Monday, August 26, 2024

Edmond Schools attempt to ban the American flag

Published Monday, August 26, 2024


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Schools need a Soul

It is no secret that Edmond North High School administrators announced a ban on American Flag displays on student cars.


Last Friday, two students who are proud to display their love for the flag as a symbol of all America has stood for, made state-wide news. And, in the blink of an eye, the incident made it to Libs of Tik. Next week, it will be national news.

When pressed to show the anti-American flag rule in the student handbook, Randy Decker, Associate Superintendent, could not find the handbook. No matter. It is not in the handbook. Nor should it be.


The problem is that those who wave the flag seem also to wave their Bibles. This is as it should be. It is the Christian nuance which makes the “Make America Great Again” motto offensive to the political leftists who run our schools.


Our original thirteen-star flag represented the union of Christ and government which the political left despises and wish to erase from the memory of every American. Our founding federation of thirteen states were all incorporated under Christian governmental policy.

This did not mean citizens were compelled to confess Christ. It meant that the policy of rule by divine law, and the justice and liberty inherent therein, would provide a foundation for unprecedented liberty, prosperity, and cultural flourishing. Unknown to that point among the procession of nations from the tenth Genesis forward.


Dr. Benjamin Rush was a Founding Father of the United States. He is noted as one of the three most important founders and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Because the guarantee to the success of America’s future lay in Bible reading in the public classroom, Dr Rush, in 1798, wrote the essay, A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook.


He said:


In contemplating the political institutions of the United States . . .we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government, that is the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity, by means of the Bible; for this divine book, above all others, favors equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and all these sober and frugal virtues which constitute the soul of republicanism.

The internal revelation of the gospel may be compared to the straight line which is made through the wilderness by the assistance of a compass, to a distant country, which few are able to discover, while the Bible resembles a public road to the same country, which is wide, plain, and easily found.” He then quotes:

“And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the way of holiness. The way faring men, thought fools, shall not err therein.” Isaiah 35:8





A secularist in early America sought to form a school which barred preachers, Christian leaders, and the influence of the Bible. So vital is the Bible in American public schools that there was wide-spread public outcry.

The U. S. Supreme court agreed and, in 1844 ruled that teaching the Bible as divine revelation was more than appropriate in schools and universities.


Our national identity is found in

the flag whose Christianity was

proudly displayed in the first

flag’s thirteen stars.

Unless soon God is again welcomed into the classrooms of America’s public schools and America’s children are taught the role of Christianity in world history and the rise of West, we will succumb to the American version of Russia’s Bolsheviks.


With this I close:


Decorated WWII Marine hero, Howard Schnauber, began writing the now famous and widely used poem “My Name is Old Glory” after WWII. It was a labor of love and respect for America’s role in global affairs. It was amended in 2001, three years before his death, to include 21st century events.

The events last Friday are a call

to publish this in every school

newspaper across the

state of Oklahoma:


My Name is Old Glory

by Howard Schnauber

I am the flag of the United States of America. 
My name is Old Glory.
 I fly atop the world's tallest buildings. 
I stand watch in America's halls of justice. 
I fly majestically over great institutes of learning.
 I stand guard with the greatest military power in the world.
Look up! And see me!


I stand for peace - honor - truth and justice.
I stand for freedom

I am confident - I am arrogant
I am proud.


When I am flown with my fellow banners
My head is a little higher
My colors a little truer.


I bow to no one.
I am recognized all over the world.
I am worshipped - I am saluted - I am respected
I am revered - I am loved, and I am feared.


I have fought every battle of every war for more than 200 years:
Gettysburg, Shiloh, Appomattox, San Juan Hill, the trenches of France,
the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome, the beaches of Normandy,
 the deserts of Africa, the cane fields of the Philippines,
 the rice paddies and jungles of Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, 
Guadalcanal New Britain, Peleliu, and many more islands.


And a score of places long forgotten by all but those who were with me.
 I was there.
 I led my soldiers - I followed them.
I watched over them. 
They loved me. 
I was on a small hill in Iwo Jima. 
I was dirty, battle-worn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me,
and I was proud.


