayor and 4 City Council Members

The success of Unite Norman is vital. It represents the ground floor of a nation-wide movement. It is the spark which will ignite the activism of conservatives all across America to restore the peace and safety of their cities.  

Already, cities are contacting Unite Norman to seek our assistance in unseating Mayors in Alaska, Washington State, and Texas.

The successes of Bernie Sander's Our Revolution is made possible by the funding of anti-American radical George Soros. In its wake has come the Marxist organization bearing a new label (Black Lives Matter). The new name for Marxism in America has been as effective as it has been deceptive.

The organization carries all the Marxist goals for the overthrow of the United States beginning with eliminating the local police, promoting open borders, and advocating for the normalcy of the LGBTQ agenda. All of this has been for many years part of the communist playbook for the overthrow of America.

Our Revolution, and now Black Lives Matter, are organizations seeking to bring city governments all across America under leftist control.

Unite Norman has become the launching point for a nationwide movement led by freedom-loving Conservatives. We must cross the finish line with a victory. In the wake of our success, conservative leaders in other cities will initiate the fight to take back cities now in chaos thanks to far-left city mayors.

We have drawn the attention of Bikers for Trump . This past weekend, forty of them rode into Norman on their motorcycles to rev-up support for the cause. Former Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, Pam Pollard, helped make that happen.

In these last two weeks, we will be employing phone calls, door hangars, mailers, door-knocking strategies, and our free-standing petition locations all over the city. This path to unseating our leftist Mayor and her administration will require additional funding.

We need it now.

We are in need of $100,000 to get us over the finish line.

Please donate here and fan the spark of liberty in America's cities.

Invite your friends to visit:

or...visit our go fund me account:


Contact us here.

De-Fund the NBA's OKC Thunder
For more than 100 years, government schools have indoctrinated the American public in preparation for a Marxist revolution.

See Crimes of the Educators by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.  

For those of you who have spent 12 or more years in government schools, I need to explain that your beloved high school alma mater, if it was not a private school, was a government school. 

Government schools are commonly called "public" schools.
This is all to explain why a big chunk of America’s government-school educated children think socialism is fantastic. It explains the regrettable lack of patriotic, Christian backbone of corporate America. They have caved to every plank of Cultural Marxism in their effort to be “woke” participants in the leftist campaign to “cancel culture”.

The radical and inhumane objectives of Marxist political ideology require deception. There has been no Marxist moniker more deceptive than Black Lives Matter.
Last week, the NBA featured not only Black Lives Matter
t-shirts, but the courts themselves were all painted
up with the anti-American slogan.
OCPAC has been exposing the coup for some time now. (See our June 17, 2020 Newsletter here.) However, the NBA just made it very public that the edicts of the Cultural Marxists will be obeyed. That is why today’s guest writer, Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, is saying that the NBA now stands for Now Blaming America.

I say, let them all move to Communist China with its blatant racism, slave labor, and anti-Christian stance. That is quite obviously where their political hearts are.
Where will you draw the line? Sean Roberts, State Representative from Hominy, knows where. And, the NBA just crossed it.

There is not a more appropriate man in Oklahoma to lead the charge against the NBA’s OKC Thunder.

After all, he’s from Hominy, Oklahoma! That would be the town whose football team, in 1927, defeated the then NFL Champion New York Giants. (Find it here.)
Nothing intimidates a Hominy man!
So, now they went and did it! Our own OKC Thunder has publicly endorsed the mission of Bernie’s Our Revolution, Marxism, the twisted history of Howard Zinn, and the hopes and dreams of every communist tyrant who has ever lived. They donned the chic Marxist labeled t-shirts. These very wealthy young men who represent Oklahoma refused to stand during the National Anthem. Like Komrad Kaepernick, they kneeled during the National Anthem.
This past Friday, Mr. Roberts boldly said what needs to be said:

“By kneeling during the playing of the national anthem, the NBA and its players are showing disrespect to the American flag and all it stands for. This anti-patriotic act makes clear the NBA’s support of the Black Lives Matter group and its goal of defunding our nation’s police, its ties to Marxism and its efforts to destroy nuclear families.

