Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reminder: Free Blue Bell Wednesday

Published Monday, July 29, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


The history of Ricky Dickson’s career as CEO of the Blue Bell Creameries reveals one of the most severe of storms to assault a corporation.

Nine years ago, on April 20, 2015, Blue Bell Creameries shut down all three manufacturing plants and issued a nationwide recall on all their products. Ricky Dickson was then the Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Over eight million gallons of ice cream was destroyed.

Furloughs and layoffs followed.

It was an hour of darkness which was overcome by trust in the divine hand of providence.

Hear first hand the highs and lows and the principles which restored the company and elevated it to an even higher plane. Over-the-top safety features and over-the-top sales growth.


Ricky's book will be on sale for $22.99 and he will autograph them for you before and after the meeting.

His book, One Scoop at a Time, is centered on turning fear into faith. It is the heart and soul of the roadmap leading to peace in the midst of a yet-to-be resolved storm!

Come and enjoy Blue Bell ice cream compliments of the Dickson family and hear the story of how God saved the nation’s most beloved brand of ice cream.

Bring friends, your children, and your grandchildren!

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Only God can Save America

Paris was the resurrection of the French Revolution’s sexual rebellion last week.  Marie Antoinette’s beheading, a part of that revolution, was a main feature.  It celebrated Robespierre’s reign of murderous terror and sexual debauchery.

During the opening ceremony, on the river Seine (the French pronunciation is sin), a performer dressed as a decapitated Marie Antoinette popped up on screen to sing an execution ballad made popular during the revolution's Reign of Terror.

Many such beheaded performers were featured as a prominent theme of the festivities.  They are too repulsive to include in this newsletter. You may "Google" the images.


The Olympics, representing the nations of the world, was once a centerpiece for national unity and dignity.

This international affair was opened last Friday night, July 26, on the river Seine in Paris by a presentation disgracing Christianity through its pronounced sexual perversions with unimaginable contempt for the standards which built the West.  

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper of

Christ was sexualized and desecrated.

The memory of Sodom and Gomorrah was emphasized by the smoke which billowed from the windows.

These scenes are reminiscent of the Christless darkness which has engulfed large areas of the world over the span of more than a century.

The Olympics last week celebrated decades of efforts to remove religion from the face of the earth. Its replacement is sexual hedonism.

See comments from the Wall Street Journal,

the Denver Gazette, and the Catholic Church.

The Paris Olympics have accentuated the fact that the twenty-first century’s opening quarter is a continuation of the twentieth century’s dark age.

It is a darkness which comes from the disconnection of Christianity from the affairs of state. 

So dark, last week the nations of the world celebrated the more than 15,000 Frenchmen (Marie Antoinette included) who were victims of a violent Reign of Terror as the world’s Olympics opened.

The carnage of the last century came from governments which separated religion and church from both the state and its schools.  Lenin’s 1918 Constitution of Soviet Russia, in the thirteenth provision (Article Two, Chapter Five) separated both the state and education from the church.  

Lenin’s atheistic paradigm now dominates

the classrooms of American school.


In these two centuries, thanks to the separation of church and state, well over 100 million citizens were slaughtered by their own government.

The Foundation touched upon this

in our May 8, 2023 edition here.

Lenin murdered over eight million of his own citizens.

It is what governments untethered to Christianity do.  Overall, 160 million people died in the last century by democide.  In all cases (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and many others) these murders were committed by governments not bound to Christianity.

The voices of Oklahoma’s political left promote Lenin’s removal of religion from all influence over the state and education.  I’ve heard them quote with passion the separation of church and state element of Lenin’s constitution at the monthly meetings of Oklahoma’s State Board of Education.

Christian Karl Josias Bunsen (1791-1860), Christian scholar and philosopher of Germany in his Philosophy of Human History wrote:

The noblest nations have ever believed in an immutable moral order of the world, constituted by divine wisdom and regulating the destinies of mankind.

The truly philosophical historian must believe that there is an eternal order in the government of the world, to which all might and poser are to become and do become subservient; that truth, justice, wisdom, and moderation are sure to triumph; and that when the contrary appears to the case, the fault lies in our mistaking the middle for the end.

There must be a solution to every complication, as certainly that a dissidence cannot form the conclusion of a musical composition.

In other words, the philosopher who will understand and interpret history must believe that God, not accident, governs the world.

Our founders had the advantage of ministers who understood that their responsibilities extended beyond the pulpits to the government as well.

Rev Thomas Reese, graduate of Princeton and a presbyterian minister, in 1788, wrote this about the fundamental importance of our national identity being tied to the adherence to Christianity:

Morality, independent of religion, never existed.


"To be antagonistic toward God is to

be antagonistic toward the foundation of

the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution."

~Tulsi Gabbard, For Love of Country



Join us Wednesday to hear Ricky Dickson

Remember: Free Blue Bell Ice Cream!

The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!


JULY 31, 2024

Ricky Dickson







Led by Outspoken Christian

Head Coach Joe Mazzulla

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


Monday, July 29, 2024

Free Blue Bell Wednesday

Published Monday, July 29, 2024


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


The history of Ricky Dickson’s career as CEO of the Blue Bell Creameries reveals one of the most severe of storms to assault a corporation.

