Monday, July 6, 2020

LANKFORD opposes Columbus Day | BUSH STAFFERS FUND BIDEN | Conservative Index

Published Monday, July 6 2020
Pastor Alan Connor is one of the rare culture warriors filling an Oklahoma pulpit. He is not only one of the finest Bible expositors around, but also aggressively leads out in governmental affairs. His church is exploding. Come and bring your pastor.

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NOON to 1 PM

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Table of Contents

An American Hero


America's Founding Documents
Clashing with Marxist Culture

Communist China and the NBA
Modeling Hypocrisy

Establish Super PAC for Biden

Second Chance to Defeat State-Wide Medicaid


Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

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An American Hero

With the decline of Western Civilization has come an impoverished understanding of the importance of the West and the men who made it great. 

Instead, we are led by the intellectually thin-minded. Leftists bent on repeating the failures of the past.

Ten years ago, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) asked, “Is Columbus Day Sailing Off the Calendar?”

The article went on to say that “The tradition of honoring Christopher Columbus for sailing the ocean blue in 1492 is facing rougher seas than the Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria.”
Those rough seas mentioned by the WSJ have become raging tsunamis.

Raging tsunamis generated in America's government schools where truth and verifiable history have been replaced with disinformation and myth.

Ask any 14-year-old to tell you who Christopher Columbus was. If the child goes to a government school, the answer will be “a very bad man.”

Quite a downgrade for a man who had been hailed for hundreds of years as one of the greatest men of all time. Christopher Columbus did much more than connect the old world to the new.

With the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, the trade routes from Europe to Asia were altered. Portugal sought a solution by going around Africa’s southern tip. Spain gambled on Christopher Columbus and the possibilities of crossing an unknown ocean.

While charting new territory, Christopher Columbus brought Christianity to the Americas and transformed savage civilizations. In the pre-Columbian Americas, women were raped, babies were cannibalized, and slavery was widespread. Between 20% to 40% of all Indians were enslaved and viciously abused.

Columbus brought immeasurable advances to the Central American cultures. Women, children, and entire societies owed him their lives and their freedom. He spread the light of Christianity to tens of thousands who had lived in darkness.
Wall Builders is an organization which defends history's great leaders and the governments they helped shape. Their research has affirmed the greatness of Christopher Columbus as a visionary and Christian missionary. Below, they provide an overview of the importance of Columbus and his exploration of the unknown.
Wall Builders speak of Columbus

"For over 500-year Christopher Columbus enjoyed a seat in the pantheon of American history. Being the discoverer of the New World came with well-earned advantages. During the early days of our nation books, poems, and statues were made celebrating the man and his mission. Cities were named in his honor, even the seat of the American Government was christened the District of Columbia. There were some that even thought of making it the United States of Columbia. The Admiral of the Ocean Sea (Columbus’s official title) was so important to the American ethos, that one of the first vessels in the Navy was the USS Columbus.

In many respects, the story of the United States begins with Christopher Columbus. With so much legacy spanning over several centuries, it comes as a shock to discover that the Discoverer has suddenly become public enemy number one. Every Columbus Day more and more communities destroy their monuments and re-baptize the day as Indigenous People’s Day. Each year, anti-Columbus elements bring out more and wilder accusations in attempts to re-write the history books."
A bit over twenty years ago, columnist Charley Reese of the Orlando Sentinel, spoke of the historic stature of Christopher Columbus. He expressed concern that the integrity of American culture was failing. Even in his day, this was being reflected in how we view Christopher Columbus and other great men who shaped Western culture and laid the foundation for the American colonies.

Mr. Reese said, “Wise civilizations remember and learn from those few who soar above the crowd while foolish civilizations doom themselves by disparaging every great man and every great accomplishment in a pathetic attempt to salve the ego of its mediocre society.”
The attack on Columbus has intensified with the rise of a self-described Marxist organization, Black Lives Matter (BLM). Their ideas are at war with Christianity and the ideology of Christian liberty it brings.

