Monday, February 26, 2024

Turning Point USA

Published Monday, February 26, 2024





415 NE 13TH ST, OKC, OK 73104

One mile south of the state Capitol

Northwest corner of 13th and Lincoln

Next to OCPA




We moved our February 21st meeting to this week in order to take advantage of our speaker's travel schedule. Because of events at the the History Center, we also had to move our location.

Turning Point USA has a major footprint in America and we will be meeting its national leader of the TPUSA outreach to both universities and high schools.

Bring a friend!!!

Send this Newsletter to another here.



The Books Are Here!

Some of you have not picked up your copies.

If you purchased a copy in the January meeting . . .

Your copy of Mao's America

will be available this

Wednesday at the entry table.

Come meet

TPUSA's National Director

this Wednesday



415 NE 13th Street, OKC, OK 73104

Just a mile south of the State Capitol

on the NW Corner of 13th and Lincoln

Come and be a part of building

an informed Oklahoma!

Bring your family and friends Wednesday

Bring your pastor and buy his lunch!

Send this Newsletter to another here.

Lunch is optional for $10

Doors Open 11 AM

Meeting Noon to 1:15 PM

Advance Center for Free Enterprise

415 NE 13 th Street, OKC, OK 73104


Tax-deductible donations accepted at door.


Find us at Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


Restoring the Innocence of America's Youth

This past week, I reviewed a two-hour documentary on the state of schools in America by filmmakers Robby and Landon Starbuck. The film contains images far more graphic than I am comfortable showing although they are images that most American children are forced to view in the government’s system of schools.

As we noted earlier this month, the driving force which drives the sexualization of things is a banking model known as Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Today it dictates the corporation’s public identity.

Justin Danhof appears early on in the Starbuck's above-mentioned documentary, War on Children.

Justin is the Executive Vice President of Corporate Governance for Strive Investments. He said that in the past, corporations strove to clarify their corporate identity in an effort to most effectively image their products or services in a clear way that enabled employees to understand the fundamental priorities of the workplace. The process also was an aid to crafting compelling marketing campaigns.

His clear and outspoken analysis of the shift in the public image of large corporations has been a direct result of Environmental Social Corporate Governance (ESG) and he is catching the attention of the nation's leading spokesmen.

Today, Justin says, because of ESG, everyone’s corporate identity is the same: Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) complete with rainbow flags and gendered-up imaging.

Brett Craig, former Chief Creative Officer with Deutsch, also made extensive comments on the War on Children film.

Brett was terminated because he did not fit the ESG mold. He was an amazing talent and remarkably productive, but he was not woke. The world of woke is rigidly intolerant of outliers.

His interview is summarized by his statement that DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) meant Conformity Unfairness and Exclusion.

It is one of the core themes of George Orwell’s 1984: Newspeak. Newspeak is the Party's language (doublethink), and revisionist history. For the residents of the tyranny of Oceana, the past is mutable.

Words, concepts, even history are defined by the Ministry of Truth.




In the kingdom of Oceana, the government creates language to control the population and to limit the ability for independent thought. In Oceana, it is known as Newspeak.

If Orwell’s 1984 was being written in 2024, Newspeak’s billboard, in full compliance with the principles of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance, would read:




Diversity Equity and Inclusion is the Newspeak of the ESG (Environmental Social Governance) moguls. When we observe its application in both education and in corporate America, we begin to realize that it is the prison of Big Brother in 2024.

As Deutsch's former non-woke super-star Brett Craig said, all corporate America now realizes it means Conformity to Big Brother, unfairness to all who do not assimilate, and exclusion of those who do not think properly.

Orwell understood the American boardroom well when deep into his novel, he has Winston, the novel’s protagonist, the one who hates The Party with a passion, sit down to pen words expressing his disdain for the re-defining of words, the re-writing of history, and the forced conformity of thought. Winston is fantasizing of a life outside of the prison of Oceana's Hell-hole. He muses:

To the future or to the past,

to a time when thought is free,

when men are different from one

another and do not live alone –

to a time when truth exists and

what is done cannot be undone:

From the age of uniformity, from

the age of solitude, from the

Age of Big Brother, from the

age of doublethink – greetings!

All this brings to mind a statement in Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn’s Leftism Revisited:

When Words lose their meaning,

people lose their liberty.