I have been soiled, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of
countries I have helped set free. 
It does not hurt, for I am invincible.
 I have been soiled, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my country,
and when it is by those with whom I have served in battle - it hurts.
 But I shall overcome - for I am strong.


I have slipped the bonds of Earth and stand watch over the
uncharted new frontiers of space
from my vantage point on the moon.
 I have been a silent witness to all of America's finest hours.


But my finest hour comes when I am torn into strips to
be used for bandages for my wounded comrades on the field of battle,

When I fly at half-mast to honor my soldiers,

And when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving
mother at the graveside of her fallen son.


I am proud.

My name is Old Glory.


Dear God - Long may I wave.


Watch and listen as one proud Navy Chief Petty Officer recites this in front of a Naval ship holding the flag wrapped ceremonially.

Then reflect on the events of the past week in Edmond.

Watch the video of Mack Ellis, Master Chief Petty Officer USN (RET) here.

Caleb Horst is the Edmond North senior who did not back down to the school administration’s attempt to intimidate him for his patriotic boldness. Vance Miller, another senior stood with him as have many other students (and parents) in Edmond.

The school’s administrators said that disciplinary actions will ensue on Monday. Only disciplinary actions to correct the behavior of the Edmond school district would be appropriate. The citizens upon whose shoulders rest the moral responsibility to seat responsible and godly men and women on the Edmond School Board must awaken.


News Channel Five, siding with the left, called it a controversy. The assault on patriotism in Edmond schools is not a controversy. It is a public display of un-American activity. It is a top down revolution in the school house.


May God sustain us in our mission to save Oklahoma, restore the American ideal, and restore the principles of Western Civilization upon which we stand.




Watch Bryan speak here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



Artificial Intelligence & November Election . . .


Watch Wade's Presentation here.

Watch the entire meeting here.



September 4, 2024



A few of our board members at Quail Creek Bank

From left to right:

Joseph Palmer, Alan Loeffler, Suzanne Reynolds, Lucia O'Connor,

Father Stephen Hamilton, Bob Linn, and Gaylene Stupic.

OCPAC FOUNDATION is a 501 (c) (3).

Gifts are tax-deductible.

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Artificial Intelligence in November Elections

Published Monday, August 19, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Twice Brian Cantrell was in a shattered cockpit and at death’s door.  Twice medical emergency teams removed his body from within shredded remains of a demolished aircraft.

His encounter with death was a divine appointment scheduled to demonstrate to him the dependency of his earthly hopes on the God who created him.

For Brian, theology became more than theory and window dressing. It became an earthly and daily reality.

His twin Damascus Road events shifted his life perspective as Christ became the center of his life’s mission.

Wade Burleson will introduce Bryan after taking the OCPAC Foundation stage for the first time since January.  Wade will first talk to us about his work within the artificial intelligence (AI) community and the ways in which AI will play a role in the November race.


Nothing trumps the sovereignty of God in whom we trust.

He is our Shepherd and Guiding Light.

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Our Children Need God

Ryan Walters is under assault.  It is unrelenting, continuous, and disingenuous.

To bring the drama to an end, Walters called a press conference last week. He challenged Charles McCall, Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, to stop playing never-ending political power games with the Department of Education.

Walters asked that, if his accusers are serious, they end the threats to impeach and simply initiate, on Monday (today), the actual attempt to impeach him (Walters).

Walters said the impeachment proceedings would reveal to all Oklahomans the truth and bring an end to the misdirection from the Speaker McCall's education spokesman (Mark McBride).

Watch the news conference here.


Last week, Charles McCall, Speaker of the House, issued a public statement reprimanding Ryan Walters.  This was after Mark McBride renewed a call to initiate a path to impeachment (Article 8 of the Oklahoma Constitution).

McBride is McCall’s long-time friend.  McCall chose McBride, an emissary of the teacher’s union, to chair the House Appropriations and Budget on Education.

The national teacher union (National Education Association aka NEA and their Oklahoma chapter, the OEA) has been at odds with Ryan Walters since he announced he was running.

The NEA agenda is counter-American.

The OEA agenda is counter Oklahoma.