If America is to continue to soar into greatness, it will be with leaders who build on the great men of the past. America will unravel if led by men who fail to recognize the death and destruction which lies in modern day charlatans. Movements like BLM represent political frauds seeking to remove all memory of past success in order to foment a petty and godless revolution.

This is why Oklahoma voters are so upset. Last week, we received the news that U.S. Senator James Lankford authored troubling legislation with Wisconsin Senator, Ron Johnson.

Lankford wants to replace Columbus Day with Juneteenth. He says it is fiscally conservative because eliminating Columbus Day as a Federal holiday (in order to add Juneteenth) will save the taxpayer $600 million.

What he forgot about was that tampering with Christopher Columbus, the first Christian missionary to the Americas, is not culturally conservative.

We need leaders who will defend the great men of the past. We will suffer and die with leaders who pander to BLM and other self-proclaimed godless revolutionaries confronting us in the present.

America will be lost if led by those who will
compromise with groups promoting the sterilization
of our nation from its Christian foundation.
Senator Johnson scored a “D” on the Conservative Review Score Card.

The Conservative Review is available in link below:
Juneteenth is being promoted by BLM and the radical left not because of a love for the Black community, but as a part of their agenda to promote revolution.

Not one of Oklahoma’s seven U.S. Congressmen have eviscerated the BLM organization for its Marxist foundation and its commitment to the LGBTQ agenda.

Nor have they touted the world-changing achievements of Christopher Columbus.


Please call
Senator James Lankford
(202) 224-5754

Additional calls to the entire Oklahoma
Congressional Delegation would not hurt.

Senator Jim Inhoff (202) 224-4721

Congressmen Kevin Hern (202) 225-2211
Congressmen Markwayne Mullin (202) 225-2701
Congressmen Frank Lucas (202) 225-5565
Congressmen Tom Cole (202) 225-6165
Congressmen Kendra Horn (202) 225-2132
Each member of our U.S. contingent in Washington would do well to study under Oklahoma’s Steve Bias.

Bias is professor of history at Randall University in Moore. He has debunked the many false narratives presented in modern textbooks. Including the numerous false accusations made against Christopher Columbus.

His book History's Greatest Libels has sold out on Amazon and awaits a second printing. Find his articles on Columbus here and here.

His blog post here.

Wall Builder Articles:

Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.

November lies ahead.

100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!

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Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
America’s Founding Documents
Clashing with a Marxist Culture
[TO THE READER: This article has been edited for brevity from the original. Any errors are mine. Find the original here.]

The argument for Civil Rights in America was founded in the Declaration of Independence which states that “all men are created equal”.  

In the 1960s, equality (old fashioned egalitarianism) still meant equal opportunity. Not equal outcome. Egalitarian today means equal outcome.
It is somewhat surprising today to remember that the radical SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) of 60 years ago rallied around a founding document of the United States. They actually lauded those foundational ideas. Tom Hayden’s (in)famous Port Huron Statement (1962) chided us for NOT embracing our foundations:

[W]e began to see complicated and disturbing paradoxes in our surrounding America. The declaration ’All men are created equal...’ rang hollow before the facts of Negro life in the South and the big cities of the North.

Fast forward to 2020.
We are witnessing a new left. It is quite different than the left of the 1960’s. It considers nothing about America’s foundation to be credible. The modern left sees America’s past as immoral, venal, oppressive, corrupt, racist, sexist, and evil.  

In radical contrast to the left-wing protesters of the 60s, today’s protesters wish to abolish the vision of the founders in order to create the truly just society. This revolution is quite nihilistic. It says, “I want no one to be more successful than me.” The New Left is committed to this inherently anti-American vision.
For a sample of the hatred of our founding, see the New York Times Magazine’s 1619 Project redefined the American founding as a capitalist racial oppression:

"The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative."

This redefinition constitutes not merely a modification or nuance but a radical reconfiguration of the very meaning of the United States.
Two Main Ideas of Classical Liberalism
and The Free Society
Our founders drafted our original governing documents. These revealed their commitment to a political philosophy they knew as Classical Liberalism. It was nothing like modern liberalism, which is its opposite.