One more thing about the film


ESG also dictates the focus and identity of our universities, our kindergartens, and all else in between.

The film takes a dark turn when it interviews Seth Gruber, CEO of the White Rose Resistance.

Seth introduces us to the sinister elements of the government’s education today. Sex education modeled after the work of Alfred Kinsey.

It is a program in our schools which states there is no right and wrong. It has penetrated our classrooms to sexualize our youngest ones to become focused on sex in what was once considered the age of innocence.

We now live in the age void of truth. Young bodies are mutilated, identities are redefined, and children are introduced to lives of dependence on pharmaceuticals to enable them to cope with their altered bodies. These children are being lied to in our schools and they will cope with devastating impact of their altered bodies for the rest of their lives.

Watch the film War on Children to hear Seth introduce SEICUS, the Sexual Information Council of the US. It is horrifying. The entire film is stunning. It is mandatory for those who want to know their enemy much better than they now do. It is a challenge for engagement.



Is this found among those associated

with Oklahoma classrooms?


No right and wrong were the ideas communicated by several speakers at last week’s open forum at the Oklahoma Board of Education meeting with Ryan Walters. One speaker could not have been more clear when he said "there is no truth!" If he is right, we can rest assured that nothing he said that day or any other day of his life was true.

Thankfully, Father Stephen Hamilton and a number of others were there to represent the sane element of Oklahoma.

As God’s people, we have a calling to be bold, brave, and engaged in the battle for the hearts and minds of those who will lead civilization forward.

Come this Wednesday to hear the work being done nationally through Turning Point USA. Hear also from our TPUSA representatives who work in Oklahoma. Come be encouraged to keep the faith and maintain the fight for liberty and righteousness.

We have all been called to battle for the restoration of the heart and soul of the nation through laying a foundation here in Oklahoma.

Send this Newsletter to another here.



If you purchased


You may get your copy this Wednesday!

Come help us change the world.

See you Wednesday!


I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

To join, mail a cancelled check to:


P.O. Box 721212

Norman, OK 73070

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

Thank you for your activism.


I hope to see you at this

Wednesday's luncheon!

February 28, 2024

11:00 AM Doors open

11:00 AM Lunch Available

NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting


Advance Center for Free Enterprise

415 NE 13th St, OKC, OK 73104

One mile south of the state Capitol

On the Northwest corner of 13th and Lincoln.

God bless!

OCPAC FOUNDATION is a 501 (c) (3).

Gifts are tax-deductible.

Bring your checkbook this Wednesday!

Make your tax-deductible donation

Monday, February 19, 2024


Published Monday, February 19, 2024

A note from



Mandating A Return to Phonics in 2024

Legislation to cure the inability of Oklahomans to read could not get a hearing last year. That has now changed and this spring, the Senate's phonics bills, SB1905 and SB1906, are projected to make it to the Governor’s desk.

The bills replace the term phonics with scientifically based and researched methodology, also known by its advocates as the Science of Reading.

Research has demonstrated the superior success of phonics, while dropping scores in public school reading demonstrates that Oklahoma’s current method known as Three Cuing or Whole Language does not work.

A return to phonics will restore the once common ability of Americans to read. Thirty-one states now mandate some form of phonics in the classroom.

Oklahoma’s scores have dropped with the passing of every year because of the use of Whole Language which is taught in Oklahoma's colleges of education.

In 2022, 76% of Oklahoma’s fourth grade

students scored below the NAEP

Proficient level in reading.

Find the report here.

Ten years ago (2014), Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman published Crimes of the Educators. Blumenfeld is a prolific writer who spent forty years discovering why US public schools have produced millions of functional illiterates. To aid in the research for this book, he partnered with international journalist and educator, Alex Newman.

Writing about how children learn to read, the authors write:

While we know how children learn to read phonetically, no one seems to know how children learn a sight vocabulary. Indeed, teaching children to read in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries by a method preceding the invention of the alphabet does not make sense.

Essentially, the sight method works as follows: The child is given a sight vocabulary to memorize. He or she is taught to look at and say the words without knowing that the letters stand for sounds. As far as the learner is concerned, the letters are a bunch of arbitrary squiggles arranged in some arbitrary, haphazard order. The learner’s task is to see a picture in the configuration of the whole word – to make the word horse look like a horse.

