Monday, June 22, 2020

VOTER GUIDE | Black Lives Matter: America's New Moral Leader | Norman Council Member Arrested

Published Monday, June 22 2020
Their War Against Godliness
Dr. James Taylor speaks of the war against Christianity waged by Black Lives Matter. They are a terrorist organization bent on destroying America and erasing all traces of Western Civilization.

Dr. James Taylor is an educator, author,
and Republican candidate for U.S. Congress.

Bring your pastor, community leaders, family, and friends!
We Meet at Randall University
3701 S. I-35 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160


NOON to 1 PM

$3 for entry and drinks

From Catering Creations OKC
Food items from $4 to $8
Table of Contents

Black Lives Matter
America's New Morality


Guest Writer
Dr. Everett Piper
The Shame of Black Lives Matter

Norman Council Member Arrested

15 Candidates OCPAC Funded
iVoter Guide
Charlie's Picks

Links to our past COVID-related articles

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

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Black Lives Matter
America's New Morality
In a matter of days, Black Lives Matter became the most recognized brand of morality in America. The new moral code affirms ideas long in the making.

A particular color of skin makes you racist. People with certain skin color are responsible for all crimes against anyone whose skin is different. Those crimes include income inequality and many others.

America’s path to its new racial morality began about a century ago when German Critical Theory was brought to American shores.
With heavy funding by the Rockefeller Foundation, Germany’s Frankfurt School (aka Critical Theory) moved to the United states and set up shop at Harvard, Columbia, Brandeis, and, well, now they are everywhere!
It is the Marxist revolution under the banner of many very stylish sounding names. 

John Dewey, the “father of American education” prepared the way.

Critical Theory is the forerunner to Critical Race Theory. Also known as cultural Marxism, or Social Justice. 

The idea is that inequality of any kind is proof that the society is unjust and must be destroyed and re-built.

Critical Theory has its roots in the ideas of German philosopher George Fredrich Hegel.

His idea of the growth and development of history was that two opposing factions entered into a conflict which produced something better.  

For Hegel, the political or cultural conflict meant history’s growth and development.

For Marxist leadership, this presented a path to be in charge of the “something better.” It meant orchestrating internal conflict in a nation.
Skin color and sex are two elements within a culture people cannot do anything about. For the Marxist, these ontological realities are the cannon fodder for conflict and the birth of their new society.

What better name than Black Lives Matter to foment issues in race relations. Notice not all lives matter. Under the umbrella of a stylish sounding name, Cultural Marxism has the beginnings of its revolution.

The plan has worked like a charm. America’s leaders have sanctioned looting, burning, and even forcibly occupying entire city blocks of other people’s property.
California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newson said at a news conference in Sacramento, “The black community is not responsible for what is happening right now. We are — our institutions are — accountable to this moment.”

The Democrat Attorney General of Massachusetts is Maura Healy. She described the rioting by saying, “Yes, America is burning, but that’s how forests grow.”
Two days after looters destroyed stores, Democrat Teresa Mosqueda of the Seattle City Council, said, “Colleagues, I hope we’re all saying we understand why that destruction happened and we understand why people are upset.”

Mosqueda’s socialist colleague Tammy Morales said, “What I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil … to be told looting doesn’t solve anything … It does make me wonder why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, black people are being killed.”
You mean, upset because someone from America’s Black population was murdered? Well, no. The abortion industry murders more Blacks in America each year than are killed as a result of HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease. Not just any one of them. ALL OF THEM COMBINED!!!

