Monday, April 6, 2020

Losing the First Amendment | Call to Encourage Governor | Fauci's Record

OCPAC Weekly Newsletter
Published Monday, April 6, 2020

Table of Contents

Setting the Record Straight

America 1776: Give me liberty or give me death
America 2020: I fear death, so take my liberty

Dr. Fauci's Failed Past
Ushering In the Second Great Depression

Covers One of OCPAC'S Topics

Your Calls Are Needed

Setting the Record Straight
In the midst of the pandemic of 2020, we are witnessing a corona crisis with roots deep in the media.  It is a media which is moving public perception and shaping political decisions.  

A little over a week ago, the New York Times spoke of the crippling impact the “religious right” (devout Christians) were having on the ability of the President to respond properly to the coronavirus. The article claims America’s “ultraconservative religious” (devout Christians) deny science.  Read the article here.
Katherine Stewart, the Time’s journalist who wrote the article, states that “Donald Trump rose to power with the determined assistance of a movement that denies science … denial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis.”
Ms. Stewart is without any known academic credentials in science or any other area of academia. In this, she is much like climate change promoter, Al Gore. Back in February, I wrote about Mr. Gore’s failure as a science student and the two journalists who uncovered his academic records. See their report here. See the entire OCPAC newsletter here.

It is the journalist’s atheism, not her academics, which is the foundation of her bias. Much the same could be said of most of America’s media.

Secularists enjoy donning the hat of intellectual snobbery. Yet, true scholarship is found in the archives of Christendom.
Albert Einstein had a much different perspective than Ms. Stewart and the New York Times.

He prominently displayed pictures of three men as passionate about Biblical theology as they were science. Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, and James Clerk Maxwell were the men Einstein admired.

Their work in science was foundational in our understanding of motion, gravity, and electromagnetism. And, each of them were devoted to the Word of God.
Broadly speaking, the foundations of science are found in Christian men who considered the earth to be the creation of Christ. Men like Bacon, Galileo, Pascal, Boyle, Newton, Kepler, Leibniz, Linnaeus, Faraday, Maxwell, Mendel, Hertz, Pasteur, Joule, Kelvin, Carver, and von Braun.
Many devout Christians currently do scientific research all over the globe. Of note is the faculty at the highly acclaimed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  

MIT’s faculty includes many Christian professors who teach subjects like aeronautics, artificial intelligence, chemistry, biology, biological engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, ocean engineering, chemical engineering, and neuroscience.  

~Details of the MIT faculty are found in
Rebecca McLaughlin’s Confronting Christianity
Buy her book here.

Ms. Stewart and the New York Times relished pontificating about Christians and the coronavirus. Both have overlooked the fact that it was a devout Christian, Louis Pasteur, who developed the science we use today to fight disease.

It was Pasteur, the father of modern microbiology, who discovered the principles of germ theory, vaccines and the processes of pasteurization.

The Literary Digest of 18 October 1902 gives this statement from Pasteur about his praying while he worked:

Posterity will one day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophers. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. I pray while I am engaged at my work in the laboratory.

Dr. Calvin Beisner, one of OCPAC’s February speakers, was a specific target of the NYT editorial. The Times slandered his organization, the Cornwall Alliance. Dr Beisner deftly repudiated the entire poorly researched editorial handily here.
America 1776: Give me liberty or give me death
America 2020: I fear death, so take my liberty
First, let me confess that I borrowed the title to this piece from Dr. Everett Piper. It came from a twitter post this weekend. Bob Linn discussed the title with him over the weekend and I will provide links to his media at the end of this article. Dr. Piper is one of Oklahoma’s most respected Christian leaders and one of OCPAC's more popular speakers.

The First Amendment protects several basic freedoms in the United States including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. It was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791.

How quickly the "right to assemble" has been abrogated.

It has been abrogated by a public that is willing to allow themselves to be herded like sheep. Those not so inclined to become sheep of the state face the burdensome costs of an effective court challenge. 
The government's overreach is beyond an individual's ability to take this through the court system to its proper destination. This is a case which needs to be heard by the Supreme Court of the United States.

A right that cannot be enforced by the individuals to whom it belongs if it is at risk of being lost. If the right can be withdrawn simply by proclamation of the state, it is no longer a right. 

Society has been damaged.
The damage is broad.
The damage is deep.

The damage inflicted on American society by government’s response to the coronavirus is far more severe than the deaths which will come from this virus. It has trained us to behave like sheep. Not the Lord’s sheep. We have become Caesar’s sheep. Our forefathers were willing to die to establish the divine rights of the individual on a political level. The divinely endowed rights bestowed on each of us by our Creator.

In order to remain a free people…
we must be willing to answer the fear mongers.
The rhetoric which has encroached upon the foundation of our liberty has no foundation. Phrases they’ve used to argue their case include the accusatory "you are willing to kill grandma and grandpa". Then, the fear strategy warns us that if we do not shut everything down, we will "overwhelm the hospital system". 

By the way, the 1,000 bed U.S. Naval Ship, Comfort, sailed to Pier 90 a week ago. As of this past Friday, it had 22 patients.
If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational.

We did not have to spit on our founding fathers’ graves in order to respond to the virus in a responsible way. A call to take your individual responsibilities seriously could have achieved much of the same outcome.

