Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Godliness in the Oval Office | Trump Saving the Republic | Jarrin Jackson

OCPAC Weekly Insights
Monday Edition
November 11, 2019

This Wednesday's OCPAC Meeting
November 13, 2019
Noon to 1 PM
In Person and...
Live on Blue Moose TV & Facebook

Jarrin Jackson
Re-Branding Conservatism
Decorated West Point Graduate

Re-Defining Conservatism
Destroying False Worldviews
Winning Political Races
Saving the Nation

Jarrin's enthusiasm for reaching America's youth placed him on the stage as the keynote speaker for a recent Turning Point USA conference. This is a group which has caught the eye of President Donald Trump who said, "I'm convinced that the work of Turning Point USA will win back the future of America."

After hearing Jarrin at a recent Republican meeting, Charlie Meadows felt he was a must for us to have at OCPAC. Charlie said, "A lot has happened in Jarrin's life since he was last at OCPAC. With greater clarity of God's will for his life he is becoming an ever more effective soldier in God's Kingdom especially when it comes to dealing with today's younger generations. He is continuing to develop that balance between serving God and political activism. This will be an inspiring meeting; you will not want to miss it!"

Jarrin Jackson speaks at OCPAC Wednesday
Because Café do Brasil could not hold our group,
OCPAC has moved its
Meeting this Wednesday to...
Cafe do Brasil could not hold us.
Twin Hills Golf & Country Club
3401 NE 36th, OKC
NE 36th & I-35

NOON to 1 PM

Buffet including food, salad bar, drink, tax, & tip: $15.00
Salad bar, drink, tax, tip: $8.00

$2 if not eating

See menu at bottom of newsletter
Today's Content

The Oval Office
Godliness returning
by Bob Linn

Last Week at OCPAC

Hopper Smith

Charlie Meadows
The Right Flank
Is it News or an Editorial?


Steve Anderson
School Funding
What We Get or What We Spend?

Trumps federal judges may save our republic

Special Events

James Robison
Coming to City Elders January 2020



New Venue
Restaurant Details

Book Recommendations
The Oval Office
Godliness Returning
by Bob Linn
This Wednesday, we will hear Jarrin Jackson of The Jarrin Jackson Show. His combat record, complete with two bronze stars, are indicative of his boldness to complete the most difficult assignments.

In an effort to communicate with today's millennial’s, he will speak on the need to re-brand conservatism.  Jarrin has a passion to reach his generation with a vibrant message he hopes will turn America's cultural & spiritual tide. A return to the Biblical foundations which made America great.
Last month, while speaking to a packed house in Nashville, Tennessee, Michael Pompeo (pictured above in the yellow tie) spoke of the role Christianity plays in his appointment as Secretary of State in the Trump administration. He emphasized the critical need he has to immerse his mind in the Word of God.

He told the audience, “I keep a Bible on my desk, and I try every morning to try and get in a little bit of time with the Book.”

He spoke of the ways in which this mentality guides the thoughts of the entire administration. Regrettably, while we are all pleased to hear this, there are not many church folks who are unashamed to inject Scripture into their conversations about politics, entertainment, education, or any other cultural sphere.

We live in the midst of a culture which finds the church and its pulpits quite disconnected from most of our cultural fields including government. Yet, by a stroke of amazing grace, God has given us a president who has made it a priority to study the Word of God, to pray, and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ as he attends to the affairs of the Oval office.
Most church folks have yet to integrate their minds around the divine truth which would tie various and seemingly disconnected areas of life together. Entertainment, leisure, education, politics, family, etc. are important to us, but we don’t connect them. We don't see them as emanating from a single core value, or better yet, a single core Person (our Creator).

We are what Rousas John Rushdoony called polytheists. Many gods covering each one of our many varied areas of life. As opposed to only one God connecting each of life’s many categories around a core (divine) direction which gives life purpose.
Commenting on the Great Commission of our Lord (Matthew 28:19, 20), Rushdoony said, “This commandment requires teaching all nations and all people, so that man and society are reconstructed in terms of the regenerating power of God in Christ.”  

~Rousas John Rushdoony
Christianity and the State, P 12

I'll close with a few more thoughts from Rushdoony:

“The church, in terms of Scripture, has no jurisdiction and control over other institutions and spheres of life except to proclaim the application of God’s Word and authority to every realm. The church must declare that every sphere of life should be under the rule of God’s word and under the authority of Christ the King.

Put very, very simply, this means that a man must be a Christian in church, home, school, state, vocation, and all of life.

With the Enlightenment, the churches limited their sphere, and God’s sphere, to the spiritual realm. Before long, God became the absentee landlord of the physical universe.

