Tuesday, July 21, 2020

10,000 petition to oust Norman mayor | Stop forced masking of children | Cultural Vulgarity

Published Monday, July 20 2020
The U.S. Senate &
Columbus Day
Well, it seems the entire United States Senate is in need of an education! Our speaker, Steve Byas, authored of History's Greatest Libels. A must read for anyone who has been educated in a government school in the last 80 years.

He writes for the New American Magazine, has published a high school government textbook, and his articles have appeared in a variety of other publications, including The Tennessee Historical Quarterly.

Recently, all 100 U.S. Senators endorsed the idea of making Juneteenth a Federal Holiday. The idea reveals a deficiency in the understanding of U.S. history. This Wednesday, he will review those deficiencies as it relates to a man once revered as one of the most important men of all time, Christopher Columbus.

Bring someone!
We Meet at Randall University
3701 S. I-35 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160


NOON to 1 PM

$3 for entry and drinks

From Catering Creations OKC
Food items from $4 to $8
Table of Contents

We are at War
Against the Foundations of Cultural Vulgarity


The United States Senate &

The Fraudulent Concept of Race

10,000 sign petition

No forced masking for children!


Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

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We are at War
Against the Foundations of Cultural Vulgarity
We are at war with a culture transformed by pagan fantasies.

The Marxists who have captivated the minds of our school children have, by their focus on equalitarianism, eroded the intellectual grounding of an entire culture.

Last week, Teen Vogue called for reparations of an unbelievably insane and bizarre nature. It advocated for “Rest Reparations” by instituting Black Power Naps. That's right. "Rest Reparations" and not "Race Reparations"!

It is a concept its originators also refer to as Siestas Negras.
Teen Vogue is an online publication launched 17 years ago as a sister publication to Vogue magazine.

It targets teenage girls and is decidedly politically far left. Currently being promoted is the Marxist organization, Black Lives Matters (BLM).

It boasts more than 13 million followers.

From their statement of purpose:

Teen Vogue is the young person’s guide to saving the world. We claim to educate, enlighten and empower our audience to create a more inclusive environment.”
Last week’s article title:

Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep.
Quoting from the article:
“It's a recognition of the hundreds of years of sleep deprivation that Black people and people of color have experienced as a result of systemic racism, a way to push back against the false stereotype that Black people are lazy, and an investigation of the inequitable distribution of rest.”

They are calling for rest as reparations.

They further state:
“Black people haven't been getting the sleep they need for generations. We’re dealing with an inheritance of sleep deprivation … Reparation must come from the institution under many shapes, one of them being the redistribution of rest, relaxation, and down times.”
They are concerned that their work to promote [the communist organization] BLM presents a dilemma. Do they fight for these Marxist goals or do they rest?

Fannie Sosa, one of the authors, travels between Europe and South America teaching in universities about sex, relaxation, and systemic racism. Her publications include “A White Institutions Guide For Welcoming Artists of Color and their Audience.
No doubt the authors have no idea the hours corporate CEOs work to perform their jobs well. I remember working 18 hours days for many years building a business.

The Harvard Business Review published a study indicating that 72 hours per week for a CEO was the norm. Actually, pretty light work compared to my 100-hour weeks!
The reparation movement is led by Marxists. Marxists are fake redeemers selling a system capable of taking but not producing.

The degree the West accommodates this in their educational institutions is the degree to which Western culture will have abandoned rationality.

Teen Vogue Magazine has been communicating Marxist causes for nearly 20 years to millions of young American girls.

Camouflaged, of course, with stylish-sounding labels.

America’s government educational system has been doing to our American children what Europe has done to theirs.
Our educational institutions have completely sanitized from our classrooms the Christian foundations which developed the elements of culture responsible for making us the most powerful nation in the world.

The most conspicuous element in America’s cultural death is its rootlessness. The destruction of its monuments and statues only makes sense to a generation trained to appreciate modern fads and to despise its past heroes.
The church has mostly stood in silence as our cities have burned. The second indicator this year that America’s church has lost its way.
The first sign of a secularized church came with the Communist China virus. Covid has done to the American church what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Chinese church.
The American church has become quite civil. Herbert Schlossberg, in his Idols for Destruction, pointed out that civil religion eases tensions. Biblical religion creates them.

A very civil American church even cancelled Easter this year. Many congregations now wait to see if the government will allow them to worship. Christianity in America today has degenerated into what Rousas John Rushdoony spoke of in his Intellectual Schizophrenia as a peripheral, derivative, and truncated structure.
Angelo Codevilla said, “When a church is in anyway subject to political authority, it loses the one claim by which it can trump politics – namely, that it speaks for the transcendent authority of God.”

