Monday, May 6, 2019

Supreme Court to Hear Gender Identity Argument | Judge Bill Graves to speak

OCPAC Weekly Insights

1. At OCPAC: Judge William D. Graves
"Of few American men can it be said that the history of his state was demonstrably different as a result of his life. It can be said of Judge William D. Graves." Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Preface to Judge Grave's Prudent Jurisprudence.

As a legislator and a judge, the principles which guided his public career were a light to Oklahoma's pathways in the areas of law and justice.

You, your family, and your friends will be enriched this Wednesday to listen to Bill discuss the ways our nation and our state have lost their way and the paths of our return to greatness.
NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
Lunch Available: See Below!
$2 donation to church if not eating

2. America's Lost Identity by Bob Linn
3. Local and national political updates from Charlie and Steve.
5. Dr. James Crowder & Canaries in the Governor's Office.
6. Judge Bill Graves offers OCPAC's book of the month here.
2. America's Lost Identity by Bob Linn
Three weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case which will impact us all as it decides whether “sex” can be equated with “gender identity” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The events leading to the case began six years ago (2013) when a long-time male employee of Harris Funeral Homes (Michigan) announced he would be dressing as a female in violation of the company policy statement he signed when he was hired. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued the funeral home. In 2016, the Funeral Home won its case before the U.S. District Court of Eastern Michigan.
The EEOC immediately appealed the decision to the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and won. The EEOC is attempting to force the business to allow a biologically male employee to wear a female uniform while interacting with the public. Today, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is representing the funeral home before the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision will determine whether a government agency or a court has the authority to usurp the role of the U.S. Congress by redefining the word “sex” in federal law to mean “gender identity”.
ADF Senior Vice President, Jeffery Ventrella brought this to my attention over the weekend. Listen to ADF Senior Counsel, Jim Campbell, speak briefly on the issue here.  

You may find a one-page summary of the significant points of the case here and see the announcement here.  
Of equal importance is the bill now in the U.S. congress, H.R. 5, the “Equality Act”. It was presented March 13 of this year to substitute into the 1964 Civil Rights Act (including Titles VII & IX) the phrase “sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)” for the word, “sex.” See the bill and its sponsors here.

Under SEC. 701A., the bill specifies that “if, in a situation in which sex is a bona fide occupational qualification, individuals are recognized as qualified in accordance with their gender identity”. In SEC.1101., “Gender identity” means “the gender-related identity, appearance, mannerisms, or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, regardless of the individual’s designated sex at birth.”
In case you think this is being promoted by only a handful of Washington leftists (Napolitano, Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi), think again! There are over 230 co-Sponsors of U.S. H.R. 5. These are men and women elected from all across the United States by American citizens to represent their political views. Obviously, America has a deeply embedded cultural problem. 

The foundations of American culture are embedded in the Puritans who shaped the New England colonies. These foundations have been crumbling for well over a century. Our pulpits are no longer vibrant with a Gospel which transforms lives and cultures. Our pews are emaciated. Our culture, our education, and our politics suffer as a result.

Until we see a marked transformation of our pulpits and wide-spread renewal in the pews, this political evil will continue to push. Even if the bill fails in the senate or is not signed by the President, it will be back.

We must ask God to raise up a generation of Christian men to preach the full message of the Word of God in our pulpits. We must look to a generation of God's people who will again nurture a Godly culture and re-establish the political leadership of our forefathers.
Jürgen Habermas, one of the world’s leading secular intellectuals, stated in 2006 that “Christianity, and nothing else [is] the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of western civilization. To this day, we have no other options.” Jürgen Habermas, A Time of Transitions
History professor, Dr. Allen Carden, has written extensively about the New England Puritans. He states that “Their absolute belief in the Bible and the God of the Bible was the fundamental motivating force behind their worldview and the establishment of New England …Given the choice of the comforts of England where violations of God’s law were rampant or the wilderness of America where God’s Word would receive its rightful place, thousands chose the latter.” Allen Carden, Puritan Christianity in America: Religion and Life in Seventeenth Century Massachusetts, P 33

For the Puritans, the Bible was a revelation given to the world to teach the nations the gospel and the law of God. It was central to all public life and was not restricted to the walls of the church or the individual life of the Christian. Their intellectual powers were prominent and evidenced by their founding of Harvard and Yale. One of the most famous of American intellectuals was Princeton theologian and philosopher, Jonathan Edwards, referred to by some as the “last of the Puritans”.

May the God-given passion of our American founding fathers be bestowed again on our American Universities, our American pulpits and pews and our common education.

Judge Bill Graves has devoted his career to continuing the work of our Puritan forefathers. His Christian mind is instilled with their hope for Christ’s Kingdom. Come hear him speak this Wednesday at OCPAC and get your copy of Prudent Jurisprudence signed!
Charlie Meadows & Stephen Black
Let KENDRA HORN know what you think about HR 5!

Oklahoma City Office
(405) 602-3074

Washington, DC Office
(202) 225-2132

Call your own U.S. House Member
Here are their websites with their phone numbers:
1st District: KevinHern | 2nd District: MarkwayneMullin
3rd District: FrankLucas | 4th District: TomCole

HR5 would amend the Civil Rights Act to create a protected class for members of the LGBTQ+ and provide special privileges for homosexuals, those who are sexually confused, pedophiles and more. Sign the petition to Washington, D.C. here.
Walmart Maintains Gay Dating Ad
Join American Family Radio's petition to ask Walmart to end their promotion of Sodomy! See the Walmart ad which explicitly promotes as wholesome that which God calls an abomination here.

Sign the petition here.
Join us at OCPAC. If not eating our $7 lunch, we ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
NOON to 1 PM
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
We have a $7 lunch solution through EAGLE ONE PIZZA.

It is one of Oklahoma's highest rated pizza kitchens and they make it all fresh from scratch. Rated A+.

"Authentic pizza made from the finest ingredients: fresh basil, olive oil, vine-ripened fresh tomatoes & fresh mozzarella."

The $7 includes the $2 meeting room fee.

Tea and water is provided.
Last week, Dr. James Crowder
Hear how two canaries ran the Governor office!
See video here.
My first read from Judge Grave's Prudent Jurisprudence left me immediately impressed with perspectives I had never heard. His research is deep, original, and unravels the very foundations of the decay of American jurisprudence. For the first time, I understand the relationship between major academic and cultural shifts and the American court system. It is an educational and satisfying read. Judge Graves will be speaking to OCPAC soon, so order your copy today and have him sign it when he speaks at OCPAC. Find it here.
Purchase the great books referenced last week by two great American authors.

The Character of Nations
Angelo M. Codevilla
Available here.

The New England Clergy and the American Revolution 
Alice M. Baldwin
Available here.
Continues to sell!
Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here.
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