Monday, June 24, 2019

Eliminating Oklahoma’s Electoral College Rights | TRENT ENGLAND OCPA

OCPAC Weekly Insights
Monday Edition
June 24, 2019

This Wednesday's OCPAC Meeting
June 26, 2019
In Person & Live on Facebook
Trent England OCPA

Hillary Clinton, Beto O’Rourke, and Alexandria Occasio-Cortez all want to abolish the Electoral College. Elizabeth Warren says this would be a step towards “national voting,” which she explained would mean eliminating state election security laws.
Amending the Constitution is rightfully difficult, but California millionaire John Koza thinks he has found an “end run.” It’s called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, or NPV.

NPV is nothing short of a hijacking—an attempt by state legislatures to manipulate the Electoral College system to create a direct election of the president. This would shift power to the biggest cities, create new incentives for election fraud, and push our country farther away from the idea of limited government. Trent will explain why NPV is a serious threat, what OCPA’s Save Our States project is doing to stop it, and how we can help.

Trent England is executive vice president and the David and Ann Brown Distinguished Fellow at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, where he also directs the Save Our States project. He earned his J.D. from the George Mason University School of Law. He previously served as executive vice president of the Freedom Foundation and as a legal policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation. He hosts the podcast, The Trent England Show, and has written for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Times. He is a contributor to The Heritage Guide to the Constitution.
NOON to 1 PM at Olivet Baptist Church
NW 10th and Western, OKC
Lunch Available: See Below!
$2 donation to church if not eating
Today's Content
Removing States from National Elections: An American crisis by Bob Linn

Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin: Why the Electoral College?

Trent England: The Dangers of NPV

Commissioner Kevin Calvey: Troubles in Sheriff's Department

Pastor Mike Biggs: Kindness & Depth. Response to a caustic critic.

Globalism Gains New Life : USMCA
Removing States from National Elections
An American Crisis
by Bob Linn
This week’s speaker will articulate the destructive impact of a movement which began twelve years ago in the state legislature of Maryland. It is a seditious bill called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV). Maryland’s Democrats continue to work on plans to deconstruct the intended purposes of the U.S. constitution and presidential election law. As with all initiatives with deep cultural or broad national significance, this is one which began in a leftist think tank!

The scheme is to get state legislatures and Governors to award their state’s presidential electors to the candidate who carries the national popular vote. Each state voluntarily concedes the will of their people to the will of America’s large metropolitan areas and to the larger states. Had enough states, including Oklahoma, had this in force in 2016, all of Oklahoma's electoral votes would have gone to Hillary Clinton, even though Donald Trump won every county in Oklahoma.

Fifteen Governors have signed the measure into law in their state. This includes, of course, New York, California, and Illinois. Support is alarmingly high.

As always, the driving force which has propelled this movement is the growing culture of Marxist ideology and the secular statist mindset which supports it. All the result of more than 100 years of a massive effort to place American children into an educational system devoid of the history of Christendom, Western Civilization, and the American foundations of Puritan thought.

Because the electoral college has delivered the White House to Republicans in recent history, the radical left has devised this very clever plan to leave the electoral college intact while making it the servant of the will of a national majority and no longer reflective of the will of the individual sovereign states. It is, indeed, a move to eliminate the role of the states in this union we call the United States. It would become a nation of individuals and not a nation of states. This move toward the removal of the sovereignty of individual states mirrors the political transformation of Germany that Hitler accomplished in his day.

Our American educational system has been devoid of reference to the freedoms inherent in the theonomic cultures of the past. We have nurtured a few generations who do not understand that freedom is found only in theonomic systems (governments based on the Law of God). Instead, we've become a society (church folks included) who believe that virtue and freedom are found in systems of human autonomy (man makes his own law based on his ideas). These systems have led in every case to the tyranny of the few, the worship of the tyrant as a god, the economic desolation of the many, and the death of large groups the few deem a threat to them. Political autonomy from the Law of God always yields the promise of budding tyrannies offering free things to the many, engendering their foolish support. Reality sinks in when it is too late!

This is no different than the way the minds of both Adam and Eve, our first parents, worked when Satan countered the Word of God in the Garden. They concluded, finally, that their own (God-given) minds out-ranked the Word of God and freely countered Divine revelation!

The solution? A world-wide restoration of the pulpits of God’s people and a restoration of our universities and schools. The restoration of God’s people will precede the restoration of cultural and political sanity (Godliness).

Come help us be a part of all this. Join us this Wednesday as we unravel they twisted threads of the political machinations of the individual American states and the NPV now threatening to remove Oklahoma’s voters from the presidential selection process!
Why the Electoral College?
Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin
"The electoral college is a bulwark of states' rights yet, perhaps paradoxically, it also tends to foster the cohesiveness of the entire nation. It makes it difficult for more populous urban states, or states with larger populations, like New York, Florida, and California, to gain an unfair advantage over less urban and populous states like North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.

To eliminate the electoral college would be essentially to eliminate the role of states in presidential elections. It would comprehensively nationalize the selection and insinuate that states as such have no interest in national presidential politics. For all practical purposes, it would remove the borders between states and transform the United States of America into the united people of America."
~ Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin

You may read Dr. Sandlin’s entire article at LewRockwell here.