~ Angelo Codevilla, The Character of Nations, P 226
Marcello Pera, philosopher and former President of the Italian Senate, points out that Friedrich von Hayek, looked to as a foundational thinker in American economics, held that Christianity had shaped the West and a return to Christianity could still save it.

Pera also notes that Jurgen Habermas, German philosopher and sociologist, recognized that without Christianity, neither Europe or Western Civilization could have existed … for the unification of Europe, Christianity was not merely a ‘precursor’ or a ‘catalyst’, but a fountainhead that continues to nurture us.”

~ Marcello Pera, Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians, P 5, 95, 96
What passes for education in government schools today is anything but Christian. What our teenage girls read in Teen Vogue is anything but Christian. Culture is somebody's religion externalized. Today's American culture is certainly not Christianity externalized!
If we want to leave this nation in better shape than it was given to us, we’ve lots of work to do. Only the American pulpit can lead the way and produce a strong Christianity capable of cleansing us from our cultural vulgarity and presuppositional superficiality.
The pulpit is the place for Christian scholarship and philosophy. A re-invigorated, bold, Biblical, and competent pulpit is necessary if America is to see the divine light which will heal her ills. Only a re-invigorated church will deliver us from the deception of cultural Marxism.
I implore you to read about the battle for Norman, Oklahoma below. Come help us in this effort which will impact city politics nationally. If you cannot participate by knocking doors to take signatures, send your best contribution to the effort here.

Steve Byas and Dan Fisher have provided some excellent reading below in an effort to help us cleanse our minds of the many years of government education most of us received.

God bless each of you! 

Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.

November lies ahead.

100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

Mail Checks to:
P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!

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What the United States Senate Does Not know About
Juneteenth Was Not the
End of American Slavery
Slavery existed from the beginning of recorded history and it permeated all cultures throughout the world.

Slavery has been called America’s “original sin.” In fact, it did not originate in the United States. It was introduced to the United States.

The whole issue of slavery, particularly slavery in the United States, is filled with misconceptions. The most recent is the idea that Juneteenth (June 19, 1865) marked the end of the institution in the United States.
The significance of June 19, 1865 revolves around Major General Gordon Granger. On that day, he led Union troops to Galveston, Texas, and announced the Civil War was over, and the slaves were now freed.

This understandably led to jubilation among many of those who had been held in slavery. However, slavery did not end legally in the U.S. until the 13th Amendment was added to the Constitution. That most important day took place almost six months later. The day the U.S. passed the constitutional amendment ending slavery was December 6, 1865.

Granger’s June 19th proclamation was based upon the Emancipation Proclamation, in which President Abraham Lincoln had declared that, as of January 1, 1863, all person held in slavery in those states “in rebellion” would be freed.

This executive order has led to the misunderstanding that the Civil War was fought to end slavery in the U.S.

It is commonly thought that the armies lined up and fought a four-year war --- claiming over 600,000 lives --- to settle the issue of slavery. 
Slavery was a contributing cause to the secession of South Carolina and the other six states which followed. It was not the primary cause.

To say that the war was fought over
the issue of slavery is not true.
Rumblings of secession over economic issues began 30 years before the Civil War ensued in 1861. Secession had been threatened by South Carolina over the tariff in the 1830s.

Over issues of Tariffs, South Carolina seceded on December 20, 1860. Six other states quickly followed. Ft. Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, was taken over by Confederate forces on April 12, 1861. (They held it for 4 years.)

In response, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to make sure federal laws were enforced in the seceded states. This is code words meaning the collection of the tariffs. The tariff was by far the major source of revenue for the federal government. And, tariffs collected from the Southern states represented 80% of the federal government's tariff income.
The collection of the tariff was by far the major
source of revenue for the federal government.
Lincoln did not call for an invasion
of the South to free any slaves.

He and Congress specifically said they had no intention of interfering with slavery in the states where it was legal. 
At the time of Lincoln’s call, more slave states were in the Union than out. Had the war been about freeing slaves, his invasion would have included those states, as well. Four more states seceded after Lincoln’s call --- because of the call. Their secession had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery, for sure. 

As the war dragged on, with Confederates winning more battles than they lost, it began to look as though the Confederate States would become an independent nation.

By the fall of 1862, France and Great Britain were poised to recognize that independence.
Lincoln faced a problem. If he stated that the war was about slavery, rather than preservation of the Union and the collection of the tariff, he could forestall that recognition.

However, re-framing the war as a slavery issue could have led to mass desertions from the Union army, and the loss of northern support for the war. And, the reality was that Lincoln had no legal authority to end slavery anywhere. Lincoln himself specifically said that.

His Emancipation Proclamation proposed to leave slavery untouched in the areas of the country that still recognized his presidency, and end it in areas where he had no troops. The edict could not have been enforced.