Classical Liberalism was forged by the fusion of Protestantism on the one hand, and the conservative, British wing of the European Enlightenment on the other. (Not the atheistic French enlightenment.) A number of the brightest lights of this conservative Enlightenment, although not orthodox Christians, were committed to a divinely ordered universe and vested great confidence in universal human reason and experience to fashion a society. Like the orthodox Protestants, they believed that man was created in God’s image, and the best society was the one that respected that image.
The fixity of human nature
All classical liberals believed in the fixity of human nature.

They didn’t believe that human nature was malleable, capable of transformation by the environment or society or the state.

They believed that human nature as we now know it is defective. Christians call this sin, due to the Edenic fall.

The deists, far less theologically accurate, nonetheless recognized the inherent defects in human nature.
Classical liberals, therefore, believed that the best political order possible under these less-than-ideal human conditions is one that limits the impact of this sin and human defect. 

Therefore, the founders installed institutional checks and balances, blind justice, the rule of law, representative government, written constitutions, and bills of rights.
Coercively limited political coercion
Classically liberal society is called the free society because of its checks on authority and coercion. Classical liberalism limited political coercion. The state’s chief objectives are: (1) protecting the life, liberty, and property of its citizens, and (2) protecting its citizens from itself. This nearly unprecedented vision was probably never articulated better or more memorably than in Federalist 51:

"But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary … In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
Free societies do not produce inequalities; they only provide a framework for the display of fixed inherent human inequalities.

The free society cannot be anything
other than anti-egalitarian.
Anti-Egalitarian, that is, in its new 21st Century terms

Egalitarian in 21st century parlance does not mean equal opportunity. Rather, it means equal financial wealth. Modern egalitarianism is in rebellion to the 10th commandment which says:

“Do not covet your neighbor’s house, your neighbor’s wife,
or his ox, or donkey, or anything that is your neighbors.”
The Egalitarian Society
Cultural Marxism
Classical Liberalism sees man’s sinful nature as the foundational factor to take into account in fashioning society. Classical Marxism saw the free society as the problem. 

In a free society, some people are richer than others. Some are more accomplished because they are smarter. Some have a physical constitution to allow them to work harder, and in many cases generate greater income. Some businesses are successful and some go bust. Some people gain social approval because of their appearance, elocution, and personality.
political coercion
It is unequal outcomes that Cultural Marxists deplore. Classical liberals’ value a free society. One inevitable byproduct of Classic Liberalism is inequality in achievement and income. They prefer these kind of inequalities in order to avoid political coercion. The Cultural Marxists, conversely, wish to employ political coercion in order to eliminate or mitigate these inequalities.

Classical Marxists say it is unjust to treat everyone the same under the law. Equality under law means some people will be more successful than others. The sermons preached by Classical Marxists tell us that this is unjust. Many of these sermons may be heard today in the churches of America.
"Liberty-loving" oppressors?
Cultural Marxists see social inequalities as the result of bad, venal intentions. Its perpetrators are the oppressors. Males, whites, Christians, heterosexuals, and capitalists oppress other, differing human classifications. If there is to be a truly just society, it must be deprived of their ability to oppress. This means using the state to crack down on their political liberty. This is where the notions of toxic masculinity, white privilege, Christophobia, homophobia, sensitivity sessions, social justice warriors, Black Lives Matter, and the entire litany of revolutionary monikers comes from.

The United States was born a free society. For this reason, the Cultural Marxist says the founding itself must be debunked and erased. The idea of the United States should be toppled.

Cultural Marxism holds that political coercion is necessary in order to foster the greatest human society, the egalitarian society. The Cultural Marxist wishes to remove free speech, religious liberty, free markets, checks and balances, an independent judiciary, evenhanded justice, and social colorblindness.

The victory of Cultural Marxism requires erasing the history of
the United States along with the ideas upon which it was built.

Free societies require defense. Defense not just from foreign enemies. Defense from our domestic enemies. Enemies spreading Marxist ideologies by using many stylish-sounding names.

The institutions of a nation will not survive when a majority of its politicians and its populace reject its founding philosophy.