Polytheism was thus born within the church. The work of Jesus Christ was progressively limited to soul-saving.

The cosmic Christ was traded for a polytheistic Christ, and the Bible was read, not as God’s law-word, but as a devotional book for pietists. The state (and most of life) was thus ‘” freed” from God to follow a humanistic course. Humanism began to claim the school and all other institutions as it forced its will on the world of men and nations.

The church of the 20th century must be roused out of its polytheism and surrender itself to its one and only Lord. The crown rights of Christ the King must be proclaimed.” 

~Rousas John Rushdoony
Christianity and the State, P2, 3

Come this Wednesday to hear Jarrin Jackson at Oklahoma City's Twin Hills Golf Course & Country Club!
In Addition to Hopper Smith,
Featured Last Week
Charlie Meadows
OCPAC Founder
The OCPAC Right Flank
Is it a News piece or is it an Editorial?

Last Wednesday, Charlie pointed out the difference between a news story and an editorial. He lamented the fact that the left seems unable to deliver accurate news accounts. Rather, they seem compelled (perhaps they are!) to paint the news with a far-leftist bias.

Charlie made his points well. Regrettably, until our pulpits develop an interest in the civic responsibilities of the church, and until the church develops an interest in comprehensive Christian education (education which presents all creation and culture in the proper context of divine truth), this will not change.
Steve Anderson
School Funding
When Will We Talk About What We Get
And Not What We Spend?
As State Budget Director in the state of Kansas, I had oversight over quite a few meetings where school funding issues came up.

Each year when school funding issues come up in state budgets, I repeat my Jos. A. Bank story. So, here it goes, one more time...
I was presenting to a state appropriations committee and I noted the suit I was wearing normally hung on the rack at Jos. A. Bank for $1000. Not wanting to pay that much I waited until a buy one get three free suits deal was offered and the result was that suit only cost me $250.
However, as I pointed out to the committee, the way school funding is measured, that suit at $250 was not as good as the same suit at $1000. Of course, my point was we were measuring the wrong thing---How much we spend should not be the measuring stick but what we got for the money.
The public education lobby in Oklahoma and Kansas keep talking about total dollars spent but it is time we made them answer for how little we are getting for those dollars.

NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) scores have barely moved despite huge influxes of funding going to the schools. It is clear that holding them accountable is a ‘heavy lift’ for legislators when the school’s practice a mob mentality approach of allowing their teachers days off with pay to protest at the State Capitols.
It is the parents who should be protesting the horrible results their tax dollars are getting especially in those large inner city schools.

Unfortunately they aren’t given days off to come to the Capitols to protest like the teachers.

The real answer to the school problems are not more money but more parental control.
Let the parents in low performing schools have vouchers where the state funding follows the child so they may send them to private schools of the parents choosing. Maybe competition will make the public education lobby start worrying about outcomes instead of how much they can extort from the taxpayers.
President Trump's Federal Judges
may save our republic
From American Family Radio...

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump highlighted one of his most important accomplishments of his first administration: the confirmation of more than 150 federal judges.

The president addressed an audience of supporters and Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee at a special ceremony held in the East Room of the White House.

He said that these federal judges "will uphold our Constitution as written." Then he added, "I will do everything in my power to halt judicial activism."

Sign the AFR petition here.
James & Betty Robison
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Thursday, January 9, 2020
6:30 PM
Banquet Information & Tickets
A Black Tie Event
The Marriott Hotel
1902 E 71st St, Tulsa, OK
The OCPAC compact with City Elders is significant for both organizations. Most importantly, the partnership is significant for the future of Oklahoma.


If you live in the Tulsa Area, please attend their weekly Thursday morning meetings. It will be the highlight of your week!

The Doubletree Hotel at 61st & Yale in Tulsa
8 A.M. to 10 A.M.

Hear the vision of City Elders here.
OCPAC Mid-Week
Lunch is Served
NOON to 1 PM
Twin Hills Golf & Country Club
3401 NE 36th, OKC
NE 36th & I-35

Buffet, Salad Bar, drinks, tax, tips: $15.00
Salad Bar, Drinks, Tax, Tips: $8.00


Bring your children and grandchildren.
Build foundation of Biblical thought. 
Train future leaders.


You now have a choice of two platforms.

Re-Broadcast Daily at Noon
Join Us This Wednesday
NOON to 1 PM
Olivet Baptist Church
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
Purchase two great books two great OCPAC speakers.

From Wed Nov 13, 2019:
Christianity & State
Available here.

From Wed August 21, 2019:
Crimes of the Educators
Blumenfeld & Newman
Available here.
Not A Daycare
Still an important read
Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here.
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