If the Oklahoma City Thunder leadership and players follow the current trend of the NBA by kneeling during the national anthem prior to Saturday’s game, perhaps we need to reexamine the significant tax benefits the State of Oklahoma granted the Oklahoma City Thunder organization when they came to Oklahoma. Through the Quality Jobs Act, the Thunder is still under contract to receive these tax breaks from our state until 2024.

Perhaps these funds would be better served in support of our police departments rather than giving tax breaks to an organization that supports defunding police and the dissolution of the American nuclear family.”

Read more here.
Yes, Mister Roberts, like it was in the 1955 star-studded film which bears your name, it is time to push back against a tyranny before the enemies of mankind do to us what they did to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

It is time to remove the deceptive covering which cloaks the enemy within. It is time we awaken from our obsequious slumber and stop playing the acquiescent fool. Let’s show our patriotic backbone. At the least, let’s remove the Thunder’s tax incentives.

For those of you who want to see a recent patriotic start to a sporting event, find it here in these 5 minutes of inspiration.
From Last Week...

Your 3-year-old is being trained in Marxist principles.
Need to get your children ready for chic but far-leftist magazine Teen Vogue? Sesame Street is just the place. Both are promoting the self-described Marxist organization Black Lives Matter (BLM). That would be the organization orchestrating the burning and looting of American cities. Under the banner of nice-sounding code-words, of course.
Elmo's dad, Louie (holding the sign above) explains the Black Lives Matter protests in cities across America.
Louie says, “On Sesame Street, we all love and respect one another, but across the country, people of color ― especially in the Black community ― are being treated unfairly because of how they look, their culture, race, who they are. What we are seeing is people saying ‘enough is enough.’ They want to end racism.”
Actually, the scene begins with an angry crowd shouting, "Black Lives Matter." You may watch the entire clip, including the BLM promotion, here. Hence, the connection to the radical left, a movement focused on destroying the Christian West. This is in contrast to groups who actually care about human dignity, prosperity, and camaraderie.

The organizations who are actually building up the Black community and the inner cities are ignored by Elmo's father, Louie. Productive and positive groups like Star Parker's Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), Jesse Lee Peterson's Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), and the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives' Project 21.

Marxism can only destroy. Christian values build and produce prosperity.

On June 15, we highlighted quite a number of leaders from the Black community including Jesse Lee Peterson. Find that edition here.

Two weeks later, on June 29, we highlighted Project 21 and its fight against the Democrat policies of LBJ which have destroyed the Black culture. Find that newsletter here.

Last week, the OCPAC newsletter provided detailed information on Teen Vogue magazine and its unwholesome advocacy of BLM and other Marxist causes. Find that newsletter here.
How Conservative is Your Legislator?
For more than 40 years, Ron McWhirter and Steve Byas of the Oklahoma Constitution have developed and published the Conservative Index. It has served to apply the fixed Biblical standards which built Western Civilization to the Oklahoma Legislature.

They have, in recent years, teamed up with OCPAC to assist in evaluating the many bills of the session to select a group of ten which most represents a posture of either conservative or leftist.

Your legislator's votes are marked as a "C" if their vote on the bill was representative of a conservative vote. An "L" indicated the vote was representative of a member of the political left. A "Z" indicated that the legislator did not vote on that bill.

Legislators are awarded 10 points for each "C" and no points for each "L". We grant 3 points for a "Z".
Oklahoma's Top Conservative Legislators

Find more information and a list of Oklahoma's top conservative Legislators at The Oklahoma Constitution website here.
Conservative Index is also found on the OCPAC website here.


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Order this well-received book written
by OCPAC's Political Analyst today!

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


Books Recommended Last Week

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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