P. Andrew Sandlin is founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership. He holds academic degrees or concentrations in English, English literature, history, political science, and systematic theology, but his chief interest is cultural theology. He is married and has five adult children and three grandchildren.
The Danger of the Attacks
on the Electoral College
by Trent England
This past April, Trent England delivered a speech at Hillsdale College's Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C. It was published this month in Imprimis.

His complete article (link below) lists the states who have already signed NPV into law. These represent 189 electoral college votes. This is only 89 electoral college votes short of the 270 needed to elect a president! The progress of NPV is alarming.

There are constitutional issues with the concept which will no doubt be challenged. If we want to continue in the wake of the principles of the American Revolution and not the secular French Revolution, we must put a stop to this movement!

Read Trent's entire article in the Hillsdale College website here.
A Call For Change in the
Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office
Commissioner Kevin Calvey
At last Wednesday's OCPAC meeting, Commissioner Calvey exposed a level of waste and mismanagement we are not accustomed to seeing so clearly.

We came away with the clear impression that Oklahoma County is in dire need of removing jail management from the authority of the Sheriff's department. This would remove the existing financial incentives which have led to amazing levels of waste.

Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Calvey, the county now has a jail trust which will have the authority to appoint competent management of the county jail.

As always, watch the video here. You will also find it on the OCPAC Facebook.
With Kindness & Depth
Response to a caustic critic
by Pastor Mike Biggs
Two weeks ago, OCPAC Vice President, Brian Imes, posted a comment on the OCPAC Facebook page regarding the effort Target stores are making to encourage people to celebrate LGBTQ+ month. A person we don't know (her name is Amy) was offended and and spoke of her disdain for the Bible and for people who read it, believe it, and see life through it. She called it a mythical book.

The response from Rev. Mike Biggs was both kind and intellectually thoughtful. We post it a second week in a row here.
Federal Politics
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Sets up a European Union-style (socialist)
North American Union


Chapters 17 & 23
Grants "migrant" workers labor protections
Allows unlimited number of such workers

Chapter 23
Dictates employer regulations
Including LGBTQ policies

Chapter 26
Economic integration of North America

Chapter 30
Layers of unaccountable global bureaucracy

Chapter 30
Ability to change agreement without congress

Stop the USMCA

Call President Trump

Call Your Oklahoma Senators:

Click links above, or call: 1-202-224-3121

Call Your Oklahoma Congressman:

District 1: KEVINHERN
District 3: FRANKLUCAS
District 4: TOMCOLE
District 5: KENDRAHORN

Click links above, or call: 1-202-225-3121
Globalism Gains Life
Through The USMCA Treaty
by Mike Sawyer, Field Coordinator JBS
We should oppose all multilateral "trade agreements," as they involve the surrender of US Sovereignty to internationalist bureaucrats. One of President Trump's most popular campaign promises was that he would kill TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), and NAFTA. On his first day in office, he killed TPP . Unlike his predecessors, Trump is a nationalist and has repeatedly promised that "Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo."

For this and many other reasons, I am a Trump supporter! However, I have not lost my thinking skills and am deeply disturbed at the key role now being played in these agreements by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an organization dedicated to promoting globalism. CFR's Robert Lighthizer is the U.S. Trade negotiator in charge of USMCA. Richard Haass, CFR President, confirmed in a tweet on October 2, 2018, that "USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks..." In other words, what we thought was dead has been resurrected.

Go to the actual USMCA website to read the agenda covered by this sovereignty-killing agreement here.

Read Mike's entire article exposing the danger at hand here.
State Action, Please!
National Popular Vote
Interstate Compact

This seditious effort to emasculate state sovereignty needs your action! Email or call your state legislator. Ask if the effort will be introduced in Oklahoma and if they have a perspective. Encourage dialogue and use the information from this email and from the Wednesday meeting to begin working against this.

Find your state legislator (both house and senate) here.
Join us at OCPAC. If not eating our $7 lunch, we ask for a $2 donation to Olivet Baptist Church to pay for utilities. THANKS!
I'd like to invite you to bring your children and grandchildren to the weekly OCPAC meetings. Build a foundation for the role of Biblical thought in their political views. Only as we train our future leaders will we be able to anticipate the maturing of the Kingdom of God expressed both through the church and through the State.
Help Right The Ship in Oklahoma!
This Wednesday
NOON to 1 PM
Olivet Baptist Church
1201 NW 10th St, OKC, OK 73106
Lunch will be Served!
We have a $7 lunch solution through Eagle One Pizza.

It is one of Oklahoma's highest rated pizza kitchens and they make it all fresh from scratch. Rated A+.

"Authentic pizza made from the finest ingredients: fresh basil, olive oil, vine-ripened fresh tomatoes & fresh mozzarella."

The $7 includes the $2 meeting room fee.

Tea and water are provided.
Purchase the great books referenced in a past email by two great American authors.

The Character of Nations
Angelo M. Codevilla
Available here.

The New England Clergy and the American Revolution 
Alice M. Baldwin
Available here.
Not A Daycare
Continues to sell!
Dr. Everett Piper
Dr. Piper is one of God's choice men. He is leading the way in the American Church and in the American Christian University by calling for a return to epistemological bedrock. I urge those of you who have not read his book, Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth, to order a copy today. It is available very inexpensively here.
Help support OCPAC'S mission.
Join OCPAC or send a contribution today!

To print donation form and mail a check, use the MAIL DONATION button below:
The button below will enable you to electronically join OCPAC or to make a donation through our website:

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