Published Monday, March 3, 2025 | | THIS WEDNESDAY BRAZIL'S EDUARDO BOLSONARO USAID | CHINA | BRAZIL | | Former Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro is in Brazil fighting for the future of his country. His son, Brazilian Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro is in Oklahoma this week and will speak to our Wednesday meeting about the plight of Brazil and the damage done by USAID and the former administration.
He initiated the contact through Senator Shane Jett who is perhaps the best known U.S. Statesman in Brazil. Shane will be with us and introduce Congressman Bolsonaro. ____________ | ALSO! Nationally known Psychiatrist Lauren Schwartz Demolishing the WOKE Agenda | | Since Dr. Schwartz spoke to us last, she has become a major figure on the medical schene nationally and co-authored an open letter to the leadership of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) petitioning them to withdraw their sanctioned textbook, “Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care.”
So debunked are the theories of the APA and this book that more than 7,200 medical and scientific experts as well as concerned individuals worldwide have added their signatures to Dr. Schwartz's letter.
Her work to bring the APA to sanity has been featured in the New York Post, the Epoch Times, and many other national outlets.
While the nation is observing the power of the political left over academia diminish, the APA is ferociously fighting to maintain their position of dominance over the medical community, our schools, and our children.
Dr. Lauren Schwartz is a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice in Oklahoma, a Senior Fellow at Do No Harm, and a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Her advocacy focuses primarily on raising awareness of and protecting patients from harmful gender-affirming interventions and gender ideology in medicine and mental health. ______________ | ALSO JOINING US FORMER ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN O'CONNOR | | Former A.G., John O'Connor, will update us on St. Isadore Catholic Charter School and the funding roadblocks current Attorney General, Gentner Drummond, has brought to bear. | | Bring a friend!!! Send this Newsletter to another here. | Come and be a part of building an informed Oklahoma! | Bring your family and friends Wednesday Bring your pastor and buy his lunch! Send this Newsletter to another here. Lunch is optional for $10
Doors Open 11 AM Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM
$5 ENTRY FEE Tax-deductible donations accepted at door. | | SEE YOU AT THE WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON | | BOB LINN Ideological Abuse | Pastor Kevin Clarkson and I serve together on the First Stone Ministries (FSM) board. It is a ministry which has been serving Oklahoma and surrounding states for close to fifty years.
Its staff provides counseling to people struggling with their sexual identity and other sexual issues. So, is it related to the topic of our public meeting this week at the Oklahoma History Center.
During our FSM board meeting last week, Dr Clarkson mentioned the work of psychologist Dr. Viktor Frankl, a Jewish Holocaust survivor. Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning, became quite a sensation.
The impact of his perspectives on what drives humanity was transformational to his fellow prisoners enduring together the emotional, physical, and psychological torment of Germany’s death camps.
Frankl's book is tangential to the issues plaguing America's youth today. | So, on the advice of Dr. Clarkson, the next day I took time to read the book.
I was taken by the psychological forces on the souls of the men imprisoned by a callous political tyranny for whom the Jew was nothing more than an animal.
Guards considered prisoners to be cattle with no earthly purpose beyond serving the political ends of the Third Reich either through extermination of an undesirable race or through physical labor provided to German contractors. | Frankl states that only the anticipation of a meaningful future enabled prisoners to survive the starvation and the harsh physical brutality of the camp. Frankl explained to those considering suicide that their lives were unique, and their survival would one day bear fruit.
America’s children are subject to the same psychological brutality through the influence of the U.S. Department of Education and the many faceted ways it has influenced education’s centers of power. A conversation with Dr. Everett Piper over the weekend shed light on the reprehensible nature of this federal department.
Dr. Piper and I spoke about the state of education in Oklahoma and in the nation.
In 2017, President Trump asked Dr. Piper to interview for the position of Under Secretary of the Department of Education. Gary Bauer, who served as Reagan’s Under Secretary of Education, told Dr. Piper his influence could remediate the department.
In that conversation, Gary Bauer said this to Dr. Piper:
The U.S. Department of Education was the most homosexualized department in all the federal government. | Regrettably Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Secretary of Education, is soft on LGBTQ and affirms “same sex marriage,” so Dr. Piper’s presidential invitation had little chance of maturing because of the clarity of his Biblical positions.
Education’s first assault on the children of America was an attack on the transcendence embedded in our nation’s Christian, Bible-centered foundation. This came with the promotion of Darwin and the secular idea that the cosmos had no founding purpose, no day of inauguration by the hand of God. | A close friend, when completing his Ph.D. in Botany at the University of Oklahoma, was sternly warned by one faculty member to never use the term “purpose” to describe anything.
This professor taught that the vast array of components in the world of botanical species have functions, but they have no purpose.