Nine years ago, on April 20, 2015, Blue Bell Creameries shut down all three manufacturing plants and issued a nationwide recall on all their products. Ricky Dickson was then the Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Over eight million gallons of ice cream was destroyed.

Furloughs and layoffs followed.

It was an hour of darkness which was overcome by trust in the divine hand of providence.

Hear first hand the highs and lows and the principles which restored the company and elevated it to an even higher plane. Over-the-top safety features and over-the-top sales growth.


Ricky's book will be on sale for $22.99 and he will autograph them for you before and after the meeting.

His book, One Scoop at a Time, is centered on turning fear into faith. It is the heart and soul of the roadmap leading to peace in the midst of a yet-to-be resolved storm!

Come and enjoy Blue Bell ice cream compliments of the Dickson family and hear the story of how God saved the nation’s most beloved brand of ice cream.

Bring friends, your children, and your grandchildren!

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Only God can Save America

Paris was the resurrection of the French Revolution’s sexual rebellion last week.  Marie Antoinette’s beheading, a part of that revolution, was a main feature.  It celebrated Robespierre’s reign of murderous terror and sexual debauchery.

During the opening ceremony, on the river Seine (the French pronunciation is sin), a performer dressed as a decapitated Marie Antoinette popped up on screen to sing an execution ballad made popular during the revolution's Reign of Terror.

Many such beheaded performers were featured as a prominent theme of the festivities.  They are too repulsive to include in this newsletter. You may "Google" the images.


The Olympics, representing the nations of the world, was once a centerpiece for national unity and dignity.

This international affair was opened last Friday night, July 26, on the river Seine in Paris by a presentation disgracing Christianity through its pronounced sexual perversions with unimaginable contempt for the standards which built the West.  

Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper of

Christ was sexualized and desecrated.

The memory of Sodom and Gomorrah was emphasized by the smoke which billowed from the windows.

These scenes are reminiscent of the Christless darkness which has engulfed large areas of the world over the span of more than a century.

The Olympics last week celebrated decades of efforts to remove religion from the face of the earth. Its replacement is sexual hedonism.

See comments from the Wall Street Journal,

the Denver Gazette, and the Catholic Church.

The Paris Olympics have accentuated the fact that the twenty-first century’s opening quarter is a continuation of the twentieth century’s dark age.

It is a darkness which comes from the disconnection of Christianity from the affairs of state. 

So dark, last week the nations of the world celebrated the more than 15,000 Frenchmen (Marie Antoinette included) who were victims of a violent Reign of Terror as the world’s Olympics opened.

The carnage of the last century came from governments which separated religion and church from both the state and its schools.  Lenin’s 1918 Constitution of Soviet Russia, in the thirteenth provision (Article Two, Chapter Five) separated both the state and education from the church.  

Lenin’s atheistic paradigm now dominates

the classrooms of American school.


In these two centuries, thanks to the separation of church and state, well over 100 million citizens were slaughtered by their own government.

The Foundation touched upon this

in our May 8, 2023 edition here.

Lenin murdered over eight million of his own citizens.

It is what governments untethered to Christianity do.  Overall, 160 million people died in the last century by democide.  In all cases (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and many others) these murders were committed by governments not bound to Christianity.

The voices of Oklahoma’s political left promote Lenin’s removal of religion from all influence over the state and education.  I’ve heard them quote with passion the separation of church and state element of Lenin’s constitution at the monthly meetings of Oklahoma’s State Board of Education.

Christian Karl Josias Bunsen (1791-1860), Christian scholar and philosopher of Germany in his Philosophy of Human History wrote:

The noblest nations have ever believed in an immutable moral order of the world, constituted by divine wisdom and regulating the destinies of mankind.

The truly philosophical historian must believe that there is an eternal order in the government of the world, to which all might and poser are to become and do become subservient; that truth, justice, wisdom, and moderation are sure to triumph; and that when the contrary appears to the case, the fault lies in our mistaking the middle for the end.

There must be a solution to every complication, as certainly that a dissidence cannot form the conclusion of a musical composition.

In other words, the philosopher who will understand and interpret history must believe that God, not accident, governs the world.

Our founders had the advantage of ministers who understood that their responsibilities extended beyond the pulpits to the government as well.

Rev Thomas Reese, graduate of Princeton and a presbyterian minister, in 1788, wrote this about the fundamental importance of our national identity being tied to the adherence to Christianity:

Morality, independent of religion, never existed.


"To be antagonistic toward God is to

be antagonistic toward the foundation of

the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution."

~Tulsi Gabbard, For Love of Country



Join us Wednesday to hear Ricky Dickson

Remember: Free Blue Bell Ice Cream!

The nation is in peril and is

calling to each of you for help!

See you Wednesday!

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, OKC, OK

God bless!


JULY 31, 2024

Ricky Dickson







Led by Outspoken Christian

Head Coach Joe Mazzulla

I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


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