Wednesday, May 20, 2020

URGENT ACTION ALERT: CALL GOVERNOR | 6666 Proposed in Washington

OCPAC Weekly Newsletter
Published Monday, May 18, 2020

Table of Contents

Not an American Value

Special Guest
The Politics of COVID
Unveiling 21st Century America

The Duplicity of Kendra Horn
An Election Year Sleight of Hand

Need to Contact Governor Stitt

Keeping the Vision Alive

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

Not an American Value
The reason that the 1 November 451 council of Chalcedon was so vital to the foundation of Western Civilization was that in establishing the Biblical concept of the Trinitarian nature of God, it also established the idea that Jesus is Lord over both the Church and the State. Some 1,300 years later, Hegel and the “Enlightenment” would reverse this.

Contrary to the European fads of the day, our Puritan forefathers grounded their hopes in a Biblical protology (purpose) and eschatology (future grounded in purpose) that led them to America’s shores to establish a system of government based on divine foundations. They knew that life on earth will find its fulfillment and ultimate enjoyment only when lived in lock-step with the one who created us in the beginning.
Government not founded in Christianity rests upon a belief in human autonomy. A commitment to the autonomous nature of mankind leads to governments led by the most ambitious and power-hungry among us.  

The foundation for these tyrants is slow growing. It requires first the erosion of the foundations of Christendom.

The seed-bed of tyranny is developed incrementally. First, society must come to see Christianity as a fine foundation for the private life of the individual but not appropriate for the public affairs of the larger society. Christianity’s influence must be removed from the classroom and the halls of government. Once the state has become autonomous and Scripture is removed from public affairs, tyrants are free to successfully arise.

That long-developing process has matured in America and globally before our eyes in the year 2020.
In last week’s OCPAC newsletter, I addressed details of the tyranny developing on American soil. 

The quest for a one world government began with Nimrod in 2300 B.C. The idea has passed through many hands in the course of history's progression. The starting lineup of the 21st century features Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci.  
It features cunning plans to force the world’s population to inject themselves with their “vaccines”. COVID-19 has been the springboard for the most expansive and successful show of tyranny the world has ever witnessed.

On May 1, 2020, forty Democrat U.S. Congressmen introduced COVID-19 related H.B. 6666.
It is a bill which asks for $100 Billion to establish an agency authorized to come into our homes to test us for COVID-19 and to remove us as they see fit.

Clearly, this continues to be a massive effort to control all the inhabitants of the earth. Read the bill here. Read the LifeSiteNews story here.
Hegel said that the state is God. Thankfully, neither Hegel nor the state are anything close to the one who created them both. It is the Creator of all there is who continues to reign. He reigns despite our fears and perceptions.

I will close with two recent stories which tell us that there are still many who will not allow such tyranny to freely develop.

Two weeks ago, Karl Manke, a 77-year-old barber in Owasso, Michigan went toe-to-toe with Michigan’s leftist Democrat Governor as well as the Attorney General over an extended shutdown order. No longer able to pay his bills, he opened his shop and went to work.  

He stated without hesitation, “I'm not intimidated.”

His attorney, David Kallman, said that the Governor and Attorney General have picked on the wrong barber! 

Manke sees it as a responsibility. He said, "I'm carrying the torch for an awful lot of people."

Michigan State Police troopers served Manke with not one, but two, misdemeanors for running a business that's not authorized to operate under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's shutdown order. This attracted the attention of members of the Michigan Home Guard, a militia that formed a blockade Monday in front of Karl Manke's Barber & Beauty shop. Read more here.
People from all over Michigan have been so inspired that they are driving for hours to let him cut their hair. Some are coming from nearby states.  

It has so inspired Michiganders that the Michigan Conservative Coalition has organized “a peaceful demonstration against the governor’s draconian lockdown orders”. Barbers and stylists will be gathered in front of the Capitol Building in Lansing at noon this Wednesday (May 20). They will be providing free haircuts to Michiganders as a part of “Operation Haircut.
Dan Lyman is the son of one of OCPAC’s original founders.  He writes for a number of news organizations and last week announced the event here.
I’ve mentioned the Italian Senate in the past because of its former president, Marcello Pera.

He states that “The apostasy of Christianity is exposing the entire West to the risk of a grave cultural and political crisis, and perhaps to a collapse of civilization.

I thought of him when I read this morning’s news that another Italian lawmaker is making bold statements. 
For Crimes Against Humanity
Italian lawmaker, Sara Cunial, told the Italian Parliament that Bill Gates should be arrested for crimes against humanity. Her voice is being heard around the world.

She said, “For decades, Gates has been working on depopulation policy and dictatorial control plans on global politics, aiming to obtain the primacy on agriculture, technology and energy."
“It is our children who will lose more, who are ‘raped souls.'”
~Sara Cunial
She continued from Italy's senate floor:

“In this way, the right to school will be granted only with a bracelet to get them used to probation, to get them used to slavery and involuntary treatment ... The real goal of all of this is total control ...
Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will.”

