Monday, December 30, 2019

VISION 2020 | Presentation of OCPAC strategies | Citizen of the Year

OCPAC Weekly Insights
Monday Edition
December 30, 2019

This Wednesday's OCPAC Meeting
January 1, 2020
Noon to 1 PM
In Person and...
Live on Blue Moose TV & Facebook
OCPAC Strategies for 2020
OCPAC Executive Team Members
Will Discuss OCPAC 2020 Strategy
Past Speakers Returning
New Faces Coming
The 2019 OCPAC weekly mid-week luncheon featured a strong line-up of speakers. We will be asking many to return. We'll also introduce a group of new speakers.

In 2020, we'll address issues dealt with by our legislature, school boards, county and city governments featuring the important topics of the day. These include economics, prisons, education, border control, health care, the courts, government bureaucracy, and the role of journalism in America.

We will meet at KAMPS
this Wednesday

Kamp's 1910 Café
10 NE 10th St

NOON to 1 PM


$2 if not eating

Today's Content

The Ontology of Conservatism
Foundations of Political Thought
by Bob Linn

OCPAC 2020
Charlie Meadows

Next Week at OCPAC

Dr. David Deming, Ph.D.
Global Warming

Last Month at OCPAC

Marc Nuttle
State, National, & International Politics


Sign a Letter to Chick fil A

Special Events

James Robison
Coming to City Elders January 2020


Citizen of the Year
OK2A's Don Spencer


Kamp's 1910 Café

New Book Recommendation
The Ontology of Conservatism
Foundations of Political Thought
by Bob Linn
Jumanji, an adventure in fantasyland, topped all other movies in the final month of 2019. Regrettably, fantasyland thrives in 21st-century America. Our journalists, educators, political leaders, and even too many pastors have jettisoned Christian thought for the mythology imagined by autonomous human thought. Dr. Everett Piper has bemoaned the impact it has had on our culture. Even in our universities, too many of our youth are saying, “I want to live in a fairytale. I want to pretend. And, everyone else must cooperate with my fantasy.” Not A Daycare, Dr. Everett Piper, P 41.

The fantasy we live in American politics is the disconnect between Christianity and conservatism. We’ve disconnected the vital link which joins two vital elements of our civic life. The connection between Christianity and politics is one our forefathers considered the most indispensable of bonds.

With the decline in Biblical fidelity, we have lost our epistemological foundations. Epistemology is the study of how we know anything, including principles of good government. As a result, we are living in a culture increasingly possessing the elements of fairytales and fables.
When a tree is severed from its roots, it dies. The same may be said of cultures. In his book, The Cube and the Cathedral, George Weigel states that modern Europe is trying to rebuild after having jettisoned its historic and well-developed roots. Those roots are its Christian foundations.
We must re-connect our culture, complete with its political & educational institutions, with the Christian roots of Western Civilization and our Puritan forefathers.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn told us Europe was in decline because men had forgotten something essential about their humanity. Men had forgotten God. 
In his article “Men Have Forgotten God”, National Review, July 2, 1983, P 872-876, he states:

The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century.
Political philosopher and former president of the Italian senate, Marcello Pera agrees!

Pera writes:

The apostasy of Christianity is exposing the entire West to the risk of a grave cultural and political crisis, and perhaps even to a collapse of civilization.

~Marcello Pera
Why We Should Call Ourselves Christians: The Religious Roots of Free Societies, trans. L.B. Lappin (New York: Encounter, 2011), P 62
Angelo Codevilla is professor emeritus of international relations and former member of the U.S. Senate intelligence committee.
Codevilla states:

American capitalism was not a doctrine but rather the consequence of the country’s religious, family, and civic institutions. Religion, wrote de Tocqueville, was the first of America’s political institutions … Christianity filled every nook and cranny of the public square and set the regime’s tone, because both political and ecclesiastical authority was exercised by, of, and for a Bible-toting people. 
~The Character of Nations, Angelo Codevilla, P 16
21st Century politics and culture suffer from a church that has ceased to be its intellectual leader. The world is left to build crumbling political, educational, and cultural structures on top of man-made myths which have no grounding in Divine truth.
English philosopher and radio personality, C.E.M. Joad stated:

... by accepting the dead end of reigning assumption, the church absorbs whatever conclusions "enlightened" people consider current. The church functions as just another means used by the political and social establishment to integrate society’s values into the next generation. The support it receives depends on the extent to which it uncritically transmits its values. Its passivity makes it acceptable and ensures its irrelevance.