The perpetuation of the United States and its foundations in Christian freedoms will require widespread prayer, vigorous intellectual defense, cultivated historical awareness, and unshakable political courage.

Freedom-lovers must be prepared for many rigorous battles as we spend our remaining years working to bequeath a free society to our children and grandchildren.

Find Dr. Sandlin's Center for Cultural Leadership here.
Find Dr. Sandlin's blog here.
For those thinking Orwell might have been a prophetic voice...
No, 1984 was indeed fiction. So, lets get to work!
Communist China and the NBA
Modeling Hypocrisy
It is time that we start pointing out individuals and businesses that support slavery and suppression of humans just to sustain profits. I am talking, of course, about the NBA and their members. 
When the Communist Party objected to a tweet by the Houston Rockets' GM supporting democracy in Hong Kong and when ticket holders started wearing "Free the Uighurs" shirts to games, how did the NBA and its members react?
James Harden: "We apologize. You know, we love China”.

Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr: “The world is a complex place and there’s more gray than black-and-white”. 
Lebron James said, “So just be careful what we tweet and what we say and what we do. Even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, it can be a lot of negative that comes with it.”
Those ticket holders were forced to either remove their shirts or leave the arena. I guess James thinks free speech should be limited when it comes to addressing human abuses that CURRENTLY exist. 

Hmmm ... could all this be because China is 10 percent of the league’s revenue — and that could climb to 20 percent by 2030?
For James to decide the Uighur people are second class citizens of the world where their forced labor and internment is OK (sounds a lot like slavery doesn't it?) has even more of a stench.
James has a $32 million a year deal with Nike.

Nike’s shoe sales in China doubled in the last five years, and the company has 110 factories in China. Who are in some of those factories?
According to the Citizen Power Institute much of China’s apparel production is done by up to 1 million of China’s Uighur and other Muslim ethnic groups detained in so-called re-education camps or vocational training centers, intended to cleanse them of their ethnic and religious identity and make them loyal to the Communist Party of China.

Let us not forget Nike is the "woke" company that has kept Colin Kaepernick on payroll to play the race card over and over for them.

I am fed up with these phony human rights advocates attacking America when they profit off of actual slavery and human rights abuses.

If you are an NBA player taking a knee to protest the United States where is your sanctimonious posturing when it comes to profiting off of real slaveholders?

It is time to call these people out
for their support of slavery!

Read more on the NBA in our October 14, 2019 article titled:
China, Moral Clarity, and the Corporate Balance Sheet


Well, still no endorsement from G.W. for either his party's candidate or for the Democrat Joe Biden. However, to confirm a bit of the kind of people who he brought to Washington, hundreds of his former staff are developing a super PAC to fund the election campaign of Democrat Joe Biden to the White House.

The group is headed by former bush staffer, Karen Kirksy.
Re-do the State-Wide
Vote on Medicaid
Read Below and
Call Your Legislator!
For those opposed to State Question 802 the narrow loss was a heartbreak and an encouraging outcome at the same time. This may not be over yet, let me explain.

When the supporters of expanding Medicaid began their petition drive they explained the need to do so was because the legislature had failed to do their job by not enacting the expansion when they had the opportunity to do so without needing a vote of the people. Truth is, they were doing their job by opposing the next phase of Obama Care by refusing the next step toward the disaster of full blown socialized medicine.

Therefore, the socialists circulated the petition to amend our State Constitution to force expansion by a simple majority vote. The petition had the largest number of signatures ever collected by a petition drive and early polling showed easy passage.

The Governor promised a better alternative which was some better but not fundamentally different. That effort fisseled so 802 was the big issue on the ballot. Shortly thereafter Governor Stitt wisely put 802 on the primary ballot rather than the general election ballot. As soon as the election date was set the supporters began running disinformation propaganda adds on TV, radio and perhaps print media. It has been reported over a million dollars came from groups in California alone to advance this expansion of socialism in Oklahoma.