The elderly (people like me) could voluntarily self-isolate. To protect the others, we could wear masks (even homemade masks or painting masks) when going out in public. We can individually and voluntarily practice healthy living from hand washing to cardiovascular exercises.
Ultimately, the health of our nation requires we remember that freedom has a cost. Our founders mortgaged both their lives and their fortunes. We are so afraid of losing our lives, we are willing to risk not only our economic well-being, but our liberties as well.

If you’re willing to give up that freedom the ultimate result is the collectivism of socialism or communism.
Unelected bureaucrats have a history of making over the top statements. The 2009 swine flu predictions turned out to be completely false. The more recent Ebola claims of CDC were immense exaggerations of the actual outcomes.  

Effectively, it is these same people who now run this country. They are preying on the public's fear of death. 

Famed economist John Maynard Keynes put it well when he said, "In the long run, we are all dead." My fear is that when we have passed on this, country will no longer be the bastion of freedom for the individual that it once was.
Again, I titled this editorial with phrases borrowed from the Twitter posts of Dr. Everett Piper. Like me, he is concerned that we have lost perspective. We no longer value the qualities of a God-ordained political system which assures the individual freedom under God’s law. We have come to readily obey government edicts even when they infringe upon our founding documents. We must either stand up for freedom or apologize to the next few generations.

~ by Steve Anderson
edited by Bob Linn
Find Dr. Pipers written tweet here and watch his 2 minute video here. He also commented on Facebook. We continue to appreciate this man who transformed Oklahoma Wesleyan and brought national attention to the way in which "higher education" is catering to the snowflake generation.
Dr. Fauci's Failed Past
Ushering In the Second Great Depression
by Steve Anderson
The financial publications I subscribe to are forecasting a minimum of 10 million Americans unemployed by the end of the forced shut down of business. This does NOT include the self-employed who are not paying themselves a wage through the business.

A circumstance Dr. Fauci called "inconvenient".

At what point will the government’s prevention edicts become such an overreaction that will drive us into a great depression. Our leaders must ask the question.
New York City (NYC) is the epicenter of coronavirus related deaths. It is a city with a high density of population and a mass transit system widely used. NYC is the destination of a large number of international visitors. 
Those variables do not apply to most of the rest of the country.
The Mardi Gras is an event unique to New Orleans. 
The timing of the 2020 Mardi Gras celebration was a great incubator for the virus and led to their high death rate.  

Based on Fauci's view of the epidemic...
Should we risk a great depression?
In the arena of investment professionals, we often discuss past performance. 
Past performance is a vital statistic when we consider any particular company.

Neither the CDC nor Fauci have an impressive resume of past performance. In 2009, the flu epidemic they predicted would kill 90,000 actually resulted in 12,500 deaths. The Ebola scare numbers were even more skewed.

Not only does Fauci have an established history of exaggerating the impact of epidemics. He is callous as to the devastating economic impact his recommendations. He called the loss of 10 million jobs “inconvenient”.

Easy to say for someone who has worked for the government for 36 years. He still receives a paycheck. Not so for millions of Americans suffering under the mandated closing of businesses.

Neither a crystal ball nor a time machine exists to let us look into the future. We lack the ability to be able to say anything with certainty. However, my small sampling size of former clients is beyond troubling. The impact on their fiscal and mental health is real.
Next year's state budgets will be devastated. The financials of government’s departments will be in a quandary. 

Public Education is always first to the 'trough'. My experience has shown that there is not any situation which they believe requires them to tighten their belts. 

Medicaid's ranks will swell as it always does during high unemployment. 

In effect, these two big consumers of tax dollars will consume a greater share of a dwindling resource. There are going to be tough times ahead under the domes of state capitols. 

Cries for tax increases from the users of taxpayer funding will fill the halls of legislatures. It will be a tough year for conservatives to stand their ground.

The outcome in tax policy could be even tougher on taxpayers struggling to recover from the fiscal impact of the "corona cure".
Covers One of OCPAC'S Topics
Breitbart’s Saturday, April 4 edition asks questions OCPAC’s Steve Anderson answered here two weeks ago. The article asks, “As Italy’s coronavirus death toll continues to grow, many are asking: Why did the virus that originated in Wuhan, China, strike Italy so hard?"

The day after we ran our newsletter, Newt Gingrich said on Fox News that he did not realize there were 100,000 Chinese living in Italy. He mentioned the direct flights between Wuhan and Milan. Of course, thanks to Steve's duck-hunting partner, we covered all of this two weeks ago. To find the OCPAC story of the connection between Wuhan and Italy, see our March 23 newsletter here.

As always, we appreciate Steve’s being on top of things and even a bit ahead of the curve.
(405) 521-2342
Let the Governor know that you support his not calling for the "Shelter in Place" being asked for by leftists in Oklahoma.

As always, be polite!

Like all of us, Governor Stitt is aware of the talking points employed by the leftist media. A daily spin on the news designed to shut our economy down.  

An activist group calling themselves Save Our State (SOS) is pressing the Governor to take more stringent action. SOS is asking the Governor to call for a “Shelter in Place” order. To see where this has been done in the 50 states and what "Shelter in Place" means, click here.

SOS is led by two people with ties to leftist organizations, including the ACLU and the George Kaiser Foundation. Laura Bellis and Nate Morris are leading the effort. SOS can be found here.

We are asking you to call the Governor’s office today. Simply let the Governor know you stand behind the restraint he has demonstrated thus far. 

I think the content of this newsletter (and last week’s) fills in the blanks pretty well.

Let him know you stand with him
(405) 521-2342
Call between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M.

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