With this it became obvious that atheistic materialism has been applied not just to the realm of the history of origins (theories of evolution, an aged cosmos, and Darwinism) but also to language considered by our academic keepers as being polite and acceptable in the realm of observable and testable science. | GNOSTICISM ACADEMIA'S NEWEST ALTERNATE RELIGION
While academia has not recanted its materialism, America’s education managers are now promoting its opposite: Gnosticism.
Gnosticism is the denial of the reality (and the goodness) of the physical world. It is a world, Gnostics say, from which man must be set free.
In other words, Gnosticism is the philosophical (and religious) opposite of the atheistic materialism academia continues to preach from its now schizophrenic platform.
Gnosticism is the philosophical parent of the concept of sexual fluidity. This Gnostic tsunami is being promoted by the National Education Association (NEA), its Oklahoma subsidiary, the OEA, and many other educational fronts impacting education at all levels.
The origins of Dr. Carl Trueman’s book, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, lie in this Gnostic cloud which has been cast.
Specifically, Truman began to do the research for his book out of curiosity as to how and why it has become regarded as coherent and meaningful to say: “I am a woman trapped in a man’s body.” | Last year, Gallop polling showed that nearly 30% of Gen Z women (girls the age of 18-26) identify as LGBTQ.
This sexual confusion is thanks to the U.S. Department of Education, the NEA, the OEA and so on. People and their organizations who aggressively push sexual identity exploration to our youngest children are destroying the minds of our children.
See also an NBC article here.
Academia’s focus on sexuality is destroying the minds and souls of our future generations. | A July 11, 2021 Washington Times article by Dr. Everett Piper provided these examples:
CHICAGO The Chicago Public School District announced this week that it would immediately start providing prophylactics to fifth graders throughout the city’s school system.
[We] want to make condoms available to students… when they think they need them…
said Kenneth Fox, who is the Chicago Public Schools’ chief health officer.
When you don’t… make those resources available, then bad stuff happens… | BOSTON At the same time, the Belmont Public School District in Boston, Massachusetts, released its summer reading list for students as young as kindergarten. Added now to its oh-so-woke-and-wise sex education are books on how “whiteness gets your soul” and causes you to “mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color.”
ARIZONA And in Arizona, the Department of Education made headlines for its recommended readings on “equity,” which now include “research” papers on how white babies as young as three months old already harbor racial and sexual biases that demand the state’s intervention. |
NEW YORK And we dare not forget the winner of this month’s race to Gomorrah is New York City’s Justine Ang Fonte, who proudly boasted to the media of teaching masturbation to first graders at Manhattan’s prestigious Dalton School and “porn literacy” to juniors at neighboring Columbia Grammar and Prep. My assessment is that the depressive ideology of atheism has laid the ground for another heresy which denies the reality of the physical and promises meaning through an imaginary world of self-discovery.
OKLAHOMA I want to thank Dr. Everett Piper for the Christian backbone he has brought to the State of Oklahoma and for discussing this article with me. Find him on his website here and also in the Washington Times here. | Some years ago, John Hopkins conducted a massive statistical survey sponsored by the National Institute for Mental Health.
Over a period of two years, John Hopkins went to forty-eight college campuses and interviewed 7,948 students.
When asked what for them was “very important to them now,” 16 percent checked “making a lot of money.”
However, asked what their first goal was, 78 percent said their first goal was “finding meaning and purpose in my life.”
In his book, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, secular psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote:
About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness in their lives. This can be described as the general neurosis of our time. | European scholar and author, Paul Evdokimov, wrote:
Social systems which have no Christian basis (the only ones capable of forming man) inevitably become systems of violence and slavery. | If America is to turn the ship of state to the cultural productivity of its past, we must ground our education in the Christian principles that formed this nation and not this nation only, but all of Western Civilization. _________
This Wednesday, Brazilian Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro will confirm that what Elon Musk and DOGE are discovering about USAID in fact worked to harm Brazil by aiding and abetting the CCP's insurgence there.
Dr. Lauren Schwartz will discuss the many victories of the past year in the battle to regain sanity in the realm of academia.
Our former Attorney General will update us on the status of St. Isadore's charter school which has encountered financial roadblocks from Oklahoma Attorney General, Gentner Drummond.
NATHAN DAHM | Watch the presentation here.
Watch all the meeting here. | Join us this week at the THE OKLAHOMA HISTORY CENTER THIS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 Doors open 11 AM Meeting begins at noon. | I encourage each of you to support our mission.
To get started, we are suggesting:
The Century Club
To join, mail a cancelled check to:
OCPAC FOUNDATION P.O. Box 721212 Norman, OK 73070
Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.
Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world. | We are in desperate need of returning our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.
Thank you for your activism. | | | | |