There were probably more, but at least 3 organizations in Oklahoma that opposed 802. OCPAC started an information campaign in the first email in June and each week thereafter until the election. However, we did not spend nor did we have money to be used in the effort to defeat 802 and to be more effective we need at least five times the number of people on our list than we currently have. The good news is our list is growing rapidly. 

I contacted Americans For Prosperity (AFP) to see if they were planning an opposition campaign and was informed they were only able to raise enough for a direct mail campaign. I was informed the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPAC) was hoping to raise enough for an education campaign but wasn't sure of their success.

As it turned out OCPA raised enough for TV ads for a week or so leading up to the election. I believe it was difficult to raise money for the effort for two primary reasons. 

Number one, liberals and the "politically correct" crowd have far more money for these efforts than conservatives. This is especially true when you take into consideration how many doctors, hospitals and medical associations mistakenly believe full blown socialized medicine would be better for all involved. In addition most large corporations are very progressive and think about all the Hollywood and union dollars involved.

Number two, most conservatives believed there was little chance of it being defeated. As evidenced by the people voting for it in every state it had been on the ballot, even in Utah, perhaps a more conservative state than Oklahoma.

With all that said and even though we were out gunned, a day late and a dollar short, we almost defeated it! Had those opposed to 802 raised at least another $100,000 to be on the airways a week earlier and Governor Stitt had a better message and could have been more focused on the issue, I am confident we would have defeated it.

Not all is lost. As soon as the legislature begins in February they should pass legislation to offer a state question to the voters to repeal 802. Then Governor Stitt should set the election for a date that coincides with local city and school board elections to share those costs and save the state money for a statewide election. The election must occur before 802 goes into effect on July 1st of 2021. If the timing I just mentioned doesn't work out then a special session of the legislature needs to be called for very soon and not wait for the regular session to begin. 

Of course any of these efforts will be met with shrill voices from the Democrats and socialists screeching about the money spent on a special session and a special election. Truth is, those costs will be peanuts compared to the hundreds of millions it will take to expand Medicaid and those hundreds of millions will have to be spent year after year.

Of the 77 counties in Oklahoma, 70 of them voted NO. Even though the supporters of 802 said it would save our rural hospitals, rural voters were smart enough to know that would not be the case. In addition 55% of the in person voters voted NO, 80% of the mail in voters voted yes. That might be explained by 2 reasons. 

Number one, many had already voted before the opposition had educated voters to the other side of the issue. Number two, it would be interesting to know how many mail in ballots were requested for nursing home patients? Any elderly person with a sound mind has a right to vote, but we must be concerned about nursing home staff getting ballots and then offering to help fill them out.

If another vote were to occur, it would be easier to raise money to overturn 802 as conservatives would know it could be defeated. In addition, overturning state questions or amendments to our Constitution is not without prior history. Take the State Labor Commissioner office. The citizens have voted to change our Constitution several times to make that an appointed position only to change it to an elected position and so on. In fact some are suggesting right now that we vote to make it and several other state wide offices appointed again. 

This will largely be determined by the conservatives in the state. Let the Democrats roar and rage like the heathens. Republicans are fully in charge of state government right now and will be after the November elections. Let your State Senator and State Representative know your desire on this issue.

~Charlie Meadows
How Conservative is Your Legislator?
For more than 40 years, Ron McWhirter and Steve Byas of the Oklahoma Constitution have developed and published the Conservative Index. It has served to apply the fixed Biblical standards which built Western Civilization to the Oklahoma Legislature.

They have, in recent years, teamed up with OCPAC to assist in evaluating the many bills of the session to select a group of ten which most represents a posture of either conservative or leftist.

Your legislator's votes are marked as a "C" if their vote on the bill was representative of a conservative vote. An "L" indicated the vote was representative of a member of the political left. A "Z" indicated that the legislator did not vote on that bill.

Legislators are awarded 10 points for each "C" and no points for each "L". We grant 3 points for a "Z".
Oklahoma's Top Conservative Legislators

Find more information and a list of Oklahoma's top conservative Legislators at The Oklahoma Constitution website here.
Conservative Index is also found on the OCPAC website here.


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


Books Recommended Last Week

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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