At issue is his intent to remove both pornography and atheism from our schools, to give every family a choice between a government education or a non-government education, and to restore truth in academics so that the Christian foundations of our nation’s history and the Christian foundation of world history would be restored to the curriculum in all areas.

Adding to Speaker McCall’s motivation is the fact that Ryan Walters is being discussed as a potential candidate for Governor.  It is a seat Charles McCall is eyeing.

Oklahoma’s Future at Stake

In the twentieth century, America eviscerated God and the Bible from the classroom. We committed national suicide.  We taught children that there are no absolutes because there is no transcendent authority.  They have no God who has spoken.  They have no path to a life filled with purpose.

Oklahomans elected Ryan to reverse this.

Cultural revolutionaries have taken advantage of leftist media and the surrogates of the NEA/OEA.  They cast a shadow intended to conceal the unmistakable light coming from the state’s Department of Education.

University of Virginia professor James Hunter points to role played by John Dewey in our national decline. Hunter states the nation has lost its character because we have lost our God. Find his book here.

He writes:

The heart of Dewey’s innovations was the rejection of revealed religion as the foundation of educational practice. 

The progressive’s goal was . . . to redefine “religion” and “faith” so as to delete any supernatural and sectarian elements.

For Dewey, faith in a divine and fixed authority, and ideas of the soul and its eternal destiny, were no longer possible as the foundation of Western civilization, of stable institutions, or of social progress. 

It was therefore necessary to reject the supernaturalism, fixed dogma, and ridged institutionalism with which Christianity has historically been associated.

Dewey stated in his “Credo” on religion that,

Experience itself is the sole ultimate authority.

Quoting Dr. Hunter further:

Dewey was in agreement with [Horace] Mann in opposing sectarian religion in the public school, and in agreement with [William] Harris against any form of supernatural religion in the classrooms . . .

Rather, children were to be regarded as having the capacity to determine their own moral standards . . .

The locus of moral authority shifted from external, objective criteria to subjective experience mediated by social relationships . . .

Finally, at the very center of this moral universe is the individual: supreme, autonomous, rational, evolving, and basically good.

Dostoevsky, Russia’s 19th century literary voice, its voice of clarity, could not stop what came in 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks established a national policy of atheism.

Dostoevsky was Russia’s greatest writer.  His dominating idea:

To kill God in man is to

Kill man himself.

In his book, The Possessed (AKA The Devils/The Demons), Dostoevsky describes the society which has suffered the ravages of a godless revolution.

Scholar and writer, Henri De Lubac writes of Dostoevsky’s portrayal:

The first phase of this work is destructive: destructive of the old society (that is what the story of the “possessed” brings before our eyes) and especially destruction of everything that owes its origin to faith in God.

Not only is heaven emptied but man is secularized; henceforth nothing about him must recall a transcendent origin and a sacred destiny.

The Russian scholastic, Paul Evdokimov completed his Ph.D. thesis on Dostoevsky.  Evdokimov stated that Dostoevsky’s novel “The Possessed”, also published as “Demons,” was meant to suggest that “social systems which have no Christian basis (the only one cable of transforming man) inevitably become systems of violence and slavery.”

In Dostoevsky’s Journal of an Author, the writer explains what would happen if God were to be eviscerated from society’s foundation. He says:

The result would be such darkness, such chaos, something so clumsy, blind and inhuman that the whole structure would collapse under the curses of mankind before the building have even been completed.

What Dostoevsky’s “The Possessed” describes is the twentieth century trajectory of America itself.  Once a beacon of both Christ and freedom, it is now an ideological wasteland whose clarion voices are stifled by a new secular ruling class.

Times change.  God does not.  The eschatological trajectories of Heaven run through the church.  We need only awaken to our God and to His divine calling on our lives.

This Wednesday, we will hear from a man who stood at death’s door twice and lived to know that God is the God of the resurrection.  It is a hint of what God can do in a society who has lost its way.

I look forward to seeing you Wednesday.

God bless.



Join us Wednesday to hear Alex Gray

Keeping China out of Oklahoma!

The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!


Come at 8:30 AM to sign up

for the 9 AM meeting.







Watch Alex present the China threat here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


First and Third Wednesday!

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.

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