She called upon lawmakers to defy any plans of compulsory vaccination against Covid-19. She points out that these endeavors are being pushed by the corrupt elites who represent the Deep State. She names Bill Gates as one of the main culprits.

Listen to her speech here.
English translation provided at bottom.
I want to close to allow you time to read Dr. Sandlin’s excellent submission on this topic. Following that, Steve Anderson has contributed his usual perceptive and timely political observations.  

Christendom is the foundation of American Republic. That core remains in America today as evidenced by the resistance movements rising up.
To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues:

Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020
Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020
History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020
China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020
Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020
California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020

“Never Again!”
New interview still on YouTube as of early this morning:
Dr. Daniel W. Erickson of Bakersfield, California.

Based upon the fundamentals of immunology, microbiology,
biochemistry, virology, and how the immune system functions ...

Quarantining the healthy is harmful.
Watch the 6 minute video here.
The Politics of COVID
The Unveiling of 21st Century America
This is a recent article by Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
It has been shortened and otherwise edited with permission by Bob Linn

Social crises don’t create institutional character. They reveal it.

The COVID drama has revealed …
A Paltry Church
A Pernicious Political Elite
For more than 100 years, the church has been under the influence of a modern form of Christianity which has a very narrow focus. It is nothing like the foundation which extends from the Apostles to our Puritan forefathers.

Today’s church promotes a Christianity that has enabled the secular elements of society to rise to the top. Parishioners view Christianity as a closed, personal, and private affair. Gratefully, it still advocates the need for evangelism, private devotions, church attendance, and heaven. However, the church's role as salt and light to every aspect of the life of mankind has been truncated.
Involvement in government, politics, the arts and other civic arenas is, for today’s Christian, akin to polishing the brass on a sinking ship.

The 21st century church is deeply immersed in this narrow theological mindset. It views culture (and the physical world) as tangential. Thus, for a number of generations now, the church has been so focused on heaven and a private relationship with God that it has given little thought to Christ's command to "Make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28).
The Bible articulates a far greater concern for this world.
The posture of the modern church is grounded in a narrow escapism. It is un-Biblical and would have been rejected by those pastors, leaders, writers, and thinkers who built the Biblical foundations of Western Civilization. Escapist Christianity will not disciple nations. It has been able to function in America only because of the productivity, prosperity and peace which have been the fruit of our culturally involved Puritan forefathers. That day has come to an end.
A cultural crisis (COVID) has exposed the theological bankruptcy of the 21st century church.  When COVID-19 became a global media hysteria, the church lacked the theological framework to understand and respond properly. 
The immediate response of the political, epidemiological (medical), and media elites was to exert centralized power. Tyranny right here in the U.S.A.
Quarantine the productive
Quarantine the children
Quarantine the healthy
Quarantine the church
Quarantine society
The church was left flat footed and dumbfounded.  A church intellectually devastated and without the capacity to respond.  
Today’s church knows only to submit to the state. Just as the German church submitted 100 years ago to enable the rise and establishment of Adolf Hitler.
This global virus (COVID) is earthy. Gratefully, the Word of God is earthy. Jesus taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The Biblical church is God’s representative on earth.
The decline of the West began with the “Enlightenment.” The “post-Enlightenment” state grew robust and dictatorial. The church grew culturally weak and emaciated, even where it grew in numbers.

The direction of Western liberal democracy in the last century has been to elevate the state and make it the central institution in society. 

There are three foundational Biblical spheres: family, church, and state. Scripture is clear that the state is the least important of the three.

Romans 13 limits the state to one primary function: “to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” The state is God’s minister authorized only to bear the sword against evil (crime). This flows naturally from the cornerstone of government given to Noah in Genesis 9:5,6
The state is outside its Romans 13 mandate when it seeks to create the equitable, virtuous, and prosperous society. The state is not to guarantee optimal health, education, and welfare. It is not to redress historic grievances.

Politicians should enter the political arena to ensure that government remains within its narrow Biblical boundaries. It is not the focus of the church which should be narrow. It is the focus of governments which should be narrow.

The staggering size of modern centralized politics is an exhibition of the modern West’s abandonment of Christian culture. The family and the church have lazily outsourced their God-given obligations to the state. And, as Samuel warned God’s people in the book of first Samuel chapter eight, the result would be an ungodly tyranny of centralized power.
COVID-19 has blown the lid off the last vestiges of political restraint in modern centralized politics. It shows us what statist ideologues will dare to do when they are confident that they can do what they want to do with few or no consequences. 

Both church and state have failed their respective institutional tests that COVID-19 has brought to their social classroom. The failures have been very public.

Let’s hope Dennis Prager is wrong that this has been “Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State.”

~ Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
President, Center for Cultural Leadership

Edited by Bob Linn with permission

Read Dr. Sandlin’s complete article here.
See Dr. Sandlin’s related article on Pietism here.
The Duplicity of Kendra Horn
An Election Year Sleight of Hand
Obfuscating Horn's Voting Record
If you have been around politics very long, you have heard the old saying, “I can be for you or against you depending on which one helps you the most.”