~C.E.M. Joad
The Recovery of Belief: A restatement of Christian Philosophy (London Faber and Faber, 1952), P237.
In his book, Moment of Truth, Marc Nuttle points out that parents who fail to be involved in the political process leave their children to the oversight of strangers. Those who fail to be involved in government, even if it is only by voting, leave the future of their children and grandchildren to the authority of those strangers.

I hope that we can, over time, return our culture to the God who created us. I trust that OCPAC will play a role through our speakers, our candidates, and our legislation. Through building leaders, I hope to see a return to the civilization our Christian forefathers gave us.
Charlie Meadows
One of the points of discussion during this week's meeting will be the content of our meetings. Over this past year we have had a large number of speakers covering many different subjects.

One of the reasons for this format is a desire that our members as well as those watching through various forms of technology be the best informed citizens in the state of Oklahoma on a wide range of issues. This is especially true for those attending our meetings as they often times have an advantage by being able to speak with our speakers after we end our meetings as well as discuss things with one another.

In the past our format has changed significantly during an election year. Some of this may or may not change based on our developing relationship with City Elders.

These are some of the things we want to discuss this Wednesday.

Dr. David Deming, Ph.D.
We begin our 2020 speaker season with a session which will expose the political rhetoric behind the climate issue. This deals with a leftist agenda designed to play a key role in diminishing America's position in the international community.
Featured Last Month
State, National, and International Politics
Marc Nuttle
Consultant to the Nations
If you missed our luncheon, you missed a real treat. Consider ordering Marc Nuttle's book, Moment of Truth. The byline of this book reads:
How Our Government's Addiction To Spending and Power Will Destroy Everything That Makes America Great.

Thank you, Marc, for generously giving us two hours of your time to speak and answer our many questions.

May Marc's leadership have an impact on Oklahoma!
Subscribe to the Nuttle Report here.
Order Marc's book here.
Letter to Chick fil A
Add your signature today!

A few weeks ago, the president of the American Family Association send a very kindly worded letter to the CEO of Chick-fil-A asking for clarification of statements made by Chick-fil-A leadership.

The issue, of course, is their withdrawal of support of Christian organizations in order to fund, instead, leftist and LGBTQ causes. Read Tim's letter here.

Adding your signature to the letter will help Chick-fil-A to understand that we are concerned. Your signature will encourage them to break their silence to the questions raised by AFA. Add your signature here.
James Robison
Council & Confidant of the President
Registration closed after December 31, 2019

Hear Vision 2020 here

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Thursday, January 9, 2020
6:30 PM
Banquet Information & Tickets
A Black Tie Event
Dark suit, ballroom attire, tux not a requirement
The Marriott Hotel
1902 E 71st St, Tulsa, OK
Sooner Politics Citizen of the Year
OK2A's Don Spencer
Find OK2A here.
The OCPAC compact with City Elders is significant for both organizations. Most importantly, the partnership is significant for the future of Oklahoma.


If you live in the Tulsa Area, please attend their weekly Thursday morning meetings. It will be the highlight of your week!

The Doubletree Hotel at 61st & Yale in Tulsa
8 A.M. to 10 A.M.

Hear the vision of City Elders here.
OCPAC Mid-Week
Lunch is Served
NOON to 1 PM
Kamp's 1910 Café
10 NE 10th St



Bring your children and grandchildren.
Build foundation of Biblical thought. 
Train future leaders.


You now have a choice of two platforms.

Re-Broadcast Daily at Noon
Join Us This Wednesday
NOON to 1 PM
Kamp's 1910 Café
10 NE 10th St

Increase your political savvy by ordering (and reading) Moment of Truth by Marc Nuttle.

Wed December 4, 2019
OCPAC Guest Speaker Marc Nuttle

Moment of Truth
by Marc Nuttle
Available here
Marc Nuttle helped build the conservative movement that brought us Ronald Reagan. In Moment of Truth he reminds us that power lies in our hands to create the kind of America we want to leave for our children and grandchildren.
~ U.S. Senator Tom A. Coburn
Not A Daycare
Still an important read
Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here.
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"OCPAC is about religion and politics,  the only two things that matter." -John Michener, President. The mission of O...