His solution was to “thread the needle,” so to speak. He called his order a “war measure,” hoping thereby that he could keep the British and the French from recognizing the Confederacy, while not inflaming opinion in the North, particularly in the northern slave states:

Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky 
The Emancipation Proclamation contains numerous inherent contradictions. However, it has led many today to believe that Lincoln's war was fought for the sole purpose of ending slavery.

This contention slanders the hundreds of thousands of Confederate soldiers who fought in the war, with many today damning their own ancestors as having fought to “keep their slaves.”

The reality is that only a tiny minority of
Confederate soldiers owned slaves.

Few were fighting to keep them.

They engaged in warfare because Lincoln invaded their state. Confederate soldiers fought to defend their homeland. Whether or not the southern states should have seceded, it is clear that the war was not fought over the issue of slavery.


The legal end to slavery was a result of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. It was ratified on December 6, 1865.

If any date were to be used to celebrate the end of slavery in America, that should be December 6, 1865. Not June 19, 1865.

Had the war been fought to end slavery, the 13th Amendment would not have been necessary! It was necessary because the war was not fought to end slavery.

Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had no legal standing.

Slavery did not end on June 19, 1865,
but rather on December 6, 1865. 

Regardless of why slavery is no longer legal, we can certainly enthusiastically celebrate its demise. But what we should not do is create myths about the past to advance certain agendas in the present.

History is what history was.

We should not tinker with the facts.

The Fraudulent Concept of Race
The following is the first of a two-part series by Dan Fisher to address the way a Christian properly addresses the way race is viewed in the 21st century.

Dan was asked to submit the article because the foundations of racism and its impact on an individual's sense of superiority or inferiority based on skin color find their point of origin in the mythical concepts of human ontology taught by our government schools. Dan exposes those ideas below.
~Bob Linn
With American cities on fire and cries of “White Privilege” and “Racism” emanating from practically every media source, the issue of race is unavoidable today and, in some ways, rightfully so.  

Sadly, for far too long, many in the Christian church have ducked and dodged the subject and the time has truly come for a solid biblical discussion on the subject.

Black Lives Matter came from the darkness of ignorance
Lest anyone mistakenly believe that I support the lawlessness being perpetrated in the name of Civil Rights by Black Lives Matter (BLM), let me be clear: BLM is not about furthering Civil Rights – it is a Marxist organization. According to Patrisse Cullors, one of its co-founders, BLM is led by trained Marxists.

And true to Marxist ideology, the only lives that seem to actually matter are those that can be capitalized to advance their goal of destroying historic America and replacing it with their long-sought Marxist/humanist utopia – something closer to an actual hell on earth than a man-made paradise.
Their silence in the face of hundreds of Black lives snuffed out by abortion every day and the scores of Black lives murdered every week in America’s largest cities (primarily from Black on Black crime) is proof of that fact.
That said, there is no denying the inconvenient truth that the issue of race continues to sadly and unnecessarily divide us. Unfortunately, many Christians do not have a correct biblical perspective on race and are sometimes unwittingly part of the problem.

This is not to say that most Christians are racists because they are not, but it is time for a deep dive into what the Bible does say about race and how Christians should think and act.

At the outset, many are surprised to learn that the idea of “race” is foreign to Scripture. The concept of nationality is clearly taught, but race is not. The reason is found in Acts 17:26 where God’s Word declares, “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, …” So, according to the Creator, all humans are from the same “blood source” (Adam) and are, therefore, all genetically related.

The idea of “race” is foreign to Scripture:
"He has made from one blood every nation of men."
At the outset, many are surprised to learn that the idea of “race” is foreign to Scripture. The concept of nationality is clearly taught, but race is not. The reason is found in Acts 17:26 where God’s Word declares, “He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, …” So, according to the Creator, all humans are from the same “blood source” (Adam) and are, therefore, all genetically related.
Rather than consisting of multiple, separate races, mankind is comprised of different “people groups” who are all descended from the first man, Adam.  

This fact demolishes the concept of multiple “races” and should end the debate. Why, then, is there still such confusion among Christians on the subject? 

The answer is poor Christian preaching/teaching and the general acceptance of Charles Darwin’s “theory” of evolution.

Most are familiar with Darwin’s claims that all animals evolved from the same source over millions of years by natural selection (blind chance); a theory popularized in his 1859 On the Origin of Species.

But many are unaware that in his 1871 book, The Descent of Man, Darwin revealed his racist beliefs by calling some people “savages” and comparing the “Negro” and “Australian” to gorillas. He went even further to predict that, “At some future period, … the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world,” including the “anthropomorphous apes.”
The impact of Darwin’s racist message cannot be overstated. The late Stephen Jay Gould, leading evolutionist and no friend to Christianity, wrote, “Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory.”

Lest we think Gould was overstating the point, consider the public-school textbook, A Civic Biology Presented in Problems, used in some American schools in the early 1900s. In referring to “races,” the author, William Hunter, wrote, “At the present time there exist upon the earth five races … the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.”
Words like these have consequences. Ken Ham, founder and director of Answers In Genesis, a Christian apologetics ministry, wrote, In mid-19th-century England, ‘racism,’ or ethnic superiority, was quite popular. 

It also coincided with some of the most blatant attacks on the Bible as men like Herbert Spencer, Darwin, and Thomas Huxley sought to mythologize the Old Testament, starting, of course, with the creation account in Genesis.
Ken Ham continues, saying, Unfortunately, tragically, their views inspired men who would come after them and turn the 20th century into the bloodiest in all human history. 

Stalin, Hitler, and Mao were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions – and it can be shown that they did this because of the influence of Darwinian naturalism, which fanned the flames of ethnic superiority.
Coupling all of this with man’s sinful tendency toward prejudice and resentment, no wonder racism remains an issue in modern America. Unfortunately, numerous pseudo-Christian groups and orthodox Christians have aided in the misguided belief that “certain races” are inferior to others and that social intermingling and “interracial” marriage (as if there is such a thing) is condemned by Scripture.  

Consider what the Jehovah’s Witnesses wrote in their The Watchtower magazine (now Awake!) in 1929: “The curse which Noah pronounced upon Canaan was the origin of the black race.” Or, consider what the Mormon leader, Bruce McConkie, wrote in 1958: “We know the circumstances under which the posterity of Cain (and later of Ham) were cursed with what we call Negroid racial characteristics.”

Some 20th Century evangelicals
were not much better on the subject
In 1956, evangelical preacher, John R. Rice, wrote, Most intelligent people would prefer to have Jim Crow laws than to have unrestrained intermarriage between the races. Socially, it is better for both Negroes and whites to run with their own kind and intermarry with their own kind. The mixing of races widely differing is almost never wise. Thus if a girl would do wrong to marry a Negro boy, she would be wrong to keep company with him, mixing regularly with him in a social life.

In 1961, well known Bible teacher, M.R. Dehaan, wrote, I feel Negroes and Whites should never intermarry, but where possible live in their own social and religious groups and churches. … as far as the intimate relationship and fellowship which comes by living in the same sections in a community, I do not believe that the time is ripe.

Admittedly, these people lived in a time of racial confusion and strife (as if we all don’t) and must be given some measure of grace. But, that fact does not excuse them for not understanding that since the Bible declares all of us “one blood” and descendants of Adam, for whom Christ died, there is only one race – the human race, and that “color” is only skin deep.  

So, where did all of the different people groups come from and what are the biblical implications of the “one blood” truth? We will discuss this in part two.
Dan Fisher co-pastors Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond with Paul Blair.
Dan was aided immeasurably by the work Ken Ham has done on this subject and has published in his book, One Race One Blood.

Email Dan here.
Buy his books here.
10,000 sign petition to remove Norman's mayor
WE NEED 12,000 more!

Come help us knock doors.
Send us an email and we will provide the details.

Video from Senator Rob Standridge and residents asking for your help!

Monday-Friday: 6 PM to dark
Saturday & Sunday

Contact UNITE NORMAN here.

Contact the OCPAC Army here.
No Forced Masking for Children
The Church Has Lost Its Religion
Oklahomans for Health & Parental Rights (OKHPR) is asking that we contact State Education Superintendent, Joy Hofmeister.

Let her know that mask-wearing by school children is
properly a parental choice and not a government mandate.

Contact Superintendent Joy Hofmeister and ask that her office provides guidance, but not mandates when it comes to masks in public schools.

Phone: (405) 521-3301
How Conservative is Your Legislator?
For more than 40 years, Ron McWhirter and Steve Byas of the Oklahoma Constitution have developed and published the Conservative Index. It has served to apply the fixed Biblical standards which built Western Civilization to the Oklahoma Legislature.

They have, in recent years, teamed up with OCPAC to assist in evaluating the many bills of the session to select a group of ten which most represents a posture of either conservative or leftist.

Your legislator's votes are marked as a "C" if their vote on the bill was representative of a conservative vote. An "L" indicated the vote was representative of a member of the political left. A "Z" indicated that the legislator did not vote on that bill.

Legislators are awarded 10 points for each "C" and no points for each "L". We grant 3 points for a "Z".
Oklahoma's Top Conservative Legislators

Find more information and a list of Oklahoma's top conservative Legislators at The Oklahoma Constitution website here.
Conservative Index is also found on the OCPAC website here.


To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

“Never Again!”

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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Order this well-received book written
by OCPAC's Political Analyst today!

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


Books Recommended Last Week

Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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