Monday, April 20, 2020

Bill Gates and Globalist Pseudo-Science | World O Meter Provides Perspective | Oklahomans Rally for Freedom

OCPAC Weekly Newsletter
Published Monday, April 20, 2020

Table of Contents

Hysteria and Statism
Never Again!

The pseudo-Science of Globalists
The Loss of American Values

What local and national news will not tell you

Let us work!

Newly Published Book
The First Level of Reality

Hysteria and Statism
Never Again!
Some of you know that I am of Swedish descent. I’m proud to know that Sweden shut nothing down. Schools, gyms, cafes, bars, and restaurants have been open through-out this “world-wide pandemic”.  

The results? They rank #29 in the world in terms of cases per million. Better than the U.S., Spain, Italy, France, Germany, the U.K., and Norway. See the report in Bloomberg here. See the coronavirus report from worldometer here.

This morning’s newsletter seeks to establish the stark contrast between the scientific scholarship coming from two schools of epidemiologists.  
On one side are those working at respected institutions like Yale, Harvard, and Stanford. They are the epidemiologists who do not work for a government bureaucracy.  
The contrasting group are those epidemiologists who do work for a government bureaucracy. This includes the bureaucracies connected to and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).
Now that the U.S. has ceased to fund WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is its largest source of funds. Through his writing, speaking, and organizational leadership, Bill Gates has established himself as a devout globalist. He is seeking ways to erase national borders and establish a world government with complete control over its population.
On March 30, OCPAC’s newsletter included a number of scientists who took issue with the closing of America over this virus.  

Men like Stanford University’s Nobel Laureate and biophysicist, Dr. Michael Levitt. Re-read the email here.
As a prelude to Steve Anderson’s article below, I’d like to refer to an analysis done with information from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.  
Matt Margolis, writing for PJ Media, put this together using the university's data which was current as of this past Saturday morning.
Matt did something bold and interesting. He removed the metropolitan New York City area from the corona data of the United States. He made the New York City metroplex its own nation.

Looking at the data this way, “downstate New York” ranks #1 worldwide in corona deaths per million. It also is the world’s leader in coronavirus cases per million. The U.S.A. drops out of the “top ten” in both categories.

You’ll enjoy this little piece from PJ Media here. And, Thanks to Steve Anderson for drawing this analysis to my attention.
Cultural Theologian, Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin weighed in on the state of the union we now see before us. He said:

“Hysteria and statism have been two obvious cultural responses to Coronavirus. The sociopolitical responses of the past few months have no parallel in U.S. history. The virus itself hasn’t changed our culture much, but our responses have.

Politicians have learned how swiftly and deftly they can seize liberty-crushing power in a crisis, and the most power-hungry among them might look for — or create — new crises in which to flex their coercive muscles again.”

More than twenty years ago, Dr. Angelo M. Codevilla reminded us that the world is ablaze with government schemes to remedy the ravages of government.
It has been a few years since I last spoke to Dr. Codevilla, so I don’t have his perspective on the recent closing of the American Church by the government.  

However, in his book, The Character of Nations, he said, “When a church is in anyway subject to political authority, it loses the one claim by which it can trump politics-namely, that it speaks for the transcendent authority of God.” 

~Dr. Angelo M. Codevilla The Character of Nations
I’ll stop here so you can read the other articles before your coffee gets cold. Science and academia are on our side. Stop listening to the irrational hysterics of local and national television's (fake) news. Read and think deeper. Let’s work to re-establish the foundations of Christendom and Western Civilization.

Regarding the government over-reach of the past few months …
may we say:
“Never Again!”

It is time to open our churches.
Please sign our petition to governor Stitt here
The pseudo-Science of Globalists
The Loss of American Values
On April 19, 1775, local militiamen were gathered in Lexington, Massachusetts. Responding to reports of approaching British “Regulars”, they emerged from Buckman Tavern. 
They formed two rows on the “Lexington Common”.
And faced the approaching armed forces of England.

These men knew two things would certainly happen when they raised their muskets against those advancing troops. Some of them would die that very day. (Eight died within a few hours.) Many more would die before the ensuing war was finished.

This was a price they were all willing to pay for what they hoped would be a third result of this conflict:
Independence from a tyrant. 

The result was a long-lasting independence. It gave us the political freedom we still benefit from today. Regrettably, freedom is no longer understood by many. Too few are willing to live and die for it.
In fact, today you are not even allowed in a tavern to meet with fellow Americans. America’s robust and healthy, as well as our infirmed, have submitted to government-mandated self-incarceration.  

All on the recommendations of members of the medical community with political connections to those who promote globalist objectives.

Those who practice medicine and science are a revered part of our society and with good reason. They have extended life expectancies and found cures or treatments for many of the diseases that just a hundred years ago ravaged populations.  Treatments made available to the individual citizen.
I am not sure when individual responsibility was exchanged for mandated, extreme, and blanket public safety measures with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx as our new leaders. 
I neither voted, nor would I vote for either of them.
Let’s look at New York, the hardest hit area of the country. Mass transit usage is high. Population density is the highest in the country. In other words, the epicenter in the United States.  