Of course, the word horse does not look like a horse. So how does a child remember that the word is a horse? Any way he can. There isn’t a professor of education anywhere in the world who can tell you how a child learns a sight vocabulary. 

The only research we found that addresses that question was done by Josephine H. Bowden at the elementary school of the University of Chicago around 1912.

A description of the studies was given by Harvard Professor Walter F. Dearborn.

Quoting from the 1914 research of Dr. Dearborn:

In the first study the pupils, who had no instruction in reading, were taught by a word method without the use of phonics and the problem was to determine by what means the children actually recognized and differentiated words when left to their own devices.

The children learned by trial-and-error methods. It may be the length of the word, the initial letter, the final letter, a characteristic letter, or the position of the word in the sentence. 

There is no evidence in any of the cases studied that the child works out a system by which he learns to recognize words.

~Walter Dearborn, The Psychological Research

of James McKeen Cattle: A Review of Some

of His Pupils, Archives of Psychology

Alex Newman has just published an

updated book on the travesty

of American education.

Find it here.

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death

Below is a quote from the website of a far-left organization called the Association for Curriculum Development. They promote the pro-Marx ideas of Paulo Freire and are advocates of the whole language methodology.

They explain the reading method they advocate as follows:

Invented spellings are the crude, approximate spellings that young children devise, such as "lrn" for "learn" or "misef" for "myself." Supporters of whole language believe that teachers should allow young children to use invented spelling, so as not to inhibit their nascent desire to write.

Current promoters of these failed ideas are Carole Adelsky, Bess Altwerger, and Barbara Flores. They wrote in their book Whole Language: What’s the Difference?:

Whole language represents a major shift in thinking about the reading process. Rather than viewing reading as ‘getting the words,’ whole language educators view reading as essentially a process of creating meanings . . . It is a transaction, not an extraction of meaning from print, in the sense that the reader-created meanings are a fusion of what the reader brings and what the text offers.

Whole Language advocate Julia Palmer, then President of the American Reading Council, wrote in a November 28, 1986 article in The Washington Post that it is acceptable if a young child reads the word “house” for “home,” or substitutes “pony” for a “horse.”

She said:

It's not very serious because she understands the meaning. Accuracy is not the name of the game.

Donald Potter, an educator in Odessa, Texas wrote to Blumenfeld and Newman to let them know of the disaster the whole language method has brought to the classroom. He said:

One of the cardinal signs of whole-language instruction is the confusion of “a” and “the.” I know they look totally different, but the kids continually confuse them. The sentence will always make sense, even though they have read the wrong word.

Those who engineered this shift promised an educational boon. What we received was a cultural dark age. Just as the leftists promise a Marxist utopia but deliver, every time, a Hell on earth!

The legislature appears poised to

return Oklahoma to the robust

education our forefathers knew.

The McGuffey Readers were exceptionally popular in America and sold about 120 million copies between 1836 and 1960. This placed the readers sales in the same category as the Bible.

Since 1961, they have continued

to sell 30,000 copies a year!

The McGuffey Rider was a phonics-based reading system.

The Readers produced the first mass-educated mass-literate generation in the modern world. It so popularized the writings of Shakespeare that American's reverence for the writer was second only to the Bible.

Industrialist Henry Ford loved them. He republished the entire 1867 edition and donated them to schools across America.

Let's hope for such a resurgence

of literacy in Oklahoma!

The Foundation's next meeting is Wednesday, February 28 with Turning Point USA's National Director of operations on the campuses of high schools and colleges.

We moved our meeting from the 21st to the 28th to accommodate his schedule.

Join our meetings and help us

change Oklahoma as we seek to

right the American ship of state.

Make plans to come to the

Oklahoma History Center

in two weeks on

Wednesday, February 28 at noon.

This Wednesday will be a

meeting of OCPAC Action at the

Advance Center for Free Enterprize

415 NE 13th Street, OKC, OK

Wednesday, February 14 at 11:30.


I encourage each of you to support our mission.

To get started, we are suggesting:

The Century Club

Your $100 per month donation will help support the development of the Foundation’s work to widen our audience and outreach capabilities with quality meetings and enhanced educational video content.

Our beginning financial goals will allow us to secure the initial permanent staff positions necessary to the function of a foundation with ambitions to change the world.



A 501 (c) 3 Educational Foundation

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"OCPAC is about religion and politics,  the only two things that matter." -John Michener, President. The mission of O...