Behind closed doors in party caucus meetings in state capitols across this country and under the Dome in Washington DC, this saying has real application in an election year.
This ruse is agreed on with party leadership.

It is a strategy used to help elected officials hold on to their seats
when they haven’t represented their constituents
during any other important vote.

In Oklahoma, we have a classic example in Representative Kendra Horn’s vote on the latest stimulus bill. 

Here is Ms. Horn’s public statement on why she voted against the $3 trillion dollar stimulus package: 

“Messaging bills without bipartisan support are a disservice to the American people, especially during a time of crisis. This is not the time for partisan gamesmanship, this is the time to find common ground and deliver help where it is needed most. Transparency requires time for public debate and discussion. We must work with our Republican colleagues and leadership in the Senate to negotiate a targeted relief bill that is aimed squarely at the health and economic challenges we face.” 
Actually Ms. Horn is practicing “partisan gamesmanship” at its most deceptive level.  

Ms. Horn has voted almost without exception with Speaker Pelosi. She voted for her as Speaker after assuring Oklahoma's voters that she would not.  
Why is she pretending to go against Pelosi all of a sudden? The first sentence in this article explains it:

"I can be for you or against you depending on which one helps you the most.”
I have heard this conversation more than once where a certain legislator’s vote was not needed to pass a piece of legislation. 

Leadership then asks the legislator to publicly appear to oppose them. It is a strategy to help that struggling legislator win re-election. 
 Ms. Horn’s vote was never needed to pass this bill.
Ms. Horn knows that her history of voting in lock-step with a San Francisco liberal is hurting her with Oklahoma voters. And, Speaker Pelosi is desperate to maintain control of the House. Horn's re-election is important for a Democrat Party fighting hard to continue its control of the House.

Hence, the perfect place for the age-old ruse.
This woman has spent most of her working life in liberal politics. More examination of Ms. Horn’s statement highlights just how bogus she is.  

Her statement “Messaging bills without bipartisan support are a disservice to the American people” is hard to take seriously when, in a totally partisan vote, Ms. Horn voted to impeach the President of the United States. 
What makes that vote even more of a slap-in-the-face of "bipartisanship" is that Ms. Horn is a member of the Democrat caucus and had access to Representatives Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi behind closed doors.
Ms. Horn claims to be an attorney so this is not an ‘accidental misstatement’ or a ‘vote she was misled on.’  

She knowingly voted against a President who carried every district in the state of Oklahoma. She made that vote knowing there was not one shred of actual substantiating evidence.

Kendra Horn lied to voters to get elected and it is clear that her recent call for "bipartisanship" is nothing more than her strategy to be re-elected. 
Last week, I brought this same technique home to the Oklahoma Legislature. I spoke about the political machinations of far-left Democrat Jason Dunnington. His careful posturing has enabled him to push leftist causes and yet appear to be a moderate. Read my comments in last Monday's OCPAC news publication here.

And, be watching for OCPAC's upcoming endorsement for Horn's replacement.
~ by Steve Anderson
Edited by Bob Linn
Contact Governor Stitt
Oklahoma State Department of Health

The OSDH has submitted rule change #535 to the Governor which will step between you and your children regarding the control you have over which vaccines you want your children to have.

You may read the rule change here. Oklahomans for Health & Parental Rights have explained the consequences of rule # 535 here.

This is nothing short of government tyranny coming from one of the most inept bureaucracies in Oklahoma. Oklahoma needs your help.

We need to go to work on behalf of the thousands of parents who have no idea this is going on.


Be very courteous. Ask that the Governor pull the immunization rules from the OSDH Chapter 535. OSDH is the Governor's department. He can stop this from being implemented.

The medical health of Oklahoma's children belong in the hands of their parents and not the government. This is really all you need to say when asking the Governor to pull OSDH rule #535.

For additional background, read the rule change here and the Parental Rights summary here.

You will be talking to an aide who knows little or nothing about #535. Just communicate politely and clearly so they can know what to send on to the Governor. I trust that enough of us will call that the Governor will get the idea.

Thank you for all you do!
God bless!
Call the Governor's office at (405) 521-2342
EMAIL the Governor here.
Steve Fair noted in his article for this week that the Oklahoma Legislature passed Senate Bill #1081, an anti-"Red Flag" bill. It was authored by Senator Nathan Dahm and Representative Jay Steagall. It protects our second amendment rights.

The Governor signed it into law Saturday.

Steve Fair is Chairman of the 4th District of the Oklahoma Republican Party
and the legacy he left Oklahoma
The vision of Christian Heritage Academy
To train American Christian leaders for every sphere of society.
From last week...

Last week, we wrote about the life and mission of Ralph Bullard, the man who brought Christian Heritage Academy to such academic prominence in Oklahoma. We will let you know when his memorial service is scheduled.

Please consider participating in the memorial fund which will be used to enable more of CHA's teachers to travel with the students to tour first hand the areas of our nations founding.


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Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


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