In New York, deaths with no co-morbidity are very low. The columns highlighted in red tell a radically different story than Dr. Fauci, MSNBC, and your local news.

See worldometer here.
There is more ...

A recent study released last Friday by a Stanford team of epidemiologists revealed evidence that completely contradicts the mantra of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).  

Both of these, of course are guiding governmental policy and both are heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
What the Stanford Research Discovered...
On April 3 & 4, Stanford epidemiologists studied 3,300 residents of Santa Clara County. Based on the percent whose blood contained antibodies for the virus, they estimate between 2.5% and 4.2% of county’s nearly 2 million residents have had the infection. That means between 48,000 and 81,000 have been infected. This means there are 50 to 85 times more people who have had the virus than the less than one thousand known cases !

And they all recovered without knowing they were sick!

Less than 100 people have died from the virus in Santa Clara county. Based on this new Stanford research, the COVID-19 mortality rate is between .12% and .2%. Fractions of a percent and well under 1%!

In other words, we have let IHME destroy the economy of the country with their junior high version of modeling when a much more measured approach where those at higher risk should have self-isolated with family would have worked.
Dr. Jonathan Bogan is a molecular biologist and managing member of Bogan Associates LLC. 

In his article in the Wall Street Journal last Friday, he makes note of the Stanford research. He comments:

“Similar proportions of infections to cases are now being discovered around the world: 30 times in Robbio, Italy; 10 times in Iceland; 14 times in Gangelt, Germany; 27 times in Denmark.

Germany and Denmark are now leading Europe in reopening their economies in the coming week.

Sweden, concerned all along with the accuracy of early assumptions, never closed down its economy.

If policy makers were aware from the outset that the Covid-19 death toll would be closer to that of seasonal flu than the millions of American deaths predicted by early models dependent on inputs that now look inaccurate, would they have risked tens of millions of jobs and livelihoods?

The science to support better modeling and decision making is rapidly becoming available. One hopes that it will inform better policy decisions.”
Clearly, as the recent OCPAC newsletters have indicated (see here), there is a clear difference between science and academia in our American universities and the bureaucracies funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One lesson we should learn is to never let the globalists occupy the seats of power through the pseudo-science of organizations like WHO and IHME.

When those militia men decided to die rather than cower on Lexington Common that day I doubt if they could envision an America that allowed politicians to order them to "stay home" or face prosecution meekly accepting this loss of their individual freedom.

~ by Steve Anderson
edited by Bob Linn
What Local and National News will not tell you
The world-wide impact of the coronavirus taken in perspective leaves one quite impressed with the capacity of the leftist media, both local and national, to drive people like herded cattle into a frenzy.

Imagine you never heard of any of the causes of death in the worldometer chart below. Seeing these for the first time, which would you pick as one which might cause an international panic?
These numbers were taken over the weekend. For the figures at the very time you are reading this, click here. Much of the American public has fallen prey to media-driven hysterics and politicians have taken advantage of the moment!
All counties in Oklahoma were impacted by the government's move to shut down businesses. As to the pandemic being promoted in the media? There have been NO COVID-19 deaths in 53 of Oklahoma's 77 counties.

The economic devastation orchestrated by government mandates has impacted tens of thousands in Oklahoma. That damage has far overshadowed the medical impact of the China "pandemic" as the chart below illustrates.
Over 300 Cars Join Rally to
Send Message to Governor

Let Us Return to Work
Let us provide for our families
Last Wednesday's automobile rally circled the capitol for 2 hours!!!
On short notice, hundreds joined in.
Automobile rally circled the capitol.
The official Wednesday count stood at 328 cars.
Hundreds cheered curbside.

The coronavirus had no health impact on the majority of Oklahoma counties. However, the economic impact blanketed the state. The result has been economic devastation to the state's economy and to the pocketbooks of tens of thousands of Oklahoma's citizens.

The government's over-reaction to COVID-19, in tandem with shrinking oil prices, has been devastating to Oklahoma. State budgets across the board will soon be faced with hundreds of millions of dollars in short falls.

We have no control over oil prices. We have complete control over the restrictions on individual freedom and our opportunity to continue to provide food and shelter for our families. We must act soon to salvage the government-imposed damage to Oklahoma's economy.
Carol Hefner and a handful of others spear-headed last Wednesday's automobile rally. It was part of a plan to let Governor Stitt know that there is popular support for a common sense policy for the Sooner state.

Common sense tells us there is simply no need to participate in the world-wide panic being driven by leftist media.

We are not New York. We are not New Orleans. Their policies simply make no sense in Oklahoma.

For tens of thousands of us, our ability to work and support our families is absolutely essential.

A part of the devastation of the shut down has been a ten-fold increase of calls to suicide help centers. Lets put a stop to the insanity!
Thanks to all who joined the rally.
The Governor got the message.
Restore the Right to Assemble & Worship!
Until we are allowed to return to work,
we are unable to support our families.

Sign our petition today
Restore our right of assembly and worship.

Sign here
Publishes New Book
The First Level of Reality

Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity.

Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why.

The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction.

Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst


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