Black educator, author, and U.S. Congressional Candidate, James Taylor uncovered the truth behind Black Lives Matter (BLM) in last weeks newsletter. He will do more at our noon meeting this week.
“BLM was birthed in a sociocultural vision to champion “intersectionality,” transgenderism, radical feminism, and other cornerstones of the Sexual Revolution. BLM is as much about autonomous and socially constructed sexuality as it is about race.”
~ Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
President, Center for Cultural Leadership

No, BLM is not about Black lives. It is about fomenting racial tension. It is about the revolution. Advocates of these ideas have become a part of our American Seminaries and Christian Universities as well.
Grove City College is historically conservative & Christian. Last week, well over 200 current and former students endorsed a complaint founded in Cultural Marxism . It was addressed to the Grove City College Board of Trustees.
It began, “The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is a human rights campaign that combats systemic violence against the global Black community. Following the murder of George Floyd and many other unarmed Black men, women, and children at the hands of police officers, the BLM movement is now taking center stage across the world. While Floyd’s murder was the tipping point for the worldwide protests, systemic racism has pervaded the United States since the nation’s birth and beyond … We believe now is an ideal time for Christian institutions to inform others about the importance of this crucial anti-racist work and its impact on communities worldwide.” 
Exploiting the vulnerability inherent in race has long been a tactic of Marxists, for whom persistent social conflict is the mechanism of progress. 

It is the “permanent revolution” of Leon Trotsky.

“One of the most pernicious, civilization-destroying ideas of the modern world is Marxism.”

~ Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

As Hungarian-born economist Peter Bauer once wrote,
“Politicians and intellectuals have supplied…a veneer of intellectual respectability to envy and resentment—otherwise known as socialism.” 

Venezuela is a Socialist country that went from being the wealthiest nation in South America in the 1980s to the poorest in less than two decades—all as a result of Socialism.

Highlighting or magnifying racial distinctions is not simply a surefire way to stoke resentment and hatred. It is sin.
There is another side of the coin. America’s Christian foundations have not evaporated. Nor will they. There are many who are not buying the rhetoric of those fomenting racial guilt.

I give you one man who this past week let the world know that there is right and wrong and it is found not in skin color. A moral code which is, as Dr. Martin Luther King said often, colorblind and founded in the content of our character.

See bold police of all colors stand together for law and order here.


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contributions since last week's newsletter.

Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest.

100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of
candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed.

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P.O. Box 2021
Edmond, OK 73083


God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma!

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Dr. Everett Piper
The Shame of
Black Lives Matter
Evangelical pastors pander
to radical Black Lives Matter
Christian leaders were once defined by
piety not politics, revivals not riots
Dear woke evangelical pastors, 

What in the world is wrong with you? Why in God’s name would you stand in solidarity with an organization that seeks the destruction of Christianity?
You are supposed to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the evangel, and it’s good news.

You are supposed to believe in sola Scriptura and the inerrancy of the Word.

You are supposed to believe in personal sin, personal confession, personal repentance and personal holiness.  
What happened to you?

When did you lose your conviction? When were you given over to a reprobate mind? When did your heart of flesh become a heart of stone? When did you lose your soul?  

There was a time, oh, let’s say about five minutes ago when you were defined by preaching salvation, not social justice. The world knew you for your revivals, not your riots. You were characterized by your piety, not your politics. It seems like just yesterday that your belief in God distinguished you, not your worship of government.  

What happened? 
How in the name of all that is right and holy could you possibly now march with an organization that laughs in the face of all that Jesus taught and died for? How could you be so ignorant? How could you be so arrogant? How could you be so wrong?

Have you not taken the time to do a 30-second Google search of the mission statement of the organization with which you now align? 

Here’s what Black Lives Matter explicitly says about itself on its own website: 

“We … do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege. We build a space that … is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered. We dismantle patriarchal practices … We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure … We foster a queer-affirming network … with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking …” 
And they are rabidly anti-Semitic and pro-abortion to boot! 
Editor's note: The image above appears on the Planned Parenthood website endorsing the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM). BLM is also linked with the Movement for Black Lives. See the BLM website here.
Have you not read this stuff? And if you have, do you not care?
How can you stand with an organization that mocks God, denies the Bible, belittles men, demeans women and subjugates generations of black children to the dysfunction of fatherless families?  

You claim to be Christian leaders, but you stand in solidarity with a group that promotes anger and revenge, one that calls for revolution rather than repentance, one that waves a banner of pride rather than penitence, one that foments resentment and laughs at forgiveness. 

How can you be so blind?
Have you not read your own Bibles?  
The broken ideas of BLM are not godly, and they are not Christian, and any pastor suggesting otherwise diminishes the imago Dei to little more than a hyphenated construct of division rather than unity. 

Your cooperation in the lie of intersectionality
and racial conflict is sin, pure and simple.
Why aren’t you telling your followers that to be a Christian is to be born again, not born that way, that we have died to self, that we are new creations, that we are neither “Jew nor Greek,” and that we are all one Body in Christ?  

Why aren’t you preaching that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God — not just whites and not just blacks — but all?  

Why aren’t you telling people that the only solution to this mess is personal repentance rather than casting blame? 

Why aren’t you preaching confession rather than conflict?  

Your complicity in the enemy’s deceit has encouraged tens of thousands to play the “hater” card rather than confess their own hate. Your apostasy is rife. There is a reason that culture has cast you out and trampled you underfoot. Your salt has lost its savor. Your light is extinguished. There is a reason your churches are empty and dark. 

What are you thinking? Jesus never told us to harbor resentment and stew in the emotions of how we’ve been wronged. In fact, he told us to do the exact opposite. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors is not about fixating on who has harmed us. It is about forgiveness and shame on you for preaching otherwise.
Archbishop Vigano recently said, “There are [now] mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves …; a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God.”  

“Mercenary infidels … A deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God.” 

Hmm ...

Someone else once suggested the same: “In the last days there will come … men who oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith … Their folly will be plain to all …”
~St. Paul.

~Dr. Everett Piper from his June 13, 2020 editorial
published in the Washington Post.

Dr. Everett Piper is a radio host and columnist for The Washington Times.
He is a former university president and the author of
“Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth”
Order here.

Contact Dr. Piper:
From the Norman Transcript...

Ward 8 Norman City Councilwoman Alexandra Scott was arrested Saturday night in Tulsa County, jail records show.

Scott, of Norman, was arrested on a complaint for obstructing and interfering with an officer at 5:45 p.m. and her bond was set at $500. 

Ashley McCray, of Norman, also arrested for the same complaint at the same time, Tulsa County jail records show. McCray, a former City Council candidate, founded Indigenize OU.

The Transcript was unable to reach jail officials or the Tulsa Police Department to confirm further details of their arrest or to confirm if they remained jailed.

Responsible adults in Norman's Christian community
must become involved in city government.
We are providing two voter guides

iVoter Guide
OCPAC is a partner with iVoter Guide as are Concerned Women of America (CWA), American Family Association (AFA), and Family Research Council (FRC). We believe the research and evaluations are accurate and based on publicly available information.

Charlie's Picks
See Charlie's Picks below for more detailed analysis from Charlie Meadows, Oklahoma's oldest and most trusted source for conservative political advice.

Find the iVoter Guide by simply clicking on either button below:
This year's picks represent the candidates I believe SHOULD WIN, based upon research, aided by over 30 years of political activism, endorsements from the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC), and information from iVoter Guide, a national organization evaluating candidates on Christian values and conservatism. I also use the Conservative Index scores from the Oklahoma Constitution Newspaper for Incumbent lawmakers, now in their 41 year of publication.

Bob Linn, current President of OCPAC, and I traveled across the State of Oklahoma interviewing Republican candidates for legislative seats. This turned out to be far superior from our previous public forums as we were able to get better clarifications on issues as well as share our perspectives on issues in which candidates may have had little understanding.

A little inside information:
For the first time, the Oklahoma Senate is more conservative than the House. Probably the worst Republican House member is Representative Kannady of Southwest OKC. During the 2018 primary season he raised large sums of money to support liberal Republican candidates which successfully defeated almost every high profile conservative Republican running for re-election. The lesson taught was, do what leadership wants or you will be next. That terrified handful of conservatives currently in the house. They strayed from the herd on only a few occasions. 

Further, sources tell me much of the considerable friction between Governor Stitt and Republican legislative leaders may be motivated by Speaker McCall's desire to run for Governor next year. Probably the #1 priority for the speaker was to pass a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for retired teachers which passed by a 99 to 0 vote even though their retirement fund was not solvent enough to support such. Five Senate Republicans voted against the bill. Governor Stitt warned of the harm to the system. However, Stitt wisely signed the bill rather than fall into the trap of vetoing a veto proof bill which McCall and Joy Hoffmeister, also rumored to be a candidate for Governor in 2 years, would have used to paint Stitt as being against teachers which would help them defeat him in the 2022 primary.



TODD HIETT - OCPAC strongly endorsed Todd six years ago. We appreciated him speaking to us six months ago. I have not seen a reason to replace him as yet and certainly not by a non-viable 85-year-old candidate that would have to make it to 91 to finish the term.


JIM INHOFE - Other than the loss of seniority l would have preferred to see Him not run again. Had that been the case one of the more "viable" candidates would have run. None of the 3 others are viable.


U.S. DIST. 1 - KEVIN HERN was unopposed


Incumbent Markwayne Mullen has become more conservative since getting rid of his first Chief of staff and Trump became President. However, I still give the edge to Silk when it comes to conservatism.

U.S. DIST. 3 - FRANK LUCAS was unopposed

U.S. DIST. 4 - JAMES TAYLOR is a true conservative.

Tom Cole is the least conservative Republican member of Congress from Oklahoma. Cole is the most negative influence on the Republican Party in the state of Oklahoma. Thankfully, Tucker Carlson has pointed out what a conservative fraud Cole is at least twice on his powerful prime-time TV show on the Fox News Network. Hopefully that will be the boost needed by Dr. Taylor to finally retire Cole.


Bob and I have talked with the leadership team, members and others close to OCPAC to determine who they would vote for in the CD 5 race and the opinions are mixed. Therefore, I will not nor will OCPAC make an endorsement in this primary. 

However, from the filling period, I have always believed there are only 4 viable candidates: Janet Barresi, Stephanie Bice, David Hill and Terry Neese.

Everyone expects there a run-off election in this one. As of this time, I believe the run-off will be between David Hill and Terry Neese or David Hill and Stephanie Bice.

If Bice comes in a close third she will always wonder if the sharp rebuke from Tony Lounger with Oklahomans For Life made the difference. The rebuke was the result of a campaign mail piece stating she had been endorsed by Oklahomans For Life and that she had a 100% pro life voting record with them. According to Tony neither of those assertions are true.


SD 1 MICHAEL BERGSTROM - Big Cabin - Afton area, Ivoter guide has him ranked "Somewhat Conservative" and his challenger as Insufficient Information. His score on the Conservative Index last year was 80, though his lifetime average is lower.

SD 3 WAYNE SHAW - Grove, Cookson, Tahlequah area, Ivoter Guide have Senator Shaw and his challenger about the same when it comes to conservatism. However, the Conservative Index has Shaw at an 80 for last year and this we don't try to take him out.

SD 5 JUSTIN JACKSON - Idabel, Broken Bow, Hugo Tuskahoma area. iVoter Guide shows Jackson to be conservative and Insufficient Information about the other two. Whoever the eventual winner, Bob and I will invite that candidate for an interview.

SD 7 LARRY BOGGS - McAlester, Hartshorn, Red Oak, McCurtain area. iVoter Guide rates Senator BOGGS as Conservative and the other two candidates as "Conservative conditional". Senator BOGGS had a Conservative Index score last year of an 83 and his lifetime average score is about 10 points better than Senator's Shaw and Bergstrom. 

SD 13 YOUR CHOICE - Ada area. We interviewed the Senator's challenger and did not believe her to be a viable candidate even though she was a very nice person.

SD 17 BRANDON BAUMGARTEN - Shawnee, Choctaw, Newalla area. OCPAC endorsed and funded the campaign of this brilliant young candidate with tremendous credentials. 

Senator Sharp is one of the worst Republicans with an 8 year lifetime Conservative Index score of 53. The other candidate in the race, Shane Jett was consistently one of the most liberal House members even winning our RINO of the year award at least one time. 

It is imperative Brandon be elected to
improve state government in Oklahoma.

SD 19 ROLAND PEDERSON - Enid, Burlington area. Senator PEDERSON is rated by iVoter Guide as "somewhat conservative" and his challenger is rated as "moderate". Too bad we don't have better candidates from which to choose.

SD 28 MIKE HAINES - Lincoln County and north half of Seminole County. OCPAC endorsed and funded the campaign of this mature pastor and successful businessman.  He holds 4 patents and worked a number of years as a problem solver in the IT field. 

The other viable candidate, State Representative Zack Taylor refused to return our survey and was one of the House members that represented the interests of Speaker McCall rather than the interests of the people in his House district. 

The 3rd candidate, Christian Ford is a very bright 24-year-old conservative with a bright future. He is just not viable in this Senate race.

SD 35 CHERYL BARBER - Tulsa area. This is not considered a safe Republican seat so our bylaws require us to wait until the general election to get involved. This pick is based on the work of iVoter Guide ranking Cheryl as the most conservative.

SD 37 Chris Emerson - Tulsa Jenks area. iVoter Guide ranks Emerson as "Somewhat Conservative" and the other Republican as "Insufficient Information."

As a point of interest, this seat is currently held by Democrat Allison Ikley-Freeman. Freeman was critically injured on May 22 in an accident on the Turner Turnpike. She is currently at home on a long road to rehabilitation.

SD 43 YOUR CHOICE - South Moore, Purcell, and down to the Duncan area. After 4 years, Senator Scott has a paltry index score of a 44. Something I predicted in 2016 when he first ran for office. He protested and claimed he was a true conservative. That turned out to be a bunch of BS (blue smoke). Neither of the 2 women running against him would return our surveys. iVoter Guide describes one as moderate and the other as Insufficient Information. I have checked with several folks in Purcell and no one has any information about her. Too bad a more quality candidate failed to run for this office.


HD 1 ERIC ENSLEY - Idabel, Valliant area. OCPAC ENDORSEDED AND FUNDED the cammpaign of Dr. Ensley. We found him to be a serious Christian with the heart of a servant. All of his instincts are conservative with a desire to learn about all aspects of government. We found him to be smart and understood quickly things we presented that he had not considered.

HD 3 RICK WEST - Poteau, Heavener area. After seeing how moderate Representative Lundry has turned out to be, former Representative West is seeking to once again represent the citizens of district. His victory along with that of George Faught would go a long way toward rebuilding a conservative base and protecting Governor Stitt from veto overrides. Many of the overrides are intended to embarrass the Governor because of selfish political motives from future Republican Gubernatorial opponents for the 2022 election cycle.

HD11 WENDI STEARMAN - Bartlesville, Collinsville area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of this very smart homeschool mom that already has a conservative ideology well developed. She was disappointed in the quality of a couple of home school co-ops, so she formed one of her own. It has grown to 200 members. Some influential people in Bartlesville are helping her. 

The incumbent Republican, Darrell Fincher, has one of the lowest Conservative Index scores at a 30. Most likely he is a Democrat that registered as a Republican to be able to win.

HD 12 JUSTIN DINE - Broken Arrow area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Justine Dine. Justin blew Bob and I away with his high moral principles and probably the best developed conservative ideology we encountered. He also had the best communication skills we saw. Conflict resolution is a specialty. He and his wife own a school of music approved for any EPIC Charter school student to attend. Justin has been campaigning for close to a year and attends City Elders meetings as often as time permits. 

At one time, I had hoped the incumbent, Kevin McDugal, would be a good lawmaker. That did not turn out to be the case. After 6 years or so in office McDugal has an average index score of a low 44.

HD 14 GEORGE FAUGHT - Muskogee, Fort Gibson area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of George Faught. George was one of the conservatives taken out by the Kannady Coup in 2018.

Representative Sneed only managed a 50 on the Conservative Index last year.

Faught's leadership is needed for insight into who are the
fake conservatives. He knows who the snakes are at
the Capitol and what rocks they slither under.

HD 15 ANGIE BRINLEE - Porum, Eufaula area, OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Angie Brinlee. Angie owns the Farm Bureau Agency in her county and is the wife of a local pastor. She is an excellent researcher, passionate communicator making the complex understandable. She will devastate any unprepared lawmaker wanting to contend with her during floor debates. She has served her communities in many ways. Angie's only downside we saw was her boundless energy makes her reluctant to ask for campaign funds or volunteers. 

The freshman in that office (now, the incumbent) scored a 60 on last year's Conservative Index.

HD 17 SHANNON ROWELL - McAlester, Wilburton area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Shannon Rowell. Shannon is a plant manager for a manufacturing firm in McAlester as well as a local pastor. Both he and his wife devote many hours to public service. Very impressive fellow. His daughter is a passionate student of America's early history. 

The incumbent scored a sixty on last year's Conservative Index. 

HD 18 DAVID SMITH - McAlester area, an incumbent with a 73 on the Conservative Index, a score high enough for us to leave alone.

HD 20 STEVE HERBEGER - Blanchard, Newcastle, Purcell area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Steve Herberger. Steve is a successful businessman, a CASA volunteer and is passionate about reforming our child foster care system. During our time with Steve and his wife we found them eager to learn about the principles of good government. So much so he left work to hear Bill Federer speak at OCPAC a few weeks ago. 

The freshman incumbent scored a 66 on last year's Consevative Index.

HD 25 YOUR CHOICE - Ada area. While the incumbent, Ronnie Johns, scored a 50 on last year's Conservative Index, we interviewed his opponent. The opponent would likely be worse, not any better.

HD 28 JERRI PARKER - Okemah, Seminole area. Several of my conservative contacts in the area are supporting Jerri. 

Her opponent, Danny Williams, was a former Democrat in the House. Williams had such an ego, he left to run for, I believe Lt. Governor. He showed up at OCPAC a few years ago as a Republican running for a Senate seat. I can tell anyone wanting to know, he may have changed his registration, but his ideology was still that of a Democrat.

HD 30 - MARK LAWSON - Tulsa, Sapulpa, Bixby area. Representative Lawson barely scored high enough on the Conservative Index for us to leave him alone. However, iVoter Guide scores his opponents even less conservative.

HD 31 - KARMIN GRIDER - Guthrie, South Central Logan County, a little of North Edmond. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Karmin Grider. Karmin is a very bright lady that was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Logan County Republican Party nearly a year and a half ago. She is passionate about good government and decided to run for the House once she realized what a weak leader and loyal subject to the Speaker our current Representative, Gary Mize, happens to be. To her credit, when she decided to run, she resigned her position with the party. Many claim to be pro-life, but Karmin has gone 2 steps farther. She supports abolishing abortion and puts actions to her words as she has spent time in front of abortion mills sharing the love of Jesus with confused young girls contemplating ending the life of their pre-born babies. As a huge Trump supporter, Karmin wants to see economic policies that will promote steady and broad-based growth for the citizens of Oklahoma. Since this is the district in which I live, I know them both and Karmin will be head and shoulders a better Representative than Gary.

HD 33 - BRYCE CHAFFIN - South part of Stillwater and surrounding Payne County. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Bryce Chaffin. Bryce is a former teacher. Now, he and his wife homeschool their 4 children. While Bryce works hard to support his family, he researches issues, has very good critical thinking skills, and will make a great lawmaker. 

On the other hand, the freshman incumbent, John Talley, has the lowest score at a 20 of any Republican in the legislature. Lower than any one in either the House or the Senate. Sad to say, Representative Talley is the local director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Please learn a lesson. One might be skilled at preaching the gospel to lead young people to Christ. However, if that person has little understanding of how to take Christian principles and apply them to life or public policies, then that teacher would more nearly resemble a Christian Socialist than a Christian able to lead Christians to maturity and freedom in the Lord.

HD 40 - CHAD CALDWELL - Enid area. Chad scored an 83 last year though some years he has lower scores. iVoter Guide lists Chad as conservative and his challenger as somewhat conservative.

HD 42 - NICOLE STEVENS - Blanchard, Purcell, Lindsay area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Nicole Stevens. When Nicole noticed her freshman Representative voted for a bill to prevent parents from seeking Christian counseling for a child that had been sodomized by a homosexual, she became aware of the attack on the family by some in government and became acutely aware of the importance of parental rights. She worked many years as a flight attendant for United Airlines. She stopped when her son, now 4 years old, was born. Nicole has great conservative instincts and is rapidly getting up to speed on the many issues that face lawmakers. 

Her freshman opponent scored a 43 on last year's Conservative Index.

HD 52 - GERRID KENDRIX - Altus, Blair, Snyder area. OCPAC ENDORSEDED AND FUNDED the campaign of Gerrid Kendrix. Gerrid is a CPA and also an astute businessman. He is an active member of City Elders and we found him to be a very mature Christian. Gerrid will be a needed influence at the Capitol. This is an open seat.

It turns out that Gerrid's opponent, Scot Simco, is the son of a boyhood friend of mine from Sentinel Oklahoma. iVoter Guide rates Scot as a moderate which is probably accurate. However, Bob and I found Scot to have many positive qualities. He just doesn't have the Christian maturity of Gerrid.

HD 56 - RANDY TALLEY - Chickasha, Amber area. iVoter Guide rates Mr. Talley as Conservative and his opponent as Insufficient Information.

HD 59 - YOUR CHOICE - Neither of these candidates would return our surveys nor could iVoter Guide make a determination. More than likely their campaigns are being run by the establishment consultants who advise their candidates not to respond to conservative organizations.

HD 61 - KENNY BOB TAPP - The Oklahoma Panhandle area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Kenny Bob Tapp. I have known the Tapp family for many years. True salt of the earth folks ranching under the most difficult conditions in Oklahoma. Kenny Bob understands the issues and will not be shaken. 

The freshman incumbent has scored a 60 on last year's Conservative Index.

HD 62 - Robert Johns - Lawton area. iVoter Guide rates him as "Conservative (conditional)" and the incumbent as somewhat liberal. 

Representative Pae has a Conservative Index score of 30.

HD 66 - EMILY DeLOZIER - Sand Springs area. iVoter Guide rates Emily as "Conservative Conditional" and the incumbent Nadine Nolland as "Somewhat Liberal". 

Nolan's Conservative Index score was 40 last year and her lifetime average is a 49.

HD 69 - Angela Strohm - Tulsa, Jenks area. OCPAC ENDORSED AND FUNDED the campaign of Angela Strohm. Angela is another candidate with a well-developed conservative ideology. Her husband, Chuck Strohm, was one of the conservative lawmakers barely defeated in the coup of 2018. Angela is very active in the City Elders movement in Tulsa. 

The freshman incumbent Sheila Dills has a Conservative Index score of a 43.

HD 70 - TAYLOR WOODRUM - Tulsa area, iVoter Guide rates Taylor as "somewhat conservative" and the Incumbent Carol Bush as "somewhat liberal". 

Representative Bush has a Conservative Index score of a 23 for last year and a lifetime score of a 19.

HD 71 - MIKE MASTERS - Tulsa area, none of the 3 candidates really deserves an endorsement. I picked Mr. Masters on very thin reasoning.

HD 74 - BRAD PEIXOTTO - Owasso area. iVoter Guide lists him as "Insufficient Information" and the incumbent as a "moderate."

Representative Vancuren has a 60 on last year's Conservative Index.

HD 79 - CLAY LIAMS - Tulsa area. Very thin endorsement. iVoter Guide would point to another seemingly qualified candidate. However, when she came to an OCPAC meeting about 3 months ago she had no ears to listen, only an active mouth which quickly revealed she already knew everything. Who knows, maybe by the time a person gets to be 85 they do know everything? We need lawmakers that can reason with their colleagues and not get marginalized and put into a basement office.

HD 83 - ERIC ROBERTS - West Edmond, The Village, NW OKC area. Mr. Roberts is a successful business man that has a fairly good grasp on the issues. He has been door knocking for a long time in an effort to unseat the radical leftist Democrat, Representative Chelsey Branham.

Chelsey Branham’s Conservative Index score is a 0.

HD 91 - BRUCE FLEMING - Southwest OKC area. OCPAC ENDORSEDED. Mr. Fleming is as fine a Christian as one can meet. He ran against the powerful and bad Representative Kannady in 2018 and only received 25 percent of the vote. Unfortunately, when we met with Bruce it was apparent he has not improved his candidacy enough to be viable. While we are happy to endorse Bruce, we could not contribute to his campaign as we owe those who contribute to OCPAC to be good stewards over the money raised. There are some of our folks helping Bruce, hopefully he can get at least 35% of the vote this year.

HD 94 - YOUR CHOICE - Del City area. iVoter Guide rates both Republicans as "Insufficient Information". Whichever Republican wins, we will try to interview him before he takes on the Democrat Andy Fugate with a Consevative Index score of 10.

HD 95 - MAX WOLFLEY - Southeast OKC, Midwest City area. Mr. WOLFLEY attends our meetings with some regularity. I also know his opponent Darren Ward. For reasons I don't want to go into at this time I have chosen MAX WOLFLEY. Whoever wins this primary will receive our survey and Bob and I will interview him before the general election.

HD 96 - KEN WARNER - East Edmond, Arcadia area. iVoter Guide gives Mr. Warner the highest conservative score of the four candidates. Also, Mr. Warner attends our meetings from time to time. Once the primary is over, we will do an interview to determine our support going forward.

HD 100 - MARILYN STARK - Bethany, NW OKC area. Representative Stark scored a 70 on the Conservative Index which is high enough for us to support her for another term.


Sorry I can't help with these races, with 77 counties and a possible several races in each county, it is too much for me to know and would make this document too large. While I know about Logan County races, I do not know about the others.



Every time I see a TV spot for 802 my blood begins to heat up. Every Ad which runs is completely false to mostly false

- 802 is an extension of Obama Care and the next step toward full blown Socialized Medicine.

- Social Security and MEDICARE, are forced savings and insurance plans which working people pay into all our working lives and are not accessible to most people before the age of 62 or 65. However, we do NOT pay into MEDICAID, it is pure welfare and comes out the general fund. Already women and children receive Medicaid at a huge expense to the Federal and State governments. Oklahoma is already a "Beneficiary State", meaning more money already comes to Oklahoma each year from Washington than is sent to Washington through the sum total of all taxes combined.

- if 802 passes the over a Billion dollars each year coming back to Oklahoma will be newly printed dollars known as deficit spending which in turn increases our national debt.

- 802 will amend our Constitution and force lawmakers to fully fund the required state match expected to be in excess of $150,000,000 in just the first year.

- Oklahoma is already in the hole having to cut the budget over a Billion for next year. If 802 passes we will have to slash education and public safety spending or have significant tax increases.

- After serving on a rural hospital board of trustees over an 8-year period of time, I can assure folks 802 will only make a small difference for those hospitals. The problems facing small rural hospitals is far larger than any impact 802 will have.

- If you insist on supporting 802, then please, every morning when you get up look into the mirror and repeat, "I am a Socialist and I, along with others of my Ilk are responsible for the rapidly growing national debt. And when this economy crashes under the weight of that debt, it will be my fault!


Thanks for your time and attention. Please feel free to forward this to your friends and neighbors. If you have received this from a friend, please sign up to receive the OCPAC email which comes out every Monday morning.

Charlie Meadows

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To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020
The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020
Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020

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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


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Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman.

Